Invitation to 'Thatcheristic': 10 Artists depictions of the Iron Lady
Art Below and Gallery Different Request the Pleasure of your
Company at the Private View of
Wednesday 17th April
6 - 9pm
Gallery Different
14 Percy Street London W1T 1DR
RSVP by 15th April
Art Below’s ‘Thatcherstic’ opens at London’s Gallery Different with a private view on Wednesday 17th April, the day of Thatcher’s funeral. The exhibition features 10 artists depictions of ‘The Iron Lady’ and is open to the public for 10 days tying in with the ‘No.10’ theme.
Artists include kennardphillipps, Harry Pye, Nasser Azam, Sarah Maple, Matt Small, and Carne Griffiths.
Over the next month selected works from the exhibition are due to feature at Westminster tube station including a large pixellated close-up of Margaret Thatcher’s tearful eye whilst leaving Downing Street for the last time by Saatchi New Sensations Winner Jonny Briggs.
“All the artists in the show have one thing in common, we all grew up as Thatcher’s children”
remarks Ben Moore, Director of Art Below. “Some of the artists like kennardphillipps whose
depiction of Thatcher is part of the Tate collection already have work at hand, however some artists are creating work especially for the show like Carne Griffiths and Matt Small..
Thatcher’s recent death has highlighted the divide in people’s thoughts and feelings towards her and I hope this comes over in the exhibition”
For press release, high resolution images please email
Telephone: 0208 948 4491
One of Art Wars latest collaboartions is now on show at Regents Park Tube Station. 'Turning the Dark side onto the Art Side' is a collaborative poster design with stencil artist Matt Farina.
Inkie's most recent contribution to the Art Wars collaboration is a storm troooper head done up 'Maori Style' You can see a time lapse video of Inkie painting this by clicking here
Art Below is now on Instagram
Follow Art Below on Instagram to view daily updates including the latest art to showcase on the underground.
LOLCats at Pimlico Station |
LOLCats are now on display at Pimlico Station for two weeks starting 11th March. This is the first internet based group of artists we have featured. LOLCats are an array of cool cats and witty kitties, including graphic designers, illustrators, photographers, animators and writers to submit to a group exhibition in Januray 2013. Ignoring the crudely makeshift LOLCAT aesthetic, each of these artists has come up with their unique take on the theme to create a piece of beautiful, amusing and exquisitely crafted LOLCAT art.
'Art of March' opens on the London Underground
'Art of March' 2013 is now live on the London Underground, featuring works of 20 outstanding international artists across the capital's tube stations, including Notting Hill, Knightsbridge, Sloane Square, and Pimlico. All the artworks were unveiled as framed prints at White Space as part of 'Your Mind: A user's Guide' on the evening of 12th March sponsored by Courvoisier and Genesis Imaging.
Edna Dumas , Matt Farina, Romen Gouveia, Irma Irsara, Seungmi Lee, Wang Lin, Nadia Lee Knight, Shoa Malik, Michael Mangroo, Maja Smiejkowska, Lesley Oldaker , Lili Phelouzat, Ludy Shuhaibar, Samantha Thomas, Bryony Thomson, Zody Tseng, Richard White, Celia Wilson

'Art Below London' February 2013 edition Private View at the Underground Gallery. Tuesday 12th February.
Who would have thought that on a Tuesday evening in a corner of Charing Cross tube station there would be a glass room full of people surrounded by art, drinking, chatting looking at art and having fun?
To view pictures of all the artists who were able to attend the event click here.
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Art Below Ltd. Registered in England No.05697608. Primary trading address, Art Below Ltd., Studio 21, Sulivan Enterprise Centre, Sulivan Road, London, SW6 3DJ