Stop Work Meeting
Cup at the Fireshed
in the Park
and Looking Forward
Church Point Commuter Wharf
Offshore Choir in November
Go Get is
Going !
Council Notices
Gone Fishing Gallery Update
Tick Research
Island Flag
Local Contact Guide
subscription Information
2011 Calendar
To download
a full version (A4 size) of this months calendar, ready for
printing, just click on the
calendar image.
You can contact
Gwyn Perkins by email at
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Stop Work Meeting at Newport Public School
Wednesday 2nd November till
We have just been informed
Newport public school teachers are having a stop work meeting on
Wednesday. Classes will resume at 10.30am.
will be no supervision for the children until then.
So the ferries will run a school run leaving Church Point at 9.30am. We
will then pickup in this order;
North - Elvina South - Bells - Tennis - Eastern and then Carols,
then over to Newport where Paula will meet the younger children
and walk them up to school.
The Lovett bay kids will have to make their own way to one of these
pickup points or their parents can drive them to school.
For the Carols wharf commuters we will still do the 9.20am pickup that
goes directly to Church Point.
Also a very heartfelt thank you to Lizzy from Interlace for her
donation to the ferry kids of some Halloween decorations.
Very much appreciated and verrrry scary.
Church Point Ferry Service

Melbourne Cup at the Scotland Island Fire Shed
Tuesday 1 November from 2pm
$5.00 per head - Kids Free
$2.00 and $5.00 Sweeps

in the Park. 
a lovely event we all had on Sunday. Several families came down the
Catherine Park to celebrate All Hallows Eve eve. There was a
witch hunt, (poor Anne Willman was never going to outrun the teenagers,
but she gave it a good try). Emma Valente your ghostly meringues were
gorgeous! There were some ghoulish and gruesome costumes. Thanks all
the mums and dads.
Special thanks has to go to Betsi Beem Pippa,
Kat and the SICKOs (Scotland Island Crotchet and Knitting Organisation)
for designing an amazing spider web installation that delighted and
entertained all age groups with the challenge of tracing the web line
to a treat or trick.
I was so proud of our older kids who buddied
up with the little ones to find a treat for each of them before
attacking the challenge for themselves.
Thanks to Jon Duhig for the photo, it says it all.
(Susan Duncan feel free to use any or all of this in your next book, I
loved re-visiting some of our more colourful stories)

Farewell and Looking
Origins of the Café
“Kindy Café”, as it was originally known, was the inspiration of
volunteers to support SIOCS with fundraising during a difficult time in
2008. SIRA supported this initiative and provided $5,200 to fund
the purchase of the coffee machine, barista training, electrical
requirements, catering equipment and supplies. It is to the
credit of Maddy Bandfield and the hardworking volunteers that by early
December, 2010 the loan had been reduced to $1,253.00. By March
2011 the loan had been reduced to $733.00 and SIRA agreed that this
amount should be treated as a community contribution.
Why the Café Ceased Operating
Council put SIRA on notice that the present location of the coffee
machine and operation of the Café was not permitted. Council advised
SIRA that the existence of the Café was brought to their attention
which prompted the initial visit. During a subsequent inspection of the
Hall and Kindy, Pittwater Council personnel advised that as a “one-off”
event special consideration for the Café to operate could be given
perhaps two or three times per year, but not as a regular
activity. Alternatively, the Café could operate out of the
Community Hall, but several modifications and purchases would be
How Can the Café Continue?
operate the Café out of the Community Hall and comply with Council
regulations would require an upgrade of the sink area to satisfy food
handling guidelines (see summary), an electrical upgrade, and the
purchase of a trolley on which to house the coffee machine. The
approximate costing for this upgrade and equipment is $3,500 -
$4,000. A regular Café booking for the Hall would have to
accommodate usage by the community and other hirers.
willing to consider the possibility of these upgrades and would be
happy to receive a proposal from anyone interested in running the Café
together with a business plan for its operation.
gratefully acknowledges the volunteers who gave their time and effort
to the “Kindy Café” and the subsequent fund raising that assisted SIOCS
and other organisations. Some of the wonderful residents who have
kept the Café running so well over the years are Maddy and Scott
Bandfield, Karl Mallon, Lisa McDonald, Petra Godfrey, Kerry Green,
Anthony Pugh and the many others who chipped in to wash dishes, bake
cakes and clear up. Thank you to all of you who have given up your
Sunday mornings as a community service so cheerfully.
SIRA Committee
Food Premises Guideline can be downloaded HERE

