Art, Climate and Crowdfunding
– and an impaled polar bear
 The Sculpture Unbearable: A copper-polar bear impaled on a 6 meter high graph of human CO2 emissions. First exhibition: COP 21 in Paris.
The Danish artist Jens Galschiot is realizing an art installation, depicting a polar bear impaled on a 6 meter high graph of human CO2 emissions. The sculpture is made of copper and steel and will be exhibited at the UN Climate Conference in Paris this December.
Galschiot says: "At first glance the sculpture seems to be a little funny. Until one realize the message of the art installation. I hope the sculpture becomes an unofficial symbol of the conference and a symbol of our common responsibility towards the world's population and future generations."
The Guardians' comments on the project that "It’s a strong statement concerning climate change" gives us reason to believe that the project has the potential to be exactly that symbol.
The sculpture is financed through Crowdfunding. Galschiots sculptures are often too controversial and crazy to be supported by funds. But his art is quite popular among the people. For example, his studio and gallery has 15,000 visitors annually.
The art projects campaign has just kicked off 2 hours ago. Through the Crowdfunding Site one can support the project and in return get a unique art piece in form of a sculpture in copper or bronze. Or choose the activist approach and join the art-demonstration parade during the climate conference in Paris. Press release about the project.
With Crowdfunding Campaign, Galschiot hopes to start a platform to finance art, happenings and counterculture, which is hard to find support for in the established art world. The campaign will end on September 23 and we're rather excited about what happens in the meantime. Is it possible to use Crowfunding as a mean to get popular support for critical and controversial art projects. Or are we just a part of a great (and unrealistic) hype about Crowdfunding? 
Exiting Greetings.
Lasse Markus and Gallery Galschiøts "unbearable" crew.
Facts: Crowdfunding Unbearable
Definition Crowdfunding: "Crowdfunding is a way to raise money for a project by collecting contributions from a large group of contributors typically via the Internet."
Campaign Start: Two hours ago!.
Collection Goal: $US 10,000.
Get on the special crowdfunding-maillist here.
Crowdfunding-site: here   Short video-presentation: here    Homepage: here   Photos: here
Guidance to Crowdfunding-purchase:
1. Go to this page
2. At the right side you will find a list of rewards - there are photos of the sculptures on the page.
3. Click the one you want and follow the instructions. Thanks Laughing
4. If it makes no sense or your have questions: Write us at or call +45 6618 4058 or +4561703083 and we'll fix everything!
About Art Crowdfunding
It is no secret that it is difficult to get the economical means for Galschiot’s wild projects. Still a lot of the people think that the projects are both important and exciting. They praise Galschiot for his ability to rethink art’s ability to create debate and dialogue.
Galschiot has chosen to use the sculpture “Unbearable” as the first project for crowdfunding. Its significance and "sex appeal" are some of the reasons why. Most likely it will not be the last. Galschiot is counting on crowdfunding to have the potential to be a strategy for financing more of his artistic projects.
About Unbearable
A huge copper sculpture of a polar bear, impaled on a 6 meter high graph of man-made CO2 emissions. That's what one meets at UN's climate summit, COP21 in Paris in December.
The Danish sculptor Jens Galschiot is putting up the sculpture to make the worlds' leaders aware of their responsibility to save the world from the climate crisis.
The sculptor hopes the art installation will become an unofficial symbol of the conference and a symbol of our common responsibility towards the world's population and future generations.

1. (5 $) BEAR HUG
A virtual hug and a digital card thanking you for supporting the art project. Invitation to join our art-sculpture-parade at COP21 demonstration in Paris this December. We have music, fliers and perhaps coffee :)
Digital, signed color photo - can be used as a Wall Paper
Invitation to join COP21 demonstration in Paris where the (Unbearable) crew will offer some refreshing to drink.
Luxury printet special photo from the making of the Unbearable project. 20 pieces, each numbered and signed by the artist.
Invitation to join our art-sculpture-parade at COP21 demonstration in Paris this December. We have klezmer music and perhaps coffee :) 
4. 80 $) BRONZE PENDANT see photo
Original pendant made in solid bronze, in shape of the polar bear from the sculpture. Comes with a leather necklace.
Comes with a card, signed by the artist thanking you for supporting the art project.
5. 100$) IMPALED POLAR BEAR see photo
Original polar bear (3,5 cm) sculpture in bronze. Impaled on a steel spike. The sculpture is numbered and signed by the artist (300 pieces in total). Comes with a card, signed by the artist Jens Galschiot thanking you for supporting the art project. 
6. (950$) UNBEARABLE IMPALED see photo
Original sculpture in massive bronze. 9cm Polar Bear, impaled on a steel spike. Unique, limited edition artwork. 30 pieces, individually numbered and signed by artist Jens Galschiot. Comes with a card, signed by the artist thanking you for supporting the art project.
7. (1,300$) UNBEARABLE SCULPTURE. see photo
Original model of the big sculpture. Polar bear in massive bronze (9cm), impaled on a steel graph. Unique, limited edition (20 pieces in total) artwork. Individually numbered and signed by the artist. Comes with a card, signed by the artist thanking you for supporting the art project.
8. (1,800$) LARGE UNBEARABLE IMPALED. see photo
Unique, limited edition (20pieces in total) sculpture. 20cm high copper model of the original polar bear, impaled on a large steel spike. Each is individually numbered and signed by artist Jens Galschiot. Comes with a card, signed by the artist thanking you for supporting the art project.
 General information about Galschiøt  
This mail has been sent from the sculptor Jens Galschiøt's workshhop. 
Contact to the workshop:
Galleri Galschiøt
Banevænget 22
5270 Odense N

Tlf : (+45) 6618 4058

Fax:(+45) 6618 4158portrait of Jens Galschiot 2012
Overview over Galschiøt sculptures
Portrait of a sculptor Jens Galschiøt (PDF)
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