BPS Newsletter                                                                                                               24 July 2013
To: Firstname Lastname 
Your BPS Membership No:
Hello Firstname
Wednesday 24 July
Nigel Heffers Heard visits us from deepest Devon next Wednesday with his talk entitled "The Eternal Amateur".
The talk includes images from small town America, book covers, aeroplanes at Yeovilton, musicians and everyday portraits of characters found in every town as well as a wide variety of images taken in Devon & Cornwall. The theme running throughout the evening promises to be one of telling stories by taking photos to record what the world is all about.
2013 BPS AGM
Please follow this link to download the minutes of this year's BPS AGM.
A couple of points were raised at the AGM which you will see in Item 6 of the minutes; one was the fact that the new door closer fitted to the clubroom entrance door was causing problems (due to its stiffness), it has now been adjusted and is working OK.
The second was a suggestion made by David Southwell; David had requested that Council look into the possibility having the door into the main store cupboard moved so that entry to the store would be gained through a new doorway in the main entrance lobby; this is to avoid disturbing members seated near the existing door when access is required to the store during meetings. As a result of this request a detailed drawing and specification were prepared and a quotation obtained for the works involved; the value of that quotation is £1600. Council felt this to be too high a cost relative to the benefits that would be derived by a comparatively small number of members.
In addition to the cost aspect, the subject of security was raised. Some members may not be aware of the fact that the entrance lobby is not only used by BPS, all the owners of the other flats in the building also have access to the lobby for gas & electric meter reading which means that a standard lightweight internal door would not be acceptable and a secure lock such as is fitted to the door leading from the lobby to the clubroom would be required. This in itself is no major problem and has been built into the quotation; however it has not been uncommon to find that the existing store door has not been locked after use, which would present a significant risk in the new configuration.
A third factor to be borne in mind is that at present there is a cupboard in the lobby where the new doorway would be formed, which would have to be removed. It is full with 50-60 glazed picture frames which are used when BPS hold external exhibitions, these would need to be stored somewhere which in itself would create another problem.
As a result, Council have decided that the benefits are too small to justify the expense and the added risk.
PAGB Interclub Projected Image Competition 2013 - Warwick
Last weekend saw the annual PAGB Projected Image Competition being held at Warwick. 36 clubs from across the UK attended with BPS representing the WCPF along with Plymouth Camera Club and The Zen Photographic Group.
The competition was divided into 2 preliminary rounds followed by the "Plate" and then the Final. Round 1 consisted of 8 images, Round 2 of 8 new images and both scores were added together to declare the result. The highest scoring 8 clubs contested the Final; the remaining clubs contested the Plate Competition. The Plate Competition consisted of 8 images, of which 4 may have been used in previous rounds. The Final consisted of 20 images, of which 10 may have been used in previous rounds (you will be tested on these figures next Wednesday!).
Many thanks to all BPS members who provided images, all of which helped us to gain a very creditable 6th place overall, which means that we automatically qualify for next year's contest. In addition to the good showing of the Society, The Best Image in the Championship and winner of the Practical Photography Trophy and a PAGB Gold Medal was Val Duncan with her image - At the Ballet
Full results below:
The Clubs and their Federations Round 1 Round 2 Total R1&2 FINAL
Wigan 10 Foto Club L&CPU 107 99 206 267
Chorley PS L&CPU 103 95 198 256
Arden Photographic Group MCPF 102 103 205 255
Smethwick Photographic Society MCPF 102 102 204 255
Dumfries Camera Club SPF 99 96 195 247
Bristol Photographic Society WCPF 96 99 195 239
Cannock Photographic Society MCPF 99 96 195 233
Rolls-Royce (Derby) PS N&EMPF 100 94 194 227

Inn Focus Group WPF 93 97 190 104
Beyond Group EAF 95 94 189 101
Dundee Photographic Society SPF 97 94 191 101
Southampton Camera Club SF 90 97 187 101
Zen Photographic Group WCPF 91 94 185 100
Derby City Photographic Club N&EMPF 91 87 178 99
Plymouth Camera Club WCPF 87 100 187 98
Individual BPS members' scores:
Title  Author R1 R2 Final
At the Ballet Val Duncan 15 15
Snow Goose Landing John Chamberlin 14 13
Incoming Tide John Chamberlin  13
Working together Greg Duncan 13
Early Snow on Wyoming Range Greg Duncan 13 12
An Alien Romance Val Duncan 12 12
Memories Barry Mead 13 12
Wet Cold Snow Greg Duncan 13 12
Gull feeding on flies at MonoLake Val Duncan 12 12
Who's Ball Jeff Hargreaves 12 12
Fly on Woolly Bear Ann Mead 12
Going for the Basket Val Duncan 12
Ballet Dancers Derwood Pamphilon 12
Final Charge Barry Mead 12
Shady Dealer Ann Mead 12
Welcome Barry Mead 13 11
Royal Terns Displaying Peter Smith 12 11
Buscott-Trees Neil McCoubrey 10
The Encounter Keith Wood 10
The Future of Warfare Barry Mead 10
One Eye on the Ball Jeff Hargreaves 12
Jackal Pair Scavenging John Chamberlin 11
The Omen Barry Mead 11
Red in the Pocket Greg Duncan 11
Terrace View John Chamberlin 11
Dune Tree John Chamberlin 10
Total 96 99 239
Themed Summer Print Competition
Members are reminded that the closing date for this year's TSPC is almost upon us, Wednesday 31 July. If you have any queries regarding this competition I'm sure that David or Patsy Southwell will be more than happy to answer them for you - they can be reached either by phone: 0117 960 2113 or email: david@vizion2000.net

To download the latest issue of PAGB e-news, please follow this link. This issue is a special one in memory of Alan Millward who died recently

One of this year's intake of Photography Course members has asked co-organiser, Derek Ripper, if he can help in the quest for a camera:
Wanted - A DSLR by a course attendee (Peter Roberts) who will be joining the  2013 BPS Photography Course. If you have a DSLR you wish to sell please contact Derek Ripper (07976 188 517 or email  derek@firstcottage.com).

Trumpet Blowers' Corner
Sue O'Connell was recently awarded a PSA Gold medal and a FIAP Gold medal at the Rock International Circuit in Serbia, well done you!
If you want to blow your own trumpet or, dare I say such a thing, blow someone else's trumpet for them, then this is the place to do it. Please let me know and I'll include it in the next issue.
Items For Sale
If you have something photographic that you want to sell, why not let me have details and I can circulate them to a captive audience of photographers through the Newsletter - send to the usual address.

Copy required
If you have anything you think other members would like to know about, such as exhibitions, special events etc. please let me know at newsletter@bristolphoto.org.uk
Missed a copy of the Newsletter?
To view past editions of this Newsletter, please click on the following link and then select the date(s) you are looking for - BPS Newsletter Archive

BPS Website - Members' Area "Log in"
To enter the Members' Area of the BPS website you will need the following:
User Name - chatroom            Password - pixel
If you have any problems getting into the Members' Area, please contact Carol, either by email: secretary@bristolphoto.org.uk or by telephone: 0117 9241338.
Bristol Photographic Society, 12 West Mall, Clifton, Bristol, BS8 4BH
Web: www.bristolphoto.org.uk                 Email: newsletter@bristolphoto.org.uk