Thursday, August 4, 2005

1 Peter 1:22-23 Since you have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit in sincere love of the brethren, love one another fervently with a pure heart, having been born again, not of corruptible seed but in-corruptible, through the word of God which lives and abides forever . . .


Down here in the south, we often hear people talking about being "born again." Usually when you hear someone talking about being "born again," they will connect it with "being saved" -- both of these are true Biblical teachings. But in spite of that, many people have an incorrect understanding of what being "born again" is, because they connect it with something that we as individuals do, as opposed to something that God does in us. They connect being born again with something on the outside (sanctification) instead of what is on the inside (justification).

Peter reminds us that we have been born of corruptible seed. Here he is referring to the physical birth that we received from our sinful parents. From the time of the first fall into sin, children are born sinful just like their parents before them. Because of that first sin, we are all infected and born of the corruptible seed of our fathers.

In contrast to our own sinfulness and frailty, Peter assures us that there is hope. The corruptible seed of our parents brought about our death, even before we were born, but we have been born again of the incorruptible seed of the Word of God which brings about a new life within us. Peter emphasizes that our being born again is not the work of man, but the work of God. You have "been born again, through the word of God." The Word of God is the means by which God brings about our new life. This gift of eternal life in heaven is received by us frail human beings through the act of being born again -- a new life which is given to us through the working of the Holy Spirit in the Word of God. We cannot bring this about in ourselves, we can only acknowledge the working of God in us. It is the Word of God alone which can bring eternal life to our dying souls. It is the Word of God that gives spiritual life by causing us to be "born again." Thanks be to God!