BPS Newsletter - Issue 118 3 December 2014 |
To: Firstname Lastname
Your BPS Membership No:
Next Wednesday we are being treated to Travels towards the
Edge with club members Sue O'Connell and Peter Brisley: An evening of projected images
and prints focusing on some less frequented destinations. Highlights include a
World Heritage site deep in the Libyan Sahara, a seaside resort full of ghosts
in Cambodia, and a couple of active volcanoes in Java!
I asked Sue for a couple of images to whet your appetite for the evening, below is what appeared in my "in box" (I sense Peter's hand in this choice!):
Projected Image Competition - Round 2
Last Wednesday saw Round 2 of the Projected Image Competition which was judged by Sheila Haycox ARPS DPAGB AFIAP. The results are as follows:
Helen Morgan |
Black Hat |
1st |
Richard Kay |
La Mola Fortress Three |
2nd |
David Alderson |
High and Dry |
3rd |
Mike Fox |
Walk on the Beach |
HC |
Richard Kay |
La Mola Fortress One |
HC |
Richard Kay |
La Mola Fortress Two |
HC |
Helen Morgan |
Sunrise in Venice |
HC |
John Hudson |
Mouse in a Cup |
1st |
Val Duncan |
Jimmy |
2nd |
Greg Duncan |
Mo Farahs Shadow |
3rd |
John Chamberlin |
Stellars Sea Eagle Feeding |
HC |
Greg Duncan |
Old Monastry - New Monk |
HC |
Val Duncan |
Bobcat on the Run |
HC |
Val Duncan |
Cougar Jumping on a Stormy Day |
HC |
Rob Gillet |
Trinidad Street Scene |
HC |
Beryl Heaton |
Zermatt in Snow |
HC |
John Hudson |
Titania Greets Oberon |
HC |
Ann Mead |
Orb Web Spider with Wasp |
HC |
Ann Mead |
Ovata Pushing 5mm Egg Sac |
HC |
Derwood Pamphilon |
Ballerina Adjusts her Shoes |
HC |
Derwood Pamphilon |
Synergy |
HC |
Keith Wood |
Pand Nova |
HC |
The Black Hat
Helen Morgan
Mouse in a Cup
John Hudson
Last Wednesday Barry Mead was presented with the Award For Meritorious Service - APAGB. This Award was instituted in 1984 to be national recognition of individual club members who have given meritorious service over many years within the PAGB community of member Federations and affiliated Clubs. Barry has been a national and international judge for many years, been long established on the club speaker circuit and has been a stalwart of the RPS. Barry joins a small list of photographers nationally (on average, less than 20 awarded per year), including Jim Marsden, Margaret Collis and Pete McCloskey from BPS. |
Barry receiving his APAGB award from BPS President, Peter Smith EFIAP
I know that is considered somewhat indelicate to give a lady's age away, but I'm sure Margaret Collis won't mind us all wishing her a Happy Birthday this weekend. I won't say how young she is, but it's somewhere between 79 and 81 - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Bristol Salon of Photography 2015
The closing date for free entry to the 2015 Bristol Salon is fast approaching - 17 January. This is your chance to enter one of the leading international exhibitions for FREE, just go to the Salon entry page on the BPS website where you will be able to find the Conditions of Entry and the on-line entry system. If you haven't entered internationals before, this is your chance to dip your toe in the murky waters of the exhibition world, and it won't cost you a penny!
When you get to the page where you enter your own details, make sure that you select YES when asked if you are a BPS member and enter your BPS membership number (see head of this newsletter) where prompted for Membership Reference. This will mean that when you get to the payment page at the end you can just click ALREADY PAID. Ignore any references to fees due in the confirmation email you will receive.
Clifton Suspension Bridge - 150 Years Old
To celebrate the Clifton Suspension Bridge's 150th birthday, there will be the biggest firework display Bristol has seen, this will be held on 7 December, full details can be found by visiting their website - please click here.
Arena Photographers at Sidcot School. I mentioned this exhibition before, but as it's on until 13 December I felt it worth repeating. Some members have already visited it and report back that it is more than worth a visit. For full details of times etc., please check the Sidcot website.
This week we have more to add to last week's brass section's worth of trumpets to blow:
Derwood Pamphilon - 4 acceptances at Wrekin Salon Derwood Pamphilon - 4 acceptances in the PhotoArt Prague Salon Derwood Pamphilon - 3 acceptances in the Obsession with Light International, Finland Ann Mead - 4 acceptances including FIAP Gold Medal, Life Balance International Ann Mead - 5 acceptances including HM in the Obsession with Light International, Finland Sue O'Connell - 5 Acceptances, Life Balance International Sue O'Connell - 5 acceptances including HM in the Obsession with Light International, Finland
Greenbottles Paired by Ann Mead
This image gained a FIAP Gold Medal, Life Balance International, Macro section.
My apologies for the censor's pen, but I am acutely aware that some members are somewhat sensitive about this type of image being aired before the watershed. If you are, however, of a more salacious disposition, you can see the unexpurgated image by following this link.
If you want to blow your own trumpet (or someone else's), then this is the place to do it. Please let me know and I'll include details in a future issue. |
Items will remain in this section for one month from the date of insertion or until notification of sale, whichever is the sooner.
If you have something photographic that you want to sell, let me have the details and I will circulate them to a captive audience of photographers through the Newsletter - send to the usual address.
If you have anything you think other members would like to know about, such as exhibitions, special events etc. please let me know at newsletter@bristolphoto.org.uk
Missed a copy of the Newsletter?
To view past editions of this Newsletter, please click on the following link and then select the date(s) you are looking for - BPS Newsletter Archive
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To enter the Members' Area of the BPS website you will need the following:
User Name - chatroom Password - pixels
If you have any problems getting into the Members' Area, please contact Carol, either by email: membership@bristolphoto.org.uk or by telephone: 0117 9241338.
Bristol Photographic Society, 12 West Mall, Clifton, Bristol, BS8 4BH