May 25, 2012
We're excited to share another week of news & ideas with our MAiZE family. There never seems to be a shortage of ideas and the truth is that some of the best originate with all of you! So, if you ever have an idea you'd like us to pass along to the group, please just send it our way. Also, please remember that we'll be archiving these ideas on the siteowner web site, so that you can go back and view them whenever you like.
Idea of the Week: 23 Added Attractions Ideas!
The Redneck Drums, a new addition at Cornbelly's last year, is just one of the ideas included in this year's supplement to the Added Attractions Directory.
This week's idea is actually more like 23 ideas that have come from many of you! In the past we've compiled photos of fun "added attractions" that have come our way and published them into a series of guides.You can view these past guides on the MAiZE Owner Toolbox (siteowner website) by logging in (in the upper right corner of and then clicking on Resources.
Since we haven't put out a supplement to the directory in a couple of years, we thought we'd gather a few photos that haven't yet been included and put them into the 2012 Supplement to the Added Attractions Directory. To view, CLICK HERE.
We hope these directories make it easier to keep track of all the great ideas out there and that you each find at least one new idea that may make a good addition your farm!
Did you submit a recent order on the shopping cart?
If any of you have placed any orders on our online shopping cart in the past couple of weeks and haven't heard anything from us, there is a chance we may not have received your order. Due to a temporary glitch in the system, some orders did not come through. If you did submit an order and aren't sure if we got it, please email The problem is now fixed, but we want to make sure we didn't miss anybody.
June 30 Deadline to Register for 2013 Corn Party Cruise

Hopefully you all received your packets in the mail a few weeks ago with the annual newsletter, product catalog and cruise sign-up information sheet.
We hope you're all planning to set sail with us for the 13th annual Corn Party as we head to the Caribbean on Jan. 21-26, 2013.
Now is the time to book your cabin! The first deadline is June 30. If you misplaced the sheet we mailed to you, you can also view it by CLICKING HERE.
Tell Us When You Are Planting...

To help us better plan our schedule for designing and cutting mazes, it would be helpful to know when each of you planted and/or is planning to plant your corn.
If you could please send an email to with your estimated planting date, we'd really appreciate it. Thanks everyone...tis the farming season!
Time to Submit Your Maze Design Idea...

If you haven't yet submited your concept for this year's maze design, now is the time! To easily submit online, CLICK HERE. Also, if you're stumped and looking for a few good ideas. Be sure to visit our online design directory:
1. Login to the siteowner website in the upper right corner of
2. Click on Design Directory
Chat with MAiZE owners on the Facebook Forums

If you have a Facebook account, but haven't joined the Forum & Marketplace pages that are exclusive to our MAiZE family, you're missing out on a great opportunity to chat with your fellow MAiZE owners and/or get info on items for sale!
To access the Discussion Forum, CLICK HERE and request permission to join.
To access the Marketplace, CLICK HERE and request permission to join.
Archive of Ideas of the Week
If you'd like to browse through past Ideas of the Week, you can access them by visiting the Resource section of the siteowner website OR by CLICKING HERE. This link takes you to the most recent Ideas. Older ones, dating back several years are also on the siteowner site.
The MAiZE Inc.; PO Box 367, Spanish Fork, UT 84660; 888-798-0596