October 21, 2013
Hi Cat Lover!

Here's what's in this issue:
  Halloween precautions...
  Pet Halloween costume contest...
  National Feral Cat Day...
  Miracle Kitten Learns to Walk...
  Cat Study Misinterpreted...
  Cat Rides the Bus...

Cat food news...
  Whole Foods to offer new line of petfood...
  Del Monte gets into petfood biz...
  Click to give...
  What Makes You Happy...

Websites to explore...
  Flea info...
A smile for you...
  New video on my site...

Take action...
  Donate to worthy causes, sign petitions, etc.


Another year about gone and it's Halloween already on the 31st.
If you observe or celebrate Halloween, visit my blog for a list
of recommended precautions:



Enter the Pet Halloween costume contest sponsored by Blue Buffalo:

Just send in a good photo by November 1, to:



Oct. 16 was National Feral Cat Day, but you can help feral cats
all year long.

Feral Cats Need Love, Too: Help Make Communities Safer for Them



Miracle Kitten Learns to Walk with Homemade Wheelchair



Have you seen the study done recently that determined that cats under
stress don't like to be stroked? Here is the link:

Misinterpretation of Cat Study: Anxious Cat Owners Can Carry
On Stroking Their Four-Legged Friends Without Worry


Take note of the study's failings when you read it. The study's
parameters weren't exactly scientific or even consistent. The
findings were subjective, dependent on the cat owners' opinions.
And the study groups were pretty small....

Form your own opinions...and if your cat likes to be stroked or
petted, go for it.


Cat Waits At Bus Stop, Rides the Bus

Editor’s note: This post is a Care2 favorite, back by popular demand.
It was originally posted on January 5, 2012. Enjoy!

A 15-year-old ginger cat, Artful Dodger, is more than living up to his name.
Dodger has been taking rides on the bus, after boarding at a bus stop near
his home. Sometimes he sits on passengers’ laps; he also likes to sit on seats
that have been recently vacated, apparently for their warmth.

Dodger’s owner says that he initially started to frequent the bus stop as
people gave him scraps of food. But then the bus itself became the attraction;
like greenhouses, they are sunny and warm. Dodger has gone on ten mile

Read more: http://www.care2.com/causes/cat-waits-at-bus-stop-rides-the-bus-routinely.html#ixzz2hon5hych


Whole Foods Market is introducing Whole Paws, a new
line of premium-value petfood that includes 24 products
for dogs and cats. The Whole Paws line includes a range
of items, such as grain-free adult dog food and training
treats, indoor cat formula and litter with baking soda.


It will be interesting to see what Del Monte Foods is up to now.
They are selling their consumer products business to Del Monte
Pacific Ltd, and will focus entirely on petfood. To avoid any
"confusion," they will rename the business to reflect the animal

If you find out before I do what they change their name to, let me know.
I need to determine if the new food should be avoided or is OK to buy.
Let's hope it doesn't end up on a recall list.


Click to give:



http://www.givelitter.com/vote/  (This one gives litter, not food.)

* * * * * * * * *

Want to share a photo of your amazing dog or cat on
Freekibble or Freekibblekat?

Every day they post a photo of a pet sent in from people in
the Freekibble Community, in a section called, "What makes you

Show them what makes you happy... send the best picture
of your pet to Happy@Freekibble.com - along with your
name, pet's name, city and state where you live.

* * * * * * * * *

Be sure to scroll down the FreeKibbleKat page a little more
and look at the October Slide Show. Wonderful cat photos!


The most complete information about fleas:


This is what helped me the most in my own battle with
these little blood-suckers this summer. It's been about a month
now without one sighting of a single flea! However, I
know better than to sit back and assume it won't happen
again. I'm keeping this site on my front burner so I can
refer to it as needed.


-------- LATEST VIDEO -----------

Check out the video on my website, at the top of
the page: Thanks to Jean for this one! You won't
believe what this cat can do!



How to help the animals:

1. Free to Good Home? Read this to find out why
you should never do it:


Thanks to Maggie for this link.

2. Always remember to check with your local shelter
to see what they need. Your donation will go directly
to the animals, in sharp contrast to some of the large
national groups, whose donation income goes toward
large administrative salaries and other expenses, not
necessarily for animals.

3. Buy my books if you haven't yet. Sales are used to
help support all the cats here. Thank you.


Watch for your next issue of The Kitty Times in 2 weeks!

Pawhugs and nosetaps,

Roberta, the Cat Lady
mskitty @ theproblemcat.com

May all who are lost, be found. May all who are ill,
be well. May all in harm's way, be saved. May all
without homes, be loved.
~~Author Unknown


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shelter if a purchase is made. Yes, we need the help.