Christians in South Africa will be hosting a vigil for Palestine to mark the 70th anniversary of the Palestinian Nakba/Catastrophe and in support of the #GreatReturnMarch currently underway in Palestine. Palestinians across the political and religious spectrum have been gathering at weekly protests, dubbed the #GreatReturnMarch, which is a 6 week series of demonstrations taking place along the fence separating Gaza and Israel. Members of the media and public are invited to the vigil taking place on Sunday 13 May at 15h00 at Constitution Hill (Human Rights Room, Constitution Hill, 11 Kotze Street, Braamfontein).
The event is an initiative of members of the Christian community in South Africa – a growing number of Christians are increasingly awake to the true nature of the Israeli Apartheid state. This event, furthermore, is supported by the South African Council of Churches, the Council of African Independent Churches, Kairos Southern Africa, South African Jews for a Free Palestine, BDS South Africa, the Palestine Solidarity Alliance and the National Coalition 4 Palestine (NC4P).
Since 1948 with the establishment of the modern State of Israel, Palestinians have faced 70 years of ethnic cleansing by Israel. During this time more than 400 villages were destroyed. More than two thirds of Palestinians became refugees or were internally displaced. Land belonging to the indigenous Palestinian people was and continues to be stolen. Systemic racial discrimination by the Israeli regime and the illegal military occupation of Palestine is now the order of the day. This is the Nakba (catastrophe) commemorated every year on 15th of May..
Voices and messages from within Palestine, including that of the Palestinian Christian community, say that they are entering (or worse, might already have entered into) the final phase, an end-game phase, of ethnic cleansing by the Israeli regime. The Christian presence in the “Holy Land” is at risk due to Israeli Apartheid!
Facing this crisis presents unique responsibilities and opportunities to all of us. Through this vigil we hope to jointly come up with creative ways to address the call for support made by Palestinians including our fellow Palestinian Christian brothers and sisters.
Finally, we send our strength to fellow South Africans who will form part of the national Palestine protest on Tuesday 15 May at 11h00 to the Parliament of South Africa.