Proposed Expansion of Church Point Commuter Wharf

following notice was recently posted by Pittwater Council advising
plans for the expansion of the Church Point Commuter Wharf.
Proposed Expansion
www. p i t t w a t
e r.nsw. g o v. a u
part of the works adopted under the Church Point Plan of Management
(PoM), Council is proposing to redevelop the commuter dinghy wharf.
Council will complete the works in a number of stages with Stage One to
be completed by early 2012. The initial stage will involve the purchase
and installation of new pontoons forming the central spine to the
facility with two pontoons reused from the existing facility to make up
the proposed wings. The proposed commuter wharf will accommodate up to
110 boats when completed (Stage One) and alleviate issues of double and
triple stacking. The completed project, with all fingers installed,
will accommodate 130 boats and provide better protection for individual
Upon completion of Stage One, a fee of $275 per annum
will be charged for use of the facility (as approved in the adopted
PoM), used to repay the capital cost of the facility’s construction.
Council has also been successful in obtaining grants from both MSW
Maritime and the Federal Government’s Regional & Local
Infrastructure Program (RLCIP ) for the initial works. As funds build
from the fee for use charge, further additions to the facility will be
The proposal to date has been fully liaised with both Scotland Island
and Western Foreshore Community representatives.
The proposed masterplan for the facility and associated drawings are on
Council’s website under Major Projects.
Here is the link to the full Church Point Plan of Management, adopted
by Council in November, 2009, for your information
Pittwater Council Website-Church Point
If you have any enquiries in relation to the proposals please
contact Council’s Landscape Architect, Mark Eriksson on 9970 1356 or

The Offshore Choir
has two gigs this November!
1) November 6: Art, Afternoon
Tea and Acapella
@ Manly Art Gallery,
3-4pm, Sunday November 6th (this weekend!)
Last Chance to catch the artwork of your offshore community, at the
final day of the Exhibition
'OFF SHORE - Artists of Scotland Island and Pittwater's Western
Have some afternoon tea and listen to the sweet tones of 'The Last
Ferry Home Choir' - the offshore community's own acapella group
Manly Gallery Website
2) November 13th: 'Ferry
@ Scotland Island
Community Hall, 4pm on Saturday November 13th
Free concert of two Choirs!
'Icing on the Cake,' who performed on the island to great applause at
Watermarks 1 with
'The Last Ferry Home' our offshore songbirds
Coffee and Tea and Cake will be provided so bring the kids, bring your
friends, bring your granny!
The offshore choir is always keen for new members so come and join us.
We rehearse in the SI Hall every Saturday from 2.30-4.30 (except School

Sadly, Go Get is going

After 3 years at Church
Point, Go Get car share is suspending the service from 12th December,
as it isn’t commercially viable for them to continue.
Go Get have been very supportive over the 3 years, wearing losses while
local membership has grown slowly. While we have several very keen
users – the committed few – and many more who like the security of
having the shared car available even if they seldom use it, sadly it
isn’t up to the level of usage in the inner city.
Car sharing works best in the densely populated inner city, where
several cars are available within walking distance, and individuals and
businesses use the cars at various times of day and night and over the
weekends. Here, we only have the one car which is mainly used on
weekdays (why leave Paradise on the weekends?) and in the early days
the dedicated car park was often pinched, which put people off
joining the service. After all, hassle-free parking was the key
benefit. (Now Council has painted the spot with bold stripes that
rarely happens).
Car sharing did benefit the whole community by reducing the number of
cars in the Church Point car park. I know of 6 cars that weren’t kept,
replaced or bought because of Go Get being at Church Point, and there
were probably more.
Sadly, we didn’t get enough people to use it regularly and to build up
a fleet of shared cars here which would have made the service really
“There is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous to
conduct, or more uncertain in its success, than to take the lead in the
introduction of a new order of things.”
Niccolo Machiavelli
But at least we tried.
Go Get is contacting members direct via email and you can arrange to
refund any unused membership fees. They will also arrange for
Council to repaint the spot after the Go Get car has gone.
Thanks to everyone who helped set it up here and to the many Go Get
Caroline Adams,
Towlers Bay.
For further information please contact Go Get on 1 300 769 389 or Or locally: Caroline Adams (Towlers Bay) on email

