AllTopoMaps: 26 August 2011: Historic California Map Set, Updated BigTopo7
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All Topo Maps California Historic Set Available
The latest historic map set in the All Topo Maps series is now available. With 10,032 maps, spanning 35 DVD data disks and a compressed size of 161 gigabytes, this is the largest map set we have ever produced.
You can checkout the entire collection from this link [
CA Historic Map List ], there are online thumbnails for every map image.
A detailed summary of maps at each map scale with overview maps showing historic coverage can be found [
here ].
The oldest 5 historic maps in the set are (click to view thumbnails):
But these are not the most interesting maps in the collection...
If you are hunting for old gold mines, historic road and rail alignments, historic legal boundaries or forgotten town sites this latest All Topo Map California set with Historic content may be your best search tool. Every map is UTM projected and georeferenced so your All Topo projects will overlay the old maps properly.
If you purchased a California Map set within the past 30 days, give us a call and we will replace it with this latest edition at no charge. Reasonably priced upgrades are available for existing All Topo V7 California and V6 California users. You can purchase this set [
online ] or if you don't know which upgrade you qualify for call our office and we will take your order over the phone (+1 888 450-4922 x0).
If you order a V7 or V6 upgrade online prior to the last day of August, you will automatically recieve a 15% discount!
Upgrade from an existing All Topo Maps California V7 Pro: [
Upgrade V7 ]
Upgrade from an existing All Topo Maps California V6 map set:
Upgrade V6 ]
BigTopo7 Build 7435
An update to BigTopo7 is available. This version fixes an issue on some machines which causes a fault when you attempt enter the BigTopo7 Pro activation key. You can obtain this update by pressing this button: