Dear Macro members,

I hope all of you are having a nice summer!

NEW FORMAT for our Musician's Workshop 2013!

The dates for the next Musician's Workshop are set for 2013. IMPORTANT NOTE, due to scheduling issues at the Monona Terrace, our format for 2013 will be slightly different than that of previous years. Instead of our typical 'day plus a half day' schedule we will meet for ONE DAY ONLY, on Saturday June 22nd from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. You should of course plan to attend for our usual camaraderie and great teaching ideas, but this schedule change means that we will also be able to provide both our famous Monona Terrace lunch AND a new dinner for participants! It's not too early to start thinking about topics and potential presentations for the event! Contact Jamie Henke at any time via email

Have a great summer!
