Native Plant Conservation Campaign News: New study - Biological diversity has fallen below safe levels across more than half of world's land endangering humankind.
July 14, 2016
A new report published in the journal Science shows that habitat destruction has reduced the variety of plants and animals to the point that many ecological systems could soon become unable to function properly, with risks for agriculture and human health.
Read an article in the Guardian
Read the study Abstract
As biological diversity is lost, the ability of ecosystems to deliver sustainable supplies of ecosystem services and to withstand climate change is compromised. To learn more about Ecosystem Services please see the NPCC Ecosystem Services page.
The scientists have estimated that the variety of animals and plants has fallen to dangerous levels across more than half of the world’s landmass due to humanity destroying habitats to use as farmland.
The unchecked loss of biodiversity is akin to playing “ecological roulette” and will set back efforts to bring people out of poverty in the long term, they warned.