December 2013 - January 2014



I would like to start this news letter with some tips & tricks on how to form the present tense of the regular Dutch verbs. It only takes 3 steps:

1) First, take -EN off the verb (if there is no EN, you take off N): werken - werk / staan - staa

2) Then apply the "Drinking T" rule:

I never drink T
You drink T,
but not when you are late
He always drinks T
You always serve T to the Queen
More people: whole verb

3) Last but not least: apply spelling rules if needed.

Read more & practise here
. For a different, on-line exercise, click here.

From now on, I will start every newsletter with some "Hammer the Grammar" advice. Next month, I'll discuss all 7 irregular verbs.

I am also planning some free webinars about Dutch grammar in 2014. Let me know which grammar you would like to learn. Stay tuned!


The winners of last month's Like & Win contest are Marye Cherry and Elizabeth Carver.


The booklets are coming your way!


I have many plans and ideas for you! Webinars, e-books for self-study, more contests, Dutch Parties in your house, Dutch Kahoot Sessions (Yeah, Kahoots will be great fun for Distance Learners, I will explain more in January ;-)

And, like I promised in my last newsletter, we will start the New Year with:

1) A Total Immersion 1 (January 6th-10th): Learn the basics of Dutch in One week. You can register here.

2) A "Use Your Dutch Day": a photo workshop with my brother Gijs. (Saturday, January 11th, please mail me if you would be interested)

3) A "Total Immersion 1 in One Day" (January 14th). Who wants to be one of the four lucky participants? (Only for people who have followed a Total Immersion 1 in the last three years, this day will be filmed for promotional material). Please, mail me if you would be interested.

4) A 5-day Theme Based Immersion Level 2 Course (February 3rd-7th): "Mind Full or Mindful"? You can register here.

You can find more courses here.

Have a great 2014!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,

Sylvia Clements