Happy New Year!
Welcome to 2021. Many people are glad to say goodbye to 2020 and look forward to a more productive, peaceful and powerful new year ahead. This issue will be geared toward helping to make that happen, with news of new products, information to help navigate what's becoming known as "the new normal," and some examples of good news, for a change.
Not Extinct After All
This cat was thought to be extinct, but one was recently seen for the first time since 1983.
Outdoor Cat Care
Do you or someone you know help care for homeless cats in your area? Often called stray or community cats, or feral, if they are truly unsocialized, these cats rely on the caring people who try to provide food and health care for them. In many areas, this is not appreciated, but there are ways to handle the sometimes sticky situations that arise. There is hope, though, as we learn how to manage them successfully by learning how to deal with the authorities. This article may help:
Know Your Rights: How to Talk to Local Authorities As a caregiver for outdoor cats, you may be approached by local authorities at some point. What is animal control allowed to do? https://qoo.ly/39mf7q
Rescue Stories
Everyone loves a heartwarming account of rescue, recovery and rehabilitation. If you work with cats and have a story of your own, the website below invites submissions so more people can share the good news and show the world that it's possible to save more lives. Eradication of cats has never worked, so it's important to spread the word about successful solutions to the overcrowding and suffering of unwanted cats. Rescue is important, but prevention is crucial.