Award Winning Dutch Lessons           October 2013



Dear ,


Last month, I promised to tell you more about the “Pay it Forward Level 2 Dutch Course” (December 16th - 20th).


A friend of mine posted a story about his father on Facebook. He took his father for a nice day out, and when they returned, a neighbour had pruned the hedge for his father as a surprise. A simple deed, but so nice to know that people care. My friend ended his post by saying that we all could do little things like that, without asking something in return. The world would be a nicer place.


It gave me the idea of the theme of the level 2 course in December:



During this Dutch course, we will “donate” one lesson day to people who need our help. Monday through Wednesday, we will prepare ourselves for using our Dutch in all kinds of conversations. Thursday, we will visit an elderly home to give whatever we can give (in Dutch): listen to stories, a walk in the park, a game of chess... (Of course, your Dutch teacher is there as well to help you out. For you, it will just be a “normal” lesson day.) Friday, we will evaluate how things went and implement the solutions you needed Thursday with all kinds of tailored activities.


The discount for this course is €150,-. We ask you to donate €100,- to a charity of your choice, or you can work as a volunteer for 6 hrs (after the course). Then you can write an essay about the charity you chose or your volunteer work in Dutch, the collected stories will be checked & sent to all participants.


Will you join us?



Further “research” into this matter brought me to this site, it gives some simple ideas for random acts of kindness. They are all really kind, but this particular one left me smiling for a whole day:




You can find more courses here:



Other events/courses to attend (to use your Dutch, no Dutch teacher available):




Met vriendelijke groet,


Sylvia Clements

Pay it Forward & Forward this to a Friend Knipogen

For more information or your own  project ideas, please contact:

Sylvia Clements, Graaf Florislaan 54, 1405 BW Bussum


Click here to visit my site