This is a voluntary activity and both parties (Tutor and Associate) must be content to be in the same car as each other (normally the Associate’s car). It is recognised each individual has their own circumstances and acceptance of level of risk. There will be no judgement of individuals who do not wish to conduct car training.
Wiltshire RoADAR have a written risk assessment which is available on request. The mitigation factors listed below are to minimise the risk of coronavirus infection for the Tutor and the Associate. These are the absolute minimum required and if individuals wish to add their own factors the this is up to them.
Essential Mitigation Measures
No training if either party has displayed COVID 19 symptoms within 7 days or is self-isolating in line with Government guidance (including Test and Trace protocols).
Associate and tutor to have conducted a lateral flow test within 2 days of the training session. A positive test should be treated as per Government guidelines and precludes training.
Face covering to be worn by both tutor and associate. These must be in place prior to entering the vehicle.
Associate to ensure vehicle interior is cleaned with sanitiser prior to tutor entering the vehicle
Ensure hands are clean (washed for 20 seconds and/or alcohol gel as a minimum) prior to fitting face covering.
It is recommended disposable gloves are worn by the tutor when in the vehicle.
Tutor and associate must not touch their face when in the vehicle or prior to removing gloves and washing/sanitising hands.
Vehicle ventilation system to be on and drawing air from outside the vehicle (NOT on recirculation). Ventilation enhanced by opening rear windows to allow air flow over tutor and associate to go out of the vehicle.
Avoid face to face activity and conduct discussions outside the vehicle where safe and legal to do so.
Any equipment taken into the vehicle by the tutor to be sanitised post the session (alcohol wipes or a bleach solution)
Recommended Additional Mitigation Measures
Gloves to be worn by associate.
Tutor to wear an outer layer of clothing which can be removed and placed in a bag for washing post tutoring session.
Tutor may use a disposable seat covering if so desired.
COVID Secure Bike Tutoring Protocol – As at 15 April 2021
We must ensure the safety of both the Associate and the Tutor. The following protocol is to be followed:
Both parties must be happy to partake in the tutoring session – there is no penalty for not wishing to partake provided communication is clear.
No tutoring if either the Associate or the Tutor have displayed symptoms within the last 7 days or are told to self- isolate by the Government Track and Trace protocol.
It is strongly recommended both the Associate and the Tutor conduct a lateral Flow test no sooner than 2 days prior to the session. A positive test should be treated as per Government guidelines and precludes training.
All must follow Government guidelines on self-isolation and shielding.
Appropriate Social distancing must be rigorously applied.
Follow Government guidelines for hand cleansing and personal safety – hand sanitiser useful at all times.
Avoid busy locations for meeting, follow the latest Government guidelines for the use of cafes and/or take own refreshments.
Associates to be encouraged to bring their own copy of Roadcraft and the Highway code for ease of reference during briefing and de-briefing sessions.
Tutor explanations and diagrams to be suitable for understanding from 2 metres.