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Loved being in Malta again, both personally & professionally, but also pleased to return to family, friends and speaking colleagues here in Canada!!
Oct month in review: Fabulous weather, fabulous ethnic cuisine, and fabulous coaching and speaking opportunities to many diverse groups: from women’s groups, to spa staff training, to political leaders to the first and only Toastmaster Club in Malta! Fellow toastmasters visit clubs in other countries!
November 2013- In This Issue
-      October month in review
-      Fall SPECIALSE-book and MP3 formats of my book: “Speeches That Will Leave Them Speechless: an ABC Guide to Magnifying Your Speaking Success”
-      Vary voice, movement, body language; in training, format of methodology or delivery
Quotations of the month:
“Sameness is the enemy of the speaker.” Patricia Fripp CSP, CPAE
 “People won’t remember what you say as much as they remember what they see when you say it." P. Fripp
Variety is the spice of life ... and also in delivery of stories!
Variety of a number of components in storytelling is necessary to hold the audience’s interest throughout.
Variety of emotions…take them on a roller coaster ride of emotions when telling your stories. Showing emotional shifts in a character from problem to solution to resultant benefits received and enjoyed, is what sells your message.
Variety of visual effects vary body language: facial expressions, gestures, stance, posture  of the characters in re-living story. Ensure body language is in sync with your words.
Variety in stage movement create different scenes for your stories in different locations of the stage; physically step out of a scene to deliver your point of the story to your audience
Variety in vocal language… If you want your audience to experience a “roller coaster ride” of emotions, vocal variety is the ticket. Use projection (volume & tone), pitch (highs/ lows), pacing (speed/rate), and the power of the pause. The power of the pause is often overlooked, when, in fact, it’s a very effective tool in delivering a believable and memorable message. Pausing at the right moment in a speech can add emphasis to important points and make a lasting impression on the listener.   
This chart created by the late well known world class speaker and author: Peter Urs  demonstrates the degree of believability a voice trait establishes with an audience. “The Magic of Voice Power”
         Voice Traits
Low Believability 
High Believability 
Projection (volume & tone)
Pitch  (high/lows)
Pacing  (speed/rate)
Pauses (breaks in speeches) 
Helpful hint:If your voice lacks vocal variety, an easy way to remedy this is to practise by reading children’s stories aloud. You automatically give the characters their own unique variety of voices.
Bonus information for trainers!
Variety in Delivery format If you’re doing a training session, you WILL have and hold their attention by varying speaker talk time with listener talk time- alternating between lecture, discussion, activity, power-point, video clip, storytelling, working on handout, and so on; in other words, VARY your methodology in delievery format!
Join me next month (still in Florida!) when I discuss the letter “W” as it relates to another story-telling skill.
Until then, happy speaking!

Limited-Time Fall Discounts on E-Book and MP3 Audiobook 
20% Fall Discount on My E-Book!!
 Act now! This limited-time offer 
will expire on Thursday November 21, 2013
E-Book (RRP $11.99)
To get your 20% discount simply
click this link and type the
 discount code “FALL” into the discount code box.
Be sure to click the “update cart” button before heading to the checkout.
20% Fall Discount on my MP3 Audiobook!!

Act now! This limited-time offer
will expire on Thursday November 21, 2013
MP3 (RRP $19.95)
Download the MP3 audiobook now and receive your 20% discount by clicking this link. Click "Have a Discount Code?" and type in the discount code “FUN” into the box. 

Be sure to click the “Apply” button once you've entered the code. 

Looking for a keynote speaker for your company event? 
As an 'edu-taining' keynote speaker, I would be happy to discuss this with you and hopefully fulfill your request! 


Wishing to enhance your public speaking skills or those of your team, in order to close more sales, open up more opportiunities, shorten the learning curve in picking up simple, proven tips?
As a certified presentation skills coach and group instructor, I can assist you in achieving your specific goals.

or phone: 416 489 6603
 Let's discuss your request!

Canadian Association of
Professional Speakers

Kathryn MacKenzie, B.A. M.Ed. DTM 
Presentation Skills Instructor | Keynote Speaker | Author

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