for the 2021 Perugia Press Prize
for a first or second book of poetry by a woman
on changes related to our contest and prize.
* BOOK LAUNCH for NOW IN COLOR by Jacqueline Balderrama *
on Día de los Muertos * MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2 * 5:30 pm PST/8:30 pm EST
Celebrate the publication of Jacqueline Balderrama's first full-length collection, NOW IN COLOR, winner of the 2020 Perugia Press Prize. This event features readings by Balderrama and special guests: poets Sally Ball (author of Hold Sway), Alberto Ríos (Arizona’s inaugural poet laureate), and Juan Felipe Herrera (U.S. Poet Laureate emeritus). Come listen in to poetry in community around this important new book that uses ekphrasis, portraiture, and family mythos to deepen our understanding of hybrid identities and call attention to those impacted by tensions along the U.S.-Mexico border.


Emerging BIWOC Poet Spotlight
October 2020 Poet: Diana Khoi Nguyen

Family Ties

Gradually a girl’s innocence itself becomes her major crime
A doe and her two fawns bent low in the sumac along the bank of a highway,
     the pinched peach of their ears twitching in the heat
Into the disordered evening my brother cut out only his face from every
     photograph in the hall, carefully slipping each frame back into position
What good does it do?
Decades of no faces other than our own chipping faces
What good does it do, this resemblance to nothing we know of the dollhouse
New parents watch their newborn resting in a sunny patch of an empty
     room, the newborn making sense of its container—
And from the road a deer ripened in death and a tuft of fur—or dandelion—
     tumbled along, gently circled, driftwood, shaking loose, gathered,
     dissolving into the mouths of jewelweed nearby
Earth is rife with iron and blood is rich in stardust
Immediately I spotted one hoof print, then nothing, as if this was where she 
     dragged herself out of the body
Strips of tire torn from their orbit
Is it right then, that we are left to hurtle alone
from Ghost Of (Omnidawn Publishing)

To read more about this poet and her work, check out our blog post.
PO Box 60364, Florence, MA  01062