tel:  512-280-1192                                                     Jan 6, 2012
       Nursery Notes: Happy new year gardeners. We look forward to
       helping you realize all your dreams for your gardens in 2012.
       Tree House Hotels seem to be a new trend catching on around the
       world, according to a recent issue of Garden Design..Anyone around 
       Austin with a big live oak ready to give it a try?  tree hotels  
              On Central Texas Gardener (KLRU-TV):  Nature Watch Austin
              co-authors Lynne and Jim Weber identify winter migrants and native
              owls. In their garden, meet their favorite evergreen ferns. On tour, visit
              Georgean and Paul’s wildlife sanctuary on the Balcones Canyonland.
              Sat: noon and 4 p.m. Sun: 9 a.m. or click
                    Nurseryman/columnist Chris Winslow at home on his trusty John Deere.
                 Chris is an avid vegetable gardener,  and regularly goes to work on his garden  
                 after a day of work at the nursery!
    Ten Activities for Jan. 2012
                                       by Chris Winslow
1. General care of garden.  Your existing landscape and trees need
some attention. If you haven’t already, I know your trees would
appreciate a good, deep watering, especially since we’ve had such
a dry year. Water your landscape shrubs and groundcovers too.
2. Turn off sprinklers. Automatic lawn sprinklers should be set at a
minimum or simply turn them off. (Turf grass is dormant.)
3. Plant a Tree. There is still time. Maybe you purchased a living tree
for the holidays. Find that perfect spot,  plant it and water it in.
4. Perennial pruning. The holiday cold spell should have frozen back
all perennials. Cut your native and adaptive perennials back to a few
inches above the ground and mulch. Mixing some organic compost with
the mulch will assure some nutrition to build beautiful new growth this
5. Prepare spring vegetable garden. I would recommend the solar-
ization method to get rid of weeds. Till your garden with a mechanical
tiller or a garden spade and water the area thoroughly. Cover with a
clear plastic film and secure the perimeter with rocks or soil. The sun
will raise the temperature in the garden soil to levels that will kill weeds
and seeds. Allow the film to stay on for a month to six weeks. When
removed, your garden will be weed free.
6. Catalog browsing. Find a comfortable armchair, and get to work!
January is a good time to look through garden and seed catalogs to
decide on varieties you want to grow this year. Starting a garden journal is
a simple way to keep track of what you plant and what has been successful.
7. Plant Asparagus. Now is the time to prepare beds and plant. Three
year asparagus crowns will arrive in local nurseries early this month.
Beds should be dug deeply and filled with rich organic compost. Three
year crowns will put you closer to harvest than seed grown.
8. Onions are still possible. You still have the opportunity to produce
large onions this year. Also you can plant turnips, collards, and radishes.
9. Prune your shrubs. Cut them back, but avoid any that will bloom
 in the spring. (Prune them after they bloom.)
10. Plant a fruit tree. Many fruit tree varieties will arrive in local nurseries
this month, and in February and March. Try apples, peaches, plums,
persimmons, and pears.
                                  Happy gardening everyone!
  Visit the website: 
Visit the nursery:11726 Manchaca Road, Austin 78748