tel:  512-280-1192                                                     Aug 26, 2011
      Nursery notes: we're a one-stop-shop for all the vegetables you
      need  to have a splendid fall garden: huge arrays of cabbages, Brussels 
      sprouts, collards, and all kinds of hot peppers and tomatoes to choose
      from. On sale this week: 20% off all pottery and metal art, and $1
      off all bagged goods.  
      Soaker hose question: With Stage 2 Water Restrictions  starting Sept.
      6th. reader Tila Post asked if soaker hoses were allowed anytime? I
      checked with the City, and the answer is no. Handheld  watering anytime,
      but soaker hoses only on your official day for watering.
      On Central Texas Gardener this week (KLRU), Wizzie Brown
      identifies all the pests that may be attacking your agaves, yuccas and
     cacti - and a visit to Jeff Pavlat's diverse succulent garden. Sat. noon 
     and 4 p.m., Sun. 9 a.m or click here:  
     How about a visit to the small Yemeni island a Socotra, the land of the
     desert rose... and the dragon's blood tree (Dracaena cinnabari.) A beautiful
     video - suggested  by Chris Winslow. Enjoy.  socotra
             Watercress in Central Texas? Why not!
                               by Chris Winslow 
Watercress is a fast-growing surface aquatic plant native to Europe. It
has a tangy flavor like radish or mustard and is absolutely wonderful in
It is also one of my wife Diane’s favorite vegetables.  However this plant –
Nasturtium officinale – does have a reputation for being difficult to grow,
so we decided to conduct some experiments at the nursery. 
We bought some seeds and got to work. We had heard that germination
was the   difficult part, with sometimes only one in 3,000 seeds being
successful.  However we had no problem here. They easily germinated
in a seedling potting mix, and we transplanted them into 4” pots.
As our experiment grew, so did the watercress.
We discovered that this little water plant was as happy in water as in a
pot that’s kept moist and well drained. We decided to place a 4” pot
of watercress in the gravel streambed of our disappearing waterfall
feature at the nursery. What disappeared however was the streambed!
The watercress has grown so much that it completely hides it. Clearly
watercress loves running water. An added surprise is the plant’s
tolerance of  heat. It has managed to thrive in our hottest summer ever.
Even in 105-degree weather, the watercress continues to flourish and
Commercially, watercress is grown in shallow streambeds. For a
gardener  interested in growing watercress in water, you can plant it in
a water-holding container filled with gravel. The water will need to be
poured out and refilled every two or three days.
This little water “weed” is loaded with vitamin A and C, iron, calcium,
and folic acid. It is also high in iodine and is known to have cancer
fighting ingredients too. Growing watercress is fun, healthy, tasty, and
nutritious. Come by the nursery and try some!
                      Happy gardening everyone.
  Visit the website at  Visit
 the nursery at 11726 Manchaca Road, Austin 78748