Scotland Island
Offshore Children's Services
Progress Update October 2011

Since I started at the kindy in April lots of changes have happened and
have been successfully implemented.
In May we had a Working Bee which saw people not just from the Island
but also from the mainland come together to revamp and re-orgainse the
Kindy. Thank you to everyone for your amazing help that weekend.
It was also a great way for me to get to know the parents and locals on
the island.
We have had many donations to the kindy since I started a big thank you
to the following companies and people:-
- Berkelow Books, Mona Vale - $150 of new books
- Flower Power and St. Ives Nursery – Plants and herbs
- Bunnings - $50 Gift card
- Tamara Navin – New cupboards for the front of the
- Robert Sigley – 100m roll of paper
- Marie Kennedy – Hand made cushion covers, cushions
and quit to raffle off.
- Island Café - $1600 Donation
To each and every one of you THANK YOU VERY MUCH.
Early August we had a spot check from accreditation which went very
well and we passed everything so here is to being fully accredited in
2012, still a lot to do but what an achievement.
Pittwater council have agreed to make some much needed repairs to the
kindy and we are in the process of looking into designing a new
playground so watch this space and keep fingers crossed.
Due to all these changes and the implementation of The Early Years
Learning Framework, numbers have increased and we are starting to fill
up for next year so please get your names down for next year.
Please see attached a new survey regarding enrollments for next year
what care families may need. Please complete and all information
will automatically return to us and we will be able to determine
numbers for next year.
Click this online link - Online Survey
Thank you very much
Liz Power – Director
Notices |
The Council is hosting a free forum for parents who are concerned about
their children’s use of social media and its effects on relationships.
The forum is the second in a series of free information sessions the
Council is organising for Pittwater parents.
Community Services Manager Lindsay Godfrey said the forum was aimed at
improving parents’ knowledge of how teenagers use social media and how
they can help prevent bullying online.
The forum will show a short film called Best Enemies, which is based on
the true story of a teenage girl’s experience of being bullied online.
Since it was first screened in 2009, the Best Enemies film has been
shown in over 75 communities around Australia.
Best Enemies CEO Ross Bar, youth worker Kim Huckerby and the young
actor who plays the part of the teenage girl in the film will be at the
forum. Parents will be able to discuss a range of issues and get advice
on online privacy, cyber safety, bullying and how to prevent it and
communicating with your child.
The forum is on Thursday 10 November between 7pm and 9pm at Mona Vale
Memorial Hall. Bookings are essential as places are limited; to RSVP
call 9970 1152 or email by Thursday 3
The forum is primarily aimed at parents but teenagers can attend if
they wish.
Now Spring has well and truly sprung Pittwater Council is inviting the
community to help out at bushcare activities across the area.
Acting Reserves and Recreation Manager Steve Lawler said there were
three bushcare events being held over the next few weeks across
“These events are a great opportunity for the community to get together
and help protect the local environment,” said Mr Lawler.
A community field day helping to rehabilitate and restore the Nareen
wetlands on Saturday 29 October from 9am to 12pm. Help with planting
and mulching and receive a morning tea and a free native plant. Meet at
the Narroy Park playground cnr Narroy and Venetian Roads. This project
is supported by the Sydney
Metropolitan Catchment Management Authority.
Revegetation of Careel Creek on Sunday 30 October from 9am to 12pm.
Help with planting and mulching and receive a morning tea. Participants
can also register for free native plants. This project is supported by
the Hawkesbury Catchment Management Authority.
This year’s Asparagus Fern Out Field Day is on Saturday 12 November.
Help control one of Pittwater’s worst weeds, the noxious Asparagus
Fern. The work will also assist in regenerating the endangered
Pittwater Spotted Gum Forest.
The event takes place at scenic Rocky Point, Lovett Bay. Catch a free
ferry ride departing from Newport Wharf (Queens Parade) at 8.30am and
return from Elvina Bay North at 3.00 pm. Volunteers receive a free
morning tea and gourmet lunch on the day. This event is organised by
Pittwater Natural Heritage Association with support from Pittwater
Council, National Parks and Wildlife, Hawkesbury Nepean
Catchment Management Authority and DATS Environmental Services. Please
rsvp on 9970 1367 or email
Participants are encouraged to wear a hat, covered shoes, long pants
and long sleeves and bring a water bottle to these events. Tools and
training will be provided.
For more information on any of the above events call Council’s Bushcare
Officer Peter
Ziegler on 9970 1367.

