Bag Making is FUN!
June 15th, 2023
 a bi-monthly publication of StudioKat Designs
 Issue #248
So... now that our "show season" is over and we're back from our vacation, its time to get serious about finishing up our work on what will be our next new pattern! 

This past Saturday we published another post detailing out latest sample and if you happened to miss it you can click HERE to see WAY more pictures and get all the details about it, including the size of the project and the anticipated release date! 

BUT--- we still don't have an appropriate name for this new little beauty and that's where YOU come in! If you have an idea for a name I'd LOVE to hear it! Just send your idea to me at

So... with that in mind, I'm going to get back to work while you get started on today's issue of "Bag Making is FUN"!
What Was I Writing About Back Then?
I have such a large archive of writing on our website that sometimes I like to go back and see what I was writing about around this time during year's past. And guess what? Turns out, rereading these posts brought back some really GREAT memories for me. I hope you enjoy them too! 

1 Years Ago: 6/17/22- A Bunny Came to Visit- the Sequel
3 Years Ago: 6/19/20- So You Wanna Be a Pattern Designer
4 years Ago: 6/21/19- Logo-Motion
Why do Dogs Cock Their Heads to One Side
Of all the cute things dogs do, cocking their head to one side while they look at you may be the most endearing. Yet surprisingly little research has looked into why they do it. Now, a new study of “gifted” canines—those capable of quickly memorizing multiple toy names—shows they often tilt their heads before correctly retrieving a specific toy. That suggests the behavior might be a sign of concentration and recall in our canine pals, the team suggests. Click HERE to read more.

Today's Chuckle
{Click image or HERE for a larger view}

It's Time to Celebrate Your Sewing Machine
National Sewing Machine Day is celebrated to honor the invention of the sewing machine. When the people suffered by stitching their clothes on hand since it required loads of work and time as well. After the introduction of the sewing machine, the work and time was GREATLY minimized. It provided a great benefit to the Textile Industry especially in the leather field where the manual sewing concept was almost diminished. Click HERE to see to see some fun projects to help you celebrate! 
Rest in Peace- Tina Turner
Tina Turner