Hi ,
If the following is not of interest to you, but you know someone who may be interested, please forward this email.
Surrey Scoutabout is being held over the 8th-9th July.
The club always runs taster sessions on nearby Weirwood Reservoir, and this will be in open canoes and kayaks, for one hour sessions: three each on Saturday morning (10-1), Saturday afternoon (2-5), and Sunday morning (10-1).
There is an initial aim to provide 30 seats per session, increasing to 40 if numbers of staff and boats allow.
I have had various offers of help and boats already, but would like to now have those confirmed, and am asking for more offers.
We need help from Permit holders and non-Permit holders. If you can help for any or all sessions please reply with your availability and your Permit scope, if you have one.
We also need more kayaks and open canoes, along with relevant kit, that can be delivered to either Weirwood Reservoir or neaby Blackland Farm Guide camp.
More details will be provided to each person contacting me. If easier, call me on 07850 426880.
Roger Harris
County Canoeing Adviser