Mosman, Manly, Pittwater and Warringah Councils have agreed to enter
into a joint tender process
for a new waste collection system to support the development of an
alternative waste disposal facility at Kimbriki.
The Council considered the scheme in a detailed report presented at its
meeting this week and gave it in-principle support. The proposed system
will be the subject of extensive communication and engagement before
its introduction in 2014.
The new system would see food and vegetation waste collected together
in one bin and bottles and paper collected in another, to increase the
potential for recycling of all waste products.
Other features of the scheme include residents being given the choice
of bin sizes; a change to
fortnightly recycling collections; provision for a special ‘nappy
service’ if compostable nappies are not introduced, plus a free kitchen
tidy for householders to encourage the collection of food scraps.
No changes are proposed to the general household clean-up collection,
which would remain as two services each year.
General Manager Mark Ferguson said Pittwater Council would begin
consulting its residents immediately on the scheme.
“We believe it can deliver great benefits in terms of recycling and
cost recovery for our communities, with the amount of recoverable waste
increasing significantly.”
“Overall, the new scheme will give the northern beaches a long-term
solution for its waste management.”
“Recoverable waste will be turned into compost and other recycled
products at Kimbriki when their new waste processing facilities open.”
Mr Ferguson said that the proposed scheme would come into effect from
2014, provided agreement was reached with the other councils and
Pittwater residents on the practical details.
“Pittwater’s record on recycling is good and our community is aware of
the importance of cutting down the amount of waste that’s going to
“However before implementing such a scheme we want feedback on the
feasibility of what’s proposed.”
To view the Council report on the shared waste scheme visit
Mark Ferguson, Pittwater Council Ph: 9970 1105

Mosman, Manly, Pittwater and Warringah Councils have agreed to enter
into a joint tender process for a new waste collection system to
support the development of an alternative waste disposal facility at
The Council considered the scheme in a detailed report presented at its
meeting this week and gave it in-principle support. The proposed system
will be the subject of extensive communication and engagement before
its introduction in 2014.
The new system would see food and vegetation waste collected together
in one bin and bottles and paper collected in another, to increase the
potential for recycling of all waste products.
Other features of the scheme include residents being given the choice
of bin sizes; a change to
fortnightly recycling collections; provision for a special ‘nappy
service’ if compostable nappies are not introduced, plus a free kitchen
tidy for householders to encourage the collection of food scraps.
No changes are proposed to the general household clean-up collection,
which would remain as two services each year.
General Manager Mark Ferguson said Pittwater Council would begin
consulting its residents immediately on the scheme.
“We believe it can deliver great benefits in terms of recycling and
cost recovery for our communities, with the amount of recoverable waste
increasing significantly.”
“Overall, the new scheme will give the northern beaches a long-term
solution for its waste management.”
“Recoverable waste will be turned into compost and other recycled
products at Kimbriki when their new waste processing facilities open.”
Mr Ferguson said that the proposed scheme would come into effect from
2014, provided agreement was reached with the other councils and
Pittwater residents on the practical details.
“Pittwater’s record on recycling is good and our community is aware of
the importance of cutting down the amount of waste that’s going to
“However before implementing such a scheme we want feedback on the
feasibility of what’s proposed.”
To view the Council report on the shared waste scheme visit
Mark Ferguson, Pittwater Council Ph: 9970 1105

Pittwater Councillor Julie Hegarty has been elected Vice President
General of the Local Government Association of NSW (LGA).
The elections took place this week at the annual conference in Nowra
for all NS Councils. A new President, office bearers and 20 executives
were elected by fellow delegates to the NSW Executive Board of the LGA.
Popularly elected Mayor of Coffs Harbour, Cr Keith Rhoades AFSM was
re-elected as President for a two year term.
Cr Genia McCaffery of North Sydney Council remains on the LGA Executive
in the position of Immediate Past President until October 2012.
Cr Julie Hegarty will assume the position of Vice President General in
October 2012 when Cr McCaffery’s two year term of Immediate Past
President ends.
Mayor Harvey Rose said he was delighted that Cr Hegarty had been
elected to this important role.
“Cr Hegarty has been a member of the LGA executive since 2002 and is a
worthy candidate for this important position, said Mayor Rose.
“Ms Hegarty has also been a Councillor at Pittwater for 16 years and
will bring her many years of knowledge of local government issues to
bear on the role.
Harvey Rose, Pittwater Mayor Ph: 9970 1104
Kate Carragher-Hughes , LGSA Senior Media Officer Ph: 0408 256 405

