For more than 25 years benchmark studies have shown that Black living-conditions in the City of Pittsburgh are among the worst in the nation.
Starting in 1995, with the Bangs and Hong report, "Black and White Economic Conditions in the City of Pittsburgh"; to 2015, with Dr. Larry Davis report, "Pittsburgh's Racial Demographics: Differences and Disparities"; to the 2019 Pitt Report on "Racial and Gender Inequity"; and since the 2021 Dr. Bangs Report on "Pittsburgh's Deplorable Black Living Conditions", EVERY BLACK Pittsburgher knows, and feels, that there are two different Cities for White and Black residents economically, socially, criminally and politically.
In 2013, we started Stop The Violence Pittsburgh ("STVP") to help curve violence within Allegheny County, to educate and promote Black heritage and culture to all Pittsburgh communities, and to give small businesses the opportunity and space to make money during Our Free Outdoor Festival Events. This year, we serviced over 150,000 residents of Allegheny County with of Free Programs.
2023 Juneteenth Youth Fest/Black Heritage Celebration (June 10-11)
We started this festival in 2021 with community Partners. This year we saw an estimated 3,000 participates.
We saw 32 small businesses who generated an estimated $30,975 and Profited $12,972.

2023 Juneteenth (June 16-19)
We are proud to report that this year we hosted the largest Juneteenth Celebration across the Country. We saw over 50,000 attendees from various locations and regions.
VisitPITTSBURGH estimated that Our Juneteenth Festival generated $3.5 mill in Tourism. See attached.
With the support of Dollar Bank, We had 100 Small Business participate in Juneteenth Business Plaza. These businesses generated an estimated $677,000 and saw a estimated profit of $195,000.

2023 Black Music Fest (July 13-15)
This year we saw an estimated 20,000 attendees for the Pittsburgh Black Music Fest. This Festival is recognized nationally as one of 7 Black events that African Americans are encouraged to attend in their lifetime.
VisitPITTSBURGH estimated that this Festival generated $1.2 mill in Tourism. See attached.
With the support of FNB, We hosted 65 Small Businesses for this event. These Businesses generated an estimated $382,000 and saw a profit of $108,000.

2023 Pittsburgh Soul Food Fest (Sept. 1-3)
We started this festival in 2019 despite resistance from current City Officials who did not (and do not) want Black Food Vendors in Downtown Pittsburgh. See secret Email exchange Below.

Nevertheless, and despite the newest of this Festival, we have been NATIONALLY recognized as 1 of 7 Black Festival events that people across the Country must attend.
This year we saw over 20,000 attendees. We are currently waiting on a Tourism Financial Impact Report from VisitPITTSBURGH.
During the Soul Food Festival we hosted 77 small businesses. These Businesses generated an estimated $541,000 and profited $231,000.

We are extremely happy and proud about the work and small effects we are making in the City of Pittsburgh in support of all communities - we believe that every resident benefits from these events.