Friday, November 29, 2013
Zephaniah 1:15 That day will be a day of wrath, a day of distress and anguish, a day of trouble and ruin, a day of darkness and gloom, a day of clouds and blackness.
This time of year the Christian church gives its attention to matters having to do with the end time. As the church year winds down to a close we recall Jesus' promise to return at the end of the age to judge the world. The coming day of judgment is portrayed in the Bible as a day of blackness for some. For all who have neglected to place their trust in Christ as their Savior, the Last Day will be a day of trouble, ruin, and darkest gloom. Suddenly (but too late) they will realize that the Gospel of God's Son born on earth to redeem sinners from hell's outer darkness was true. How black a day it will be for them! No attempts to hide or avoid their dark fate will prove successful.
But how different it will be for all who have put on the Lord Jesus Christ by faith. For you, dear reader, a believing child of the heavenly Father, it will be an exceedingly bright day! This will not be so because of any good things you have done. It will be because of the good things Jesus did. He kept the Ten Commandments for you. He endured the horrors of hell for you on that Black Friday of long ago. He took on Himself the fury of God's anger for your black sins. He arose triumphant from the pitch-dark grave on Easter morning. Because of this work of God's Son the coming Day of Judgment will be for you the happiest day of your life!
When you're out shopping today (or days to come) take a moment to reflect on all your Savior did to bring you into bright right-standing with God. Offer a prayer of thanks to Him for purchasing you, not with dollars and cents, but with His own holy blood, to be His very own ... by which He added you to the great company of saints who will shine like the brightness of the heavens and like the stars forever.