Happy Easter, everyone! A little early perhaps. 
For Easter this year we’ve stocked up with Crystal Eggs, but we also have some lovely crystal bunnies. Very rare and beautifully carved!  There are also many new items in the “New” section for you to view. 
Easter is the beginning of the years cycle, as the world is re-born and comes back to life every spring, So what’s special about eggs, and where does this connection come from? 
The Orphic Egg and the Dantian 
The Orphic Egg, was part of a religion of the Ancient Greeks although it parallels with so many other cultures. Followers saw the universe as cyclical and believed the earth had been created by the coupling of the Great Mother with the World Serpent; this produced a single egg, the cosmic egg, from which all creation was born.
The Orphic Egg mysteries were celebrated on March 21th, at the vernal equinox festival of the sun with the Sun Aries, when the hatching of the world egg was ritually enacted. The vernal equinox is significant too as its the measure of equal day and night, and it’s at this point of balance that spring is ignited. It was at this time that the world was considered reborn and of course it coincides with the Christian Easter. The ritual Orphic eggs, were absorbed into Christian folk tradition as painted Easter eggs, 
In the same tradition, each person is said to have their own orphic egg deep within them, and inside this egg resides your true spirit self, waiting to hatch. This mystic egg for spiritual growth resides in near the naval in the same location as the Eastern Lower Dantian, and is considered the centre of ones life force. 
The Image shows both the Lower Dantian and the upper Dantian, what’s interesting about this to me, is that the lower is considered the true self, the subconscious the self  and that the upper dan tian is considered the conscious self;  each is the reason for the other. The Upper is an eruption from the lower, its flower and so the Taoist Yin Yang, is represented here, with the back bone and heart representing the middle ground, of Yin within Yin, the yielding understanding and accepting requirement of personal evolution, again here we are encouraged to create our own vernal equinox, a point of balance and re birth. 
Also, its only in such a mental state, that vital connection between the two dantians can be bridged, as this allows the coiled serpent within to make its journey towards to the conscious self, so that enlightenment can occur.  This subject can of course take many directions of conversation and there are many links one can make here including Egyptian, Hindu and Buddhist practices. 
All this said, it adds up to a perfect time of year to start a journey or venture, be that spiritual or material. 
We hope you find the above of interest, our usual mode of newsletter will be sent shortly. 
Happy Easter to you all