Gwyn's Calendar
Volunteers Needed
Local Printmaker to Exhibit Overseas
SI Kindy Report
Local Council
Pittwater High Musical
Author Talks
You Asked
For Sale
Local Guide
subscription Information
April 2010 Calendar
To download
a full version (A4 size) of this months calendar, ready for
printing, just click on the
calendar image.
You can contact
Gwyn Perkins by email at
file is quite large and in PDF format. To view PDF
documents you
will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer.
download Acrobat Reader please click here |
Public Relations Officer SIOCS
is seeking volunteers to fill two key positions on the Island Kindy
- main responsibilities include ensuring that operations comply with
requirements for childcare license and legislation, review of policies
and providing advice on regulatory requirements.
– main responsibilities include identifying and applying for grants,
keeping paperwork to record grants received and applied, and ensuring
SIOCS is compliant with any funding agreements
These roles offer a terrific opportunity for a student to add
experience to their CV or for a retiree or person working part time to
contribute to the smooth running of the kindy. SIOCS estimates the
roles will only require 1-2 hours per week plus attending monthly
committee meetings.
If you believe you have the skills to suit and would be
to volunteer your time to SIOCS, or if you would like more information,
please email Camilla Ryberg on or ph. 9979 2231.

Master Printmaker chosen to Exhibit
Island resident and master printmaker Paul Smith's work "Akky's Dream"
has been chosen for
inclusion in the prestigious Pacific Rim International Print
Exhibition. To be shown at the University of Canterbury - Te Whare
Wanaga o Waitaha, Christchurch NZ in September.
Over 15 years ago, this prestigious exhibition was established by the
University of Hawaii at Hilo, USA. It has been located at the
University of Canterbury since 2008. In 2008, more than 200 artists
entered the exhibition, with 37 works from artists from the nations of
New Zealand, Australia, Japan, China, Canada, Russia and the United
States of America selected to be exhibited at the SOFA Gallery,

Island Kindy May Report
I recently did a full day course on “Identifying and Responding to Risk
of Harm”.
It is a course on child protection.
The Children and Young Persons Act 1998 states that as a worker in the
field of children’s services we are mandatory reporters.
This means as staff members we must report any acts that we can
categorise children at” Risk of Harm”.
These areas of concern fall under
1. basic physical or psychological needs
not met
2. parents unwilling or unable to arrange
necessary medical care
3. physical or sexual abuse, or
4. living with domestic violence
5. parents behaviour resulting in or risk
of serious psychological harm
Please consult the SIOCS policy on reporting if you have any question
or come and talk to the staff.
Day Champagne Breakfast
Thank you to everyone who supported our special mothers' day breakfast
on Sunday 11th May. The sun shone, the kids played and the
beautiful food just kept on coming. We raised some much
money and will be spending it on new storybooks and equipment for our
new literacy program. Thank you again to the whole community
your support.

Accreditation took place on 13th May and we are waiting to hear the
outcome and will let you know when we get our feedback. They have not
given us a time frame.
A big thank you to Fireman Tim who came to visit the children. He was
able to show the very excited children and staff how a mask works, what
a fire hose does, what it is like to sit in a fire truck.

We had a fire drill on Tuesday 11th May.
We will have another one soon, so that those children and staff who
missed out will get an opportunity to participate in one.
Songs are an integral part of our day and sometimes it is nice to be
able to sing along with your children. If you ever want any words for
some of the songs we sing please let me know and I am happy to print
them out for you. Here is one song all the kids love:-
Twinkle twinkle little star
Daddy bought a motor car
Push the button pull the choke
off we go in a puff of smoke
Twinkle twinkle little star
Daddy bought a motor car
We also say
Next month we will begin a PALS program – it is about modeling and
practicing social skills. Watch out for information in your pockets.
We have lots of information on the front veranda so come down and have
a read.
• The Fairies in concert
• Baby sign language courses
• Art gallery activities
• First aid courses
• Coffee and Play morning at Terrey Hills
Public School
Coming up in
June at Kindy we will be celebrating:
World environment Day 5th
World Ocean Day 8th
Global wind Day 15th
And we will have a Pyjama Day to celebrate Winter Solstice (June 21st)
Em will be taking the children for a bushwalk on Wed 2nd June. If you
can help that morning with supervision please let staff know. Everyone
The children have been talking about measurements, so we are going to
make some large outlines of ourselves, talk about different heights and
weigh ourselves. We will show the children how numbers are relevant to
everyday life.
Families of Scotland Island are welcome to come and visit our Kindy
anytime, please drop in and see what we do during our busy days.
Michelle Wickens
While we try to teach our children all about life,
Our children teach us what life is all about.

