Tropicalfete Steel Pan Recital - Music Theory in Action
Performances: Tropicalfete's Steel Pan Ensemble
- Documentery: Panomundo Part 2: Pan Worldwide - Japan
- A Perspective of Steel Pan Music from Keith Marcelle
Free Event
Food and Drinks for Sales
Sb Sounds
Complete Music Studio 227 St Marks Ave Brooklyn, New York 11238 (between Vanderbilt & Underhill) Saturday May 5th 5pm
RSVP: text-email-call ~ 646-504-FETE -
Subway: A or C to Washington Ave
B or Q to 7th Ave (Park PL & Flatbush)
#2 or #3 to Bergen Street
Bus: B26; B41; B46; B65; B69; B75

Annual Cutlural Reading Program

May 12th Tropicalfete's Sound Engineering 101 Workshop
May 17th Celebrating Material for the
Arts 40th Anniversary with
Steel Pan and Stilt Performance
May 19th the Dance Parade
June 24th Tropicalfete's Caribbean Cultural Showcase
July 2018 Tropicalfete Potraits of Bronville (photo project)
August 4th Tropicalfete's Creative Fun Day in the Park
October 6th Tropicalfete Tax Planning Workshopfor Artist
December 16th Tropicalfete Countdown the Finale A Free Musical Gift to the Community -Concert