Tuesday, April 20, 2010
1 Corinthians 15:14 And if Christ is not risen, then our preaching is empty and your faith is also empty.
What if Jesus never rose? Years ago a fictional book explored this possibility with the finding of a tomb with great evidence that Jesus never rose. The book then detailed the reaction of Christians some of who believed the archaeological hoax, while others clung firmly to their faith in God's Word.
If Jesus never rose from the dead, to whom would we compare Him? Will Rogers or Confucius? A man with intriguing sayings? No, it would be far worse. If Jesus is in the grave, then He would have to be compared to Mohammed or Joseph Smith--a religious leader who led millions on a false path. To believe in such a one or to spend your time proclaiming him as a Savior would be a worthless, empty endeavor.
But ... since Jesus did rise, because He is a living Savior, he is a foundation for your belief. Faith in this God-Man will get you through the worst of times on this earth, and will in fact get you past life on this earth to the paradise of heaven. There is a fullness to that faith. It is vital. The proclamation of Christ crucified and risen is worthy of headline news because He is the one solution to death and hell.
Christ is risen from the dead. Your faith is not empty. Christ is risen from the dead. Your preaching is not empty. Rejoice and live your faith, lending your voice to proclaim His praises.