I have information on how to protect yourself via detoxification HERE.....The stronger your immune system is, the less chance you have of getting full blown Morgellons from the weaponized parasites you are inhaling.... these parasites are biological weapons intended to damage your red blood cells ability to carry oxygen.
They (along with the aluminum, barium and other crap being sprayed) are intended to weaken and damage your internal organs in order to cause you to develop Cancer, Alzheimers, to have heart attacks and other degenerative disease!! Via nanotechnology they're biologically microchipping anyone who allows them to! Via nanotechnology, communications structures like the one at the top of the page on the right will be created inside your body wiring your brain into the borg unless you detox!
Remember, in addition to protecting you from Morgellons by helping you have the perfect ph of 7.35-7.4, sulfur its also great for the hair, skin and nails, it drives libidos into the stratosphere and it keeps you out of oxygen debt so endurance athletes love it! I am not sure how long I will be in business. The economy could crash at any time, and we could go under martial law. Its not a bad idea to stock up on sulfur and on food!
A growing number of people have been placing bulk orders of 10 or 20 lbs of sulfur in order to give some to family members and friends.Get free shipping on 10 lbs. Save money by buying in bulk!