Dear Neighbors,

Our waterfront is one of Hoboken’s unique assets, contributing immeasurably to our quality of life. As our Councilperson, protecting it and continuing to make upgrades that allow our community to enjoy and use these public spaces will be one of my highest priorities.
That begins with ensuring we construct state-of-the-art public parks shaped by community input at the Union Dry Dock and Monarch sites.  For us residents of the 2nd Ward, these sites are part of our neighborhood.  Our ongoing feedback can help makes sure we get the parks we deserve  -- as well as the regular maintenance and improvements -- that ensure that the waterfront can be experienced and enjoyed by all, providing a range of recreational options as well as the pure enjoyment of nature.
As Councilperson, I will actively listen, proactively seeking 2nd Ward residents’ ideas for waterfront improvements and then ensuring they stay front and center in City Council deliberations and at City Hall.  Please tell me your ideas by replying to this email or emailing me at  This is our greater backyard, after all—and it is important that we get a say.
Marla Decker
P.S. NY Waterway's application for a maintenance facility that would occupy part of the Union Dry Dock site will be presented at the June 8, 7:00 PM Hoboken Planning Board meeting, which will be held at 94 Washington St (City Hall).  There will be a public comment period for anyone who would like to weigh in.
Follow me on Facebook here, and check out my website here.
Paid for by Marla Decker for Hoboken City Council Ward 2
1500 Garden St.
Hoboken, NJ 07030