Sought for Home Hospice Scheme
A new volunteer program aimed at carers and relatives who are looking
after terminally ill family members at home is being launched in
The Home Hospice Program is supported by The Cancer Council and Social
Ventures Australia. It provides information, mentoring and support for
carers and relatives of terminally ill people wishing to die at home.
The program is now seeking volunteers with experience in caring for the
dying at home to become mentors.
A free information session will be held for those in Pittwater
interested in becoming volunteers on the program, as well as for carers
looking after terminally ill family members.
Topics covered at the session include death awareness, the reality of
death in everyday life, becoming a mentor and an explanation of the
duties involved.
Coordinator Kathy Lee from the Home Hospice Program said the scheme was
‘a philosophy for living as much as it is about dying.”
“Mentors on the program walk the journey with carers, helping them gain
access to the resources they need in the community and providing them
with the confidence and support to have their loved ones die at home.”
The information session will be held at Nelson Heather Centre, Jackson
Road Warriewood between 1pm and 3pm on Wednesday 9 June.
A number of other information sessions will be held across Sydney
during June.
For more information about the Home Hospice Program visit or phone 1800 132 229.

Kids on the Coast - July School
Holiday Fun
Pittwater Council’s Coastal Environment Centre (CEC) will soon be
warming up winter with its fun Kids on the Coast
There are 14
and field-based activities, with six brand new programs available
during the July school holidays from Monday 5 July to Friday 16 July
The CEC’s Executive Management Consultant Gary Jackson said the program
offered school-aged children a chance to learn more about Pittwater’s
amazing coastal playground.
‘If your children are inquisitive or you want to motivate them with
healthy, engaging, interactive activities, Kids on the Coast is
ideal. All programs are inspiring, safe, educational and fun
supervised by experienced and knowledgeable educators,” said Mr
The July program takes kids on eco-adventures to beaches, rock
platforms, Narrabeen Lagoon, bushland, eco gardens and whale-watching
Fully equipped with an eco-cinema for high impact entertainment,
budding young scientists will be enthralled with the CEC’s high-tech
scientific microscopes, capable of a 1000 times zoom.
The new ‘Seagrass Secrets’ session lets children use underwater
telescopes to see first-hand the mysteries that lie beneath seagrass,
known as the womb of the ocean.
‘Croaking Critters’ is another new activity showcasing frogs and how
our slippery, slimy friends can teach us humans all about water
Back by popular demand is the ‘Reptile Romp’ where children come
face-to-face with lizards and reptiles demonstrated by Sydney Wildlife.
Other activities include ‘Aussie Winter Damper Making’, ‘Sea Slug
Treasure Hunt’, ‘Dragons Under the Sea’, ‘Rock Platform Investigators’,
‘Shells Shells Shells’ and ‘Water Rockets.’
Full details of all activities are at
Two hour sessions are from 10am to 12 noon or 1pm to 3pm. The cost is
$20 per child per session, with all-day sessions from 10am to 3pm for
$55, including supervision between sessions.
The CEC is located on Pelican Path, Lake Park Road, North Narrabeen,
only 300m from North Narrabeen Beach Entrance.
Book online
at, or email
To book by
phone call 1300 000 CEC (232).
Media contact: Tina Demetriou Ph: 9970
1676 or 0428 102 040