Gone Fishing Gallery
Click image to load PDF flyer

Mona Vale library’s next
Author Talk will feature Buddhist teacher Gen Kelsang Dao discussing
the book Modern Buddhism; The Path of Compassion and Wisdom on Thursday 3 November at 6.30pm.
Through her clear and practical teachings, Dao shows how to use
meditation to find inner peace and happiness in busy modern life.
Dao will discuss the book Modern Buddhism which has been written by
internationally renowned Buddhist teacher Geshe Kelsang Gyatso.
Geshe Kelsang has established over 1200 Buddhist centres and groups
throughout the world and is the author of 21 books on all aspects of
Buddhist thought and practice.
The author has been described as ‘presenting the very essence of
compassion and wisdom in a way that is easy to understand and put into
As Geshe Kelsang emphasises, ‘the explanation is not given for the
purpose of intellectual understanding, but for gaining profound
realisations through which we can solve our daily problems and
accomplish the real meaning of our human life’.
The Author Talk presenter Gen Kelsang Dao is the resident teacher of
Mahasiddha Buddhist Centre in Bondi Junction and Geshe Kelsang’s
representative in NSW.
Dao was ordained as a Buddhist nun in the UK in 1997 and has been
teaching meditation and Buddhism for over 14 years in Australia, the UK
and America. In 2001 she was asked to start the Mahasiddha Buddhist
Centre in Sydney and since that time has taught many classes and
courses throughout Sydney.
Mona Vale Library is located at 1 Park Street, Mona Vale.
Bookings are essential; to book phone 9970 1600.
Following the talk there will be light refreshments.
Admission is $8 adult, $6 concession.

Mona Vale library’s Author
Talk on Wednesday 23
November at 6.30pm will feature author Derek Hansen presenting
his latest book A Man You Can Bank On.
A fast-paced thriller with a comical touch, A Man You Can Bank On tells
the story of two thieves who pull off what they believe to be the best
crime ever. However that was before they have to bury their stash after
crashing into a carload of nuns!
Set in an Australian drought-stricken town, the book’s central
character is a former bank manager who rescues the town and transforms
it with the stolen cash.
But now the crims want their money, the cops want the money and he has
the insurance investigator and a couple of hit men after him too!
Born in England, author and Pittwater resident Derek Hansen spent time
in Auckland and London before relocating to Australia more than
twenty-five years ago. Hansen now shares his time between homes
in Avalon and the Sunshine Coast.
Derek Hansen published the bestselling Lunch with the Generals series
and has subsequently written a further five novels and three
collections of short stories.
Catherine Buddin from the Library said Mona Vale had 11 titles by Derek
Hansen which were popular with readers of all ages.
Mona Vale Library is located at 1 Park Street, Mona Vale.
Bookings are essential; to book phone 9970 1600.
Following the talk there will be book signings and light refreshments.
Admission is $8 adult, $6 concession.

