Hi Fellow Cat Lover,

Here's what's in this issue:

Our new Mystery cat...
Treating epilepsy in cats...
Cat food news...
Stuff for Cats and Cat Lovers...
Pain control for cats...
Herbal treatment for cats...
Web sites to explore...
Online symptom checker...
A smile for you...
Latest video
Take action...


Our new "Mystery" cat -- About a week ago, I discovered a new
cat in one of the buildings on our farm. With no idea of how
he got here, I named him Mystery. He's pure white, very
loving and calm but young and easily entertained, and he's
not saying much.

His condition says much, however. He's clean, not skinny
or too fat, and is not aggressive to the other cats. He just
wants to be friends. That says he was somebody's cat, and
he was not abused. Obviously, someone really cared about

You can see him on my page: http://loveablecat.blogspot.com

Since I believe he was given up because someone had to
move and felt they couldn't take him along, and didn't want
to be tracked down in case someone wanted to yell at them
about it, I wish there had been a way for those people to know
about the options that might have been available to them.

I wrote an ebook about it, called Moving With Pets. You
can see it on my website, here:

If you know someone who has to move and can't figure out
what to do about their pets, please feel free to send them to
that link. Maybe it will help save a life!


Some years ago, I rescued a litter of 5 kittens, along with their
mom, who were trapped in one of those very small pet taxis.
Just weeks old, I don' t know how mom was able to handle
the strain. She took good care of the kittens, so they weren't
under as much stress, but that wouldn't last. As soon as
their eyes opened, they would start crawling around and would
need some exercise.

They were lucky I found them when I did, although that's debatable,
because all of the kittens were horribly deformed. We don't
know how long they, or mom, were in there, or what happened
before I found them. All but one kitten died very shortly after
I brought them home.

The survivor is Stubby, named for her very short legs. She
also has a corkscrew tail. But she's a wonder cat! I tell her
that every day. Her mom is, too, because she came through
the ordeal very well and did a great job raising Stubby.

But tragedy almost struck a short time later. Stubby started
having seizures. I ran to the vet with her in a basket next to
me in the van, holding onto her every time she would start

But our regular vet was not in. A newly minted vet, fresh out
of school, was there. And she didn't know what to do. I asked
her to just euthanize Stubby and put her out of her misery.
But she still didn't know what to do and fretted and wrung
her hands. Real life was setting in...

I grabbed Stubby and took her home. She was seizing every
20 minutes by now.

I gave her some cat tranquilizer pills I had on hand for another
cat, to help her relax. She quickly fell asleep, and I left her in
a cage overnight, not expecting to see her alive by morning.

But there she was, sitting up and hungry! I was astonished,
but also very glad that vet didn't put her down. Stubby has never
had another seizure since! All the vets I mention this to are

It does bring up the subject of epilepsy in cats, though we
don't know if that's what Stubby had.

Here is an interesting article about it, which shows there is
more knowledge on the topic recently that might help other
cats who are afflicted.



I just wrote an interim report on the progress we're making
with switching to a premium cat food here. If you would like
to see how we're doing, you can get it at the link below, but
be sure to right click the link to download it. It's a direct down-


If you left click, it will open up and you can read it right away,
but be sure to Save it, or it will disappear when you close it.


Help Feed Shelter Animals

Don't forget to visit these sites as often as you can and
click on the shelter-feed links. There is no cost to you
to do this.



http://www.freekibblekat.com/ (Answer a trivia question...
even a wrong answer gives a donation.)

STUFF FOR CATS (and cat lovers)

http://bit.ly/r3fxds New cat supplement formulated by Dr. Jones

http://bit.ly/daZr9h - Flea Control Secrets

Homeopathic Pain Control - http://bit.ly/n7Xci1
(We get no commission if you buy this. It's just a straight link
to the product page.)

Herbal Nervous System Calmative:
http://bit.ly/mWnnMQ (also for epilepsy)

WEB SITES to explore

Is Your Cat Sick? — Diagnose The Problem With Symptom Checker:


Free Heroes ebook in honor of the 10th anniversary of 9/11:
Watch the video, then click on the link to visit the book page.

Or, if you can't watch video, here is the link for just the book:

If you get the book, be sure to find me on Page 91. I wrote
a piece for it, honoring a hero in animal rescue.


Pet Poison Helpline http://www.pacc911.org/Poison_Control.html
Keep this information "on top," that is, don't bury
it in a notebook or on your computer. When or if you
should need it, you don't want to waste time looking for it.


Latest Video - Kitten eating with chopsticks!
Check it out on my website, at the top of the page.

These sites provide up to date information on how to help animals:

1. http://www.pet-abuse.org
If you're so inclined, it's a good resource to find petitions to
sign, letters to write, or other actions we can take to help pets in
abuse situations.

2. http://www.dosomething.org/whatsyourthing/Animal+Welfare
A good resource for helping people decide what kinds of help best
fit their own abilities and interests.

3. http://www.hipaws.com/help.html
Help feed the kitties that didn't get adopted. There is a secure
PayPal donation button at the bottom of the page.


Watch for your next issue of The Kitty Times in 2 weeks!

Purrs and nosetaps,

Roberta, the Cat Lady
mskitty @ theproblemcat.com


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the help.)