Sponsors & Stallholders
sought for Dog Day by the Bay
Pittwater Council will host their popular Dog Day by the Bay at Rowland
Reserve Bayview on Sunday
26 September and are looking for stall-holders and sponsors for the
Organiser Rennae Projceski from the Council said that stallholders
should be providers of products and services for dogs.
“The day will have a mix of fun events and talks on interesting topics
relevant to dog owners,” she said.
“We’re also keen to hear from organisations who wish to sponsor the
event or provide prizes.”
Ms Projceski said Dog Day by the Bay was aimed at dog-owners and their
pets and regularly drew a crowd of around 2000. The event is
in its 10th year.
Sponsorship packages range from $1500 to $4600; full details are
available at Organisations donating prizes
over $100 will receive free advertising in the event guide.
Dog Day by the Bay runs from 10am and 3pm and activities include
demonstrations of canine skill and training, education talks,
children’s activities in the kids corner and competitions to enter
including the Canine Fancy Dress Parade.
A variety of food & drink stalls will also be at the event and
proceeds raised will be donated to local branches of the Animal Welfare
League and the Guide Dog Association. Entry and parking are free.
This year organisers will hold the “Pittwater
Dog of the Year” photo competition
and are looking for fun photos of Pittwater dogs. All photos submitted
will go on display at Mona Vale customer service two weeks before the
Entries to
the photo competition will be open from 15 June, with the
winner and two runners up having their photo displayed on the day and
receiving a prize.
For more information about becoming a stall holder or sponsor of Dog
Day by the Bay contact Pittwater Council’s environmental education team
on 9970 1194.
Media contact: Rennae Projceski, Pittwater Council
Ph: 9970 1216

Helping Learner Drivers become Safer
A free
workshop for parents and supervisors of learner drivers
will be held by the NSW Roads and Traffic Authority (RTA) and Pittwater
Council at the Mona Vale Library on Wednesday 16 June 2010 at 6.30pm.
Helping Learner Drivers Become Safer Drivers offers parents
and supervisors hands-on advice on how to provide the most effective
driving practice for learner drivers.
Council’s Road Safety Officer Michelle Carter said that new rules for
learner drivers meant there was a minimum of one year on L
“Learner drivers need to complete 120 hours of supervised driving,
including a mandatory 20 hours of night-time driving,” she said.
“A more rigorous driving test has also been introduced, focusing on
hazard perception and driver reactions.”
“These changes to the licensing scheme are all about reducing the crash
rate for young drivers.”
The course will cover topics such as:
new laws for learner and P-plate drivers
how to use the new Learner Driver Log Book
how to plan on-road driving sessions
“Parents and supervisors who have attended this course found it boosted
their confidence, helped them better plan driving sessions and allowed
them to share experiences with other parents and supervisors,” added Ms
Bookings for the Helping Learner Drivers Become Safe Drivers course are
essential and can be made by calling Michelle Carter from Pittwater
Council on 9970 1194 or by email at

Pittwater High Musical
June 9, 11, 12,
16, 18, 19

Author Talks at
Mona Vale Library
Nobles and
Convicts star in Author Talk
Kirsten McKenzie -
A Swindler’s Progress: Nobles and Convicts in the Age of Liberty
Mona Vale Library’s latest Author Talk will explore the nobles and
convicts of 19th Century England and Sydney on Wednesday 9 June.
Author Kirsten McKenzie will discuss her book, A Swindler’s Progress:
Nobles and Convicts in the Age of Liberty, which has been described as
‘part Regency mystery, part imperial history’.
The book’s prologue is set in May 1835 in a Sydney courtroom, where a
man named John Dow is charged with forgery. The prisoner shocks the
court by declaring that he is none other than Edward Viscount
Lascelles, eldest son of the wealthy Yorkshire landowner, the Earl of
Is the accused really the heir to one of Britain’s largest fortunes or
is he, as the Crown alleges, a confidence trickster and serial
Dr McKenzie continues with the story by explaining that the Lascelles
family themselves had a history of social climbing. 
“As merchant capitalists whose fortune was derived from West Indian
slavery and sugar, they set about reinventing themselves as
However the Lascelles’ aristocratic dream is threatened when the eldest
son Edward marries a courtesan and is exiled.
Kirsten McKenzie’s vivid portrayal of the Lascelles family struggle for
social and political power and the tragedy of their disgraced heir,
demonstrates that the British elites were as fragile as their colonial
The intertwined stories of A Swindler’s Progress illustrate the anxiety
of status, not only in colonial Sydney but across industrial Britain
and throughout the British Empire.
The Author
Talk will take place at Mona Vale Library from 6.30pm on Wednesday 9
Bookings are essential; to book phone 9970 1600.
Following the talk there will be book signings and light refreshments.
Admission is $7.50 adult, $5.50 concession

Any Professional Photographers with
a Studio?
Asha Forsyth in yr 12 is looking to do a photoshoot for her HSC art
Major work.
if you can help, it would be greatly appreciated!
please call Asha
99792296 OR 0421979993
or e-mail "