Bushcare volunteers in
Pittwater are being asked to take part in a university research project
into ticks.
Researchers from the University of Sydney are looking into the presence
of the Borrelia bacterium found in ticks and its connection to Lyme
In the United States, Borrelia bacteria are known to be linked to the
presence of Lyme disease, which is one of the fastest-growing
infectious diseases in America.
The official position of Australian health professionals and NSW Health
is that Lyme disease does not exist in Australia, as the Borrelia
bacteria are only found in minute quantities in ticks.
The university researchers are collecting tick samples on the northern
beaches to clarify whether this is the case.
Bushcare volunteers working alongside Council staff are being asked to
collect any ticks they find and place them in specially marked
The collected ticks will be kept by the Council in a refrigerated state
until they are passed onto the university.
Bushcare coordinator Peter Ziegler said the project was also being
supported by local vets and WIRES volunteers.
“We stress that volunteers are not being asked to put themselves in
jeopardy by collecting ticks.”
“The aim is for volunteers to collect any ticks they find in the course
of their work outside.”
To find out more about the project and becoming a bushcare volunteer,
contact the Council on 9970 1111.
Investigation in Lyme Borreliosis and other
Vector-Borne Diseases in People and Dogs in Australia
I would like to invite you to join a study I am conducting into several
vector-borne diseases – Lyme Borreliosis, Bartonellosis and
As you may know, Lyme disease is an infection of humans and dogs that
is caused by Borrelia bacteria that are usually transmitted to humans
via the bite of an infected tick. In regions of the world where Lyme
disease is endemic and well recognised, people’s dogs are also often
infected by the same organism. This is because dogs, being ‘closer to
the ground’ and having ready access to the undergrowth, are even more
likely than their owners to be exposed to the vector ticks. Dogs are
often regarded in these regions as “sentinels” of infection; in other
words the dogs can act as an early warning of potential infection in
humans in the area.
Currently it is not clear whether humans are able to contract Lyme
disease locally, here in Australia. Our research aims to helps answer
this important question. We are sampling dogs in this area to test
whether any of them are positive for Lyme infection (and some other
In order for this research project to be fully informative I need your
consent to obtain information about your dog(s) and I also seek your
permission to take a blood sample from your dog(s). This is not
expected to cause any harm at all and if we have any concerns, then it
will not be done. This study has been approved by the Animal Research
Ethics Committee at Murdoch University.
If you wish to participate in the study I suggest that we proceed as
1. You read all the information provided with this
letter, sign the consent form and tell us that it is OK to collect the
blood sample. If you live in the Northern Beaches area of Sydney you
can take you dog(s) to one of the following vet hospitals that are
participating in this study: Bilgola, Northern Beaches, Mona Vale and
2. Please would you also complete the short
questionnaire about your dog? This information is vital for the study.
The initial results of the blood test on your dog(s) will be available
immediately. We will be using a test kit known as the Idexx Snap 4Dx.
This provides information on whether your dog has been exposed to three
bacterial organisms (Borrelia, Ehrlichia and Anaplasma) and whether
he/she has heartworm. So this is a free heartworm test as well! You
will be notified if there is any positive result. We will also be
testing the blood using other tests (ELISA and Western Blots) with our
colleagues in Germany.
I am happy to discuss with you any concerns you may have about this
study. All my contact details are provided below. Sincerely
Peter Irwin, BVetMed, PhD, FACVSc (Canine Medicine), MRCVS Associate
Professor in Small Animal Medicine Registered Veterinarian in WA and
NSW, and Registered Specialist (WA) in Canine Medicine
Direct office line: 08 9360 2590 Mobile: 0428
364868 Email:
This study has been approved by the Murdoch University Animal Ethics
Committee (Approval R2385/10). If you have any reservation or complaint
about the ethical conduct of this research, and wish to talk with an
independent person, you may contact Murdoch University’s Research
Ethics Office (Tel. 08 9360 6677 or e-mail Any
issues you raise will be treated in confidence and investigated fully,
and you will be informed of the outcome.


