Saturday, February 27, 2016
John 18:20 Jesus answered him, "I spoke openly to the world. I always taught in synagogues and in the temple, where the Jews always meet, and in secret I have said nothing."
A lot has been said recently about government classification and how much information is given to American citizens. There have even been times when people broke the law by leaking information, treason by definition, and yet were looked at by many as patriots. We all know how much news has been generated by Hillary Clinton's email scandal. As our society trends more toward transparency, we're sure to see more things like this happen.
It makes us think of our confession. As a Christian it's relatively easy to confess your faith on Sunday mornings. There's no pressure against it. But are we as open about it in public, at work, or among friends or neighbors? We can take a lesson from the way Jesus conducted His ministry -- He taught openly and said nothing in secret. Everyone who encountered Jesus had an opportunity to see what He stood for. Could the same be said about you? If you told those who didn't know it yet that you were a Christian, would they be surprised? What parts of your life would betray what is in your heart? Could it be the way you speak? Could it be your patience level with close ones? Could it be your knowledge about what the Bible really says?
To be a Christian means there must be a certain amount of transparency in your life. You can't say one thing and act differently. Thank the Lord that we have a Savior to blot out our rampant guiltiness in this regard. We see Him clearly for who He is and what He has done for us, for the Scriptures testify of it. Praise be to God!