If you have something for sale that
you think locals would like - let us know and we will put an
entry in the PON at the beginning of each month...
Gym Gear for Sale
Hi Guys!
Unfortunately, I will be moving from the Island! I can't take my
fitness equipment with me so I will be selling it.
I have a brand new set, consisting of a smith/row machine, a bench and
a dumbbell rack (5k-30k). It is commercial grade quality and is
virtually brand new. It is valued at about $6000.
I am happy to include free delivery for islanders, and I will give you
some free sessions, program, instruction etc so you know how to use it
correctly and safely.
Please send me an email at or call me on
Thank you to everyone for looking after me on the island! I've had a
ball! :)"

The Local Guide
in Pittwater - Self Editing
Event Calendar |
click to
go to the Calendar |
Island Community Vehicle - 0404 103 700 |
Number, Usage & Charges |
Island Rural Fire Brigade - 9999 4404 | |
Pittwater Rural Fire Brigade - 9997-3795 | |
Gallery | |
Island Residents Association
(SIRA) Membership Application - click
here to download |
West Pittwater Community
Association (WPCA) - |
Island Water
SI Emergency Water Contacts and Guidelines for water: click
here for information and contacts
Scotland Island 'Water Agreement' - click
here to download |
Island Children's Centre - (SIOCS - Scotland Island
& Offshore Childrens Services)
Catherine Park (Long Day Care Service) 8.30am - 4.30pm (Tues,
Weds & Thurs)
Playgroup @ Children's Centre every Monday, 10.00am - 12 midday
Other services include: School Holiday Programme / Facility &
Equipment Hire
For information call 02 9979 7856 or email: |
Island Community Hall
Bookings: Kez on 9999 4092 or |
Real Estate
Services, Clubs &
Island Classes
Dance, Art etc)
Meditation and Group Fitness with Patrice - 0408 707 679 |
Training with Samantha Moore at Inspire PT
- 0415 543 131 |
& Modern Dance Classes for children with Sophia
Holland - 0412 851 890 |
Anusara Yoga
- Thursdays - 0421762236
or |
with Max - Watercolour classes. Phone Max on 9997 4527 |
/ The Forth Way - Call John on 9979 5584, Marion on 9979
3993 or Anne on 9999 3478 |
Group For Catherine Park - Run by SIOCS - Emmie Collins
on 0405 330 781 |
WOW - Women on Water
- second Wednesday of the month - contact Kerry on 9999 4092
& Kids Groups Playgroup - Run by SIOCS
- email Emma |
Scotland Island Players
- contact Bob or Kez on 9999 4092 |
Catherine Park Bush Care Group,
2nd Sunday @ 9.30am, Sharon Kinnison @ 9997 6017 |
Elizabeth Park Bush Care Group,
1st Saturday @ 9 am, Bob Bolton @ 9999 4092 |
Buses and Railways
Island Tides,
Moon phases, Sun rise & set
weather for Sydney (128k circle)
Contact Numbers
ALL EMERGENCIES (Police - Fire - Ambulance) |
000 |
Assistance Line & Information |
1444 or 9281 0000 |
Bay Water Police |
7899 or 0412 162 093 |
Island Rural Fire Brigade |
9999 4404 |
Fire Service General Information 9265 2999 |
2999 |
Fire Service General information |
3000 |
Emergency Service, Warringah/Pittwater SES |
3399 |
Parks & Wildlife Service: 000, general information |
9322 |
of Community Services: general information |
6011 |
Water |
132 090 |
Australia |
388, (ah) 131 909 |
can now join the
Scotland Island Residents Association by clicking
here. Please print the
page and return the completed form to
SIRA at this address:
The Treasurer, SIRA, PO Box 70, Church Point
Please NO CASH.
Contact SIRA at
To join the
Western Pittwater
Association, contact Michael Wiener at |
A complete set of past electronic newsletters since May 2000 can be
found and read at
or by clicking
here or
by visiting the Mona Vale Library.
The Island website is at

If you would
like to contribute to this newsletter it's easy!. Send an
e-mail to the editor ( or by clicking here.
Type your
contribution (100 words or so would be fine) and assuming it is of
interest to the community, does not include matter of a political
nature and is not offensive, it will
appear next month.
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Local Guide - Community Information
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views expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily the views of the
Scotland Island Residents Association (SIRA), or
the Western
Pittwater Community Association (WPCA)