Monday, January 17, 2005

John 1:34 I have seen and I testify that this is the Son of God.


Do you have a hard time talking about your faith? Do you look back and see moments where you could have talked about Jesus with someone else but you didn't? Have you thought to yourself, "I just don't know what to say when it comes to telling someone else about the Savior." When we examine ourselves, we realize that we aren't always the faithful, ready witnesses that we could be.

Today's Scripture helps us in our personal witnessing. Look at the testimony John the Baptist gave about Jesus. He simply said, "This is the Son of God." It didn't take a long time. It wasn't a complicated testimony, but it got right to the heart of the matter. It immediately revealed to others who Jesus was.

Now think-- you can put John's testimony in your own mouth! If you don't know what to say, start with something like this: "Jesus has meant a lot to me in my life, what do you think of Him? He is the Son of God." When you start with this simple testimony, this basic truth about who Jesus is, it is easy to preach even more gospel. Now you can explain what it means to you that He is the Son of God. It means that He was able to pay for your sins on the cross. It means He has power to help you in all your need. It means He will take you to heaven to live with Him there. There is all kinds of good news you can share because Jesus is the Son of God!