Saturday, November 24, 2018

Psalm 6:3-4 But You, O Lord--how long? Return, O Lord, deliver me!


"I wish I could be rid of my sinful flesh once and for all! Then everything would be perfect!" Such thoughts are not foreign to believers. As the child of God looks about this world, he witnesses violence, drug abuse, hatred, and so many other sins. These things are not going on at a safe distance, half a world away. Often they are happening just down the street. As the believer witnesses, not only the sinfulness of others but the corruption of his own sinful flesh, he cries out to heaven with the psalmist: "But You, O Lord--how long? Return, O Lord, deliver me!"

It is only with the knowledge that Christ will one day return that we are able to observe all of the sinful things going on in this world and in ourselves without slipping into despair and cynicism. As we repent of our sins, look to Christ for forgiveness, and strive after a godly life, we wish, hope, and pray that everything will one day be perfect. And it shall be so!

Sin is not our eternal ruler. Christ is. We will not carry our earthly troubles with us to our eternal home. Christ Jesus, who is ruling in our hearts, who has conquered sin, death, and the devil, has given us His holy Word. He promises that our sins have been forgiven for His sake, and that He will return to take us to be with Him bodily forever. How long until that day? Only our heavenly Father knows. But Christ is coming. In the meantime, God will uphold us in the faith until that Day. Finally remember that each day our longsuffering Father in heaven allows to pass, is one more day that the Gospel is preached and sinners brought to their Savior, joining believers in eager anticipation of Christ's return in glory.

-- From the "Lutheran Spokesman"