Named in honour of the land of the Scots by Andrew Thompson 1773 -
1810, Scottish born pioneer, entrepreneur and local hero who was
granted this ‘gem’ of Pittwater, circa 1809.
The bold design features St Andrew’s Cross emblazoned with the stars of
the Australian Southern Cross. St Andrew is the patron saint of
Scotland. His saltire (cross) and the southern stars are proudly
featured on Australia’s national flag of “Stars and Crosses”. The
Constellation serves as a reminder of the local Indigenous people and
their legends relating to the stars of the Southern Cross.
The distinctive design acknowledges the history and heritage of
Scotland Islanders. The Island flag can be flown or displayed ashore,
aboard boats or wherever Scotland Islanders desire.
John Vaughan
Vexillographer, (Designer of the Scotland Island Flag in 2005)
Showroom: 2/175 Sailor’s Bay Road, Northbridge NSW 2063
PO Box 38
(T 02 9958-3246)
Andrew Thompson. (1773 -
Thompson arrived in Sydney as a convict on the transport Pitt with the
Second Fleet in 1792. He was sentenced to fourteen years transportation
for the theft of cloth, valued at about 10 pounds, from the shop of a
merchant. Thompson was born c.1773 and was therefore about nineteen on
his arrival in Sydney. His father was a weaver manufacturer and dyer at
Kirk Yetholm in Scotland and Andrew had been educated at a parochial
school until forced to leave due to ill health. He was studying for the
excise service when arrested.
In the colony Thompson was appointed to the police service in 1793 and
served with distinction at Toongabbie and other areas. In 1796 Governor
Hunter appointed him to the Green Hills (later Windsor) and he rose to
Chief Constable, a position he held until 1808. The Reverend Samuel
Marsden praised Thompson's actions in the 1806 Hawkesbury floods when
he saved the lives of 101 residents, plucking them from their rooftops
in one of his boats.
Thompson had received an absolute pardon in 1797. He built the first
toll bridge at Windsor, established a brewery and a hotel, managed
Governor Bligh's Hawkesbury farms, owned ships, a tannery and salt
works. In 1804 Governor King had helped Thompson set up a salt
manufacturing plant in Broken Bay. The first site was Mullet Island
(now Dangar Island) on the Hawkesbury River but later Thompson moved
his salt works to Scotland Island, named for his homeland. In 1809
Thompson was granted by Lieutenant Governor Paterson '120 acres on
island near the southern extremity of Pittwater Bay - being the first
bay on the south west side of the south head of Broken Bay. Rent: 3
shillings per year commencing after 5 years. Governor Macquarie later
approved this grant. The grant reserved to the government 'the right of
making a Public Road through the island and also reserving for the use
of the Crown such timber as may be deemed fit for naval purposes'.
At the salt works on the island Thompson extracted salt from seawater
by means of an oil burner. He was able to extract 200 lbs (90 kgs) of
salt a week. A house was built and a ship slipway. It was rumoured
Thompson operated an illicit still on Scotland Island.
Governor Macquarie was a valued friend and appointed him a justice of
the Peace and Chief Magistrate on the Hawkesbury. Macquarie described
him as a man of 'sober habits and good character'. The 'exclusives' of
the colony hated and maligned Thompson. Macquarie appointed him a
trustee of the new turnpike road from Sydney to Parramatta, which
antagonised the Reverend Marsden, another appointee. Marsden retired in
anger to his farms.
By 1810 Thompson was ill as a result of his strenuous efforts in the
Hawkesbury floods of 1809 and he died on 22 October 1810. His estate
was valued at between £20,000 and £25,000 (pounds). In his will he
bequeathed a quarter of his fortune to Governor Macquarie. Macquarie
wrote that Thompson's death 'affected Mrs. Macquarie and myself deeply
- for we both had a most sincere and affectionate esteem for our good
and most lamented departed friend'.
Thompson's was the first burial in the cemetery of St Matthew's Church
at Windsor and Governor Macquarie composed the long epitaph carved on
his tombstone, which may still be viewed today.
Before his death Andrew Thompson had laid the keel of a vessel, which
he named the "Geordy". "The Sydney Gazette" of 24 November 1810 states:
On Wednesday, the 14th of the present month, a launch took place at
Scotland Isle, Pitt Water, of a vessel of 18 tons, said to be one of
the finest of her brethren ever built in the Colony.- She makes part of
the devised property of the late Mr Thompson, who at the laying down of
her keel gave her the name of the "Geordy".
Following Thompson's death the island was initially rented to William
Mason for £120 (pounds) for three years. Robert Lathrop Murray then
purchased it. In 1812 Scotland Island was offered for sale and the
Sydney Gazette advertisement declared it contains 'one hundred and
twenty acres of good soil, extensive salt-works, a good dwelling-house
and stores, labourers' rooms, and every convenience suitable for a
fishery, or shipbuilding, also a vessel of about ninety tons, partly
built, still on the stocks.'
In the 1920s the foundations of Thompson's house and the remnants of a
wharf were still in existence.
(The text comes from a book on the history of the area called
"Pittwater Paradise" by Joan Lawrence)

Gorgeous weekender or first home, Elvina Bay
Price $625,000
Call 0416 212 098
Two bedrooms, split level, polished floors, NE facing, Elvina Bay
Long term $400 per week, short term $650 pw
Call 0416 212 098

Playpen wanted
Grannie Sandy Walker is seeking a play pen without floor robust enough
to contain a very active and strong 14 month old baby boy
(If you have one please call me on 0417730056)

Local Guide
in Pittwater - Self Editing
Event Calendar |
click to
go to the Calendar |
Island Community Vehicle - 0404 103 700 |
Number, Usage & Charges |
Island Rural Fire Brigade - 9999 4404 | |
Pittwater Rural Fire Brigade - 9997-3795 | |
Gallery | |
Island Residents Association
(SIRA) Membership Application - click
here to download |
Pittwater Community
Association (WPCA) - |
Island Water
SI Emergency Water Contacts and Guidelines for water: click
here for information and contacts
Scotland Island 'Water Agreement' - click
here to download |
Island Children's Centre - (SIOCS - Scotland Island
& Offshore Childrens Services)
Catherine Park (Long Day Care Service) 8.30am - 4.30pm (Tues,
Weds & Thurs)
Playgroup @ Children's Centre every Monday, 10.00am - 12 midday
Other services include: School Holiday Programme / Facility &
Equipment Hire
For information call 02 9979 7856 or email: |
Island Community Hall
Bookings: Kez on 9999 4092 or |
Real Estate
Services, Clubs &
Traders - On-line shopping
from your computer, through your door on Scotland Island. Contact
Graeme on 0419 460 331 or click
here for full details
of the Peace
- Bob Bolton - 9999 4092 |
of the Peace
- Paul Purvis - 9979 9667 |
of the Peace
- Paul Burchall - 0414 975 793 |
of the Peace
- Bob Mitchell (Mackeral Beach) - 0419 745 628 |
Community Arts Inc. - Enquiries Lorrie Morgan
9997 8079 |
Point Yacht Club - |
Prince Alfred Yacht Club - 02
9997 1022 |
Motor Yacht Club -
02 9997 5511 |
Island Lodge - Bed
Breakfast - 02 9979 3301 or |
Escape - B & B at
Elvina Bay - Alison Newham 0423 598 760 |
on Towlers Bay - 02 9332 2611 |
Youth Hostel - 02 9999 5748
Chambers - Celebrant (marriages, funerals etc)
Discount for all offshore residents. 9999 2445 |
IT Computer Services - Contact Robert
0427 890 357 or 9999 2942 |
Service - "No
job too small" - Call Alan 0447 775 541 |
Wayne on
Scotland Island 0418 229 277 - offshore community
sparky - |
Island Classes
Dance, Art etc)
Meditation and Group Fitness with Patrice - 0406
483 036 |
- Thursdays - 0421762236
or |
with Max - Watercolour classes. Phone Max on 9997 4527 |
Classes- drawing
and painting in oils, acrylics and mixed media- Marion 9979 3993 or
0431 457 431 |
Nathalie's Table - Cooking Classes - Mediterranean
cooking fortnightly - Nathalie - 9999 4449 |
/ The Forth Way - Call John on 9979 5584, Marion on 9979
3993 or Anne on 9999 3478 |
Kinesiology Clinic
- Mondays on SI Phone Jen Cudmore 0425 212 849 |
Group For Catherine Park - Run by SIOCS - Emmie Collins
on 0405 330 781 |
- Women on Water
- second Wednesday of the month - contact Nila on 9999 2445
& Kids Groups Playgroup - Run by SIOCS
- email Emma |
Island Players
- contact Bob or Kez on 9999 4092 |
Park Bush Care Group,
2nd Sunday @ 9.30am, Sharon Kinnison @ 9997 6017 |
Park Bush Care Group,
1st Saturday @ 9 am, Bob Bolton @ 9999 4092 |
Thinking Group - Roy
Baker, 9999 6891, |
a capella choir
– Saturdays at 2:30 pm, SI Community Hall. Call Gordon on
9997 2035. |
Buses and Railways
Island Tides,
Moon phases, Sun rise & set
weather for Sydney (128k circle)
Contact Numbers
ALL EMERGENCIES (Police - Fire - Ambulance) |
000 |
Assistance Line & Information |
1444 or 9281 0000 |
Bay Water Police |
7899 or 0412 162 093 |
Island Rural Fire Brigade |
4404 |
Fire Service General Information 9265 2999 |
2999 |
Fire Service General information |
3000 |
Emergency Service, Warringah/Pittwater SES |
3399 |
Parks & Wildlife Service: 000, general information |
9322 |
of Community Services: general information |
6011 |
Water |
090 |
Australia |
388, (ah) 131 909 |
can now join the
Scotland Island Residents Association by clicking
here. Please print the
page and return the completed form to
SIRA at this address:
The Treasurer, SIRA, PO Box 70, Church Point
Please NO CASH.
Contact SIRA at
To join the
Western Pittwater
Association, contact Michael Wiener at |
A complete set of past electronic newsletters since May 2000 can be
found and read at or
by clicking
here or
by visiting the Mona Vale Library.
The Island website is at

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like to contribute to this newsletter it's easy!. Send an
e-mail to the editor ( or by clicking here.
Type your
contribution (100 words or so would be fine) and assuming it is of
interest to the community, does not include matter of a political
nature and is not offensive, it will
appear next month.
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views expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily the views of the
Scotland Island Residents Association (SIRA), or
the Western
Pittwater Community Association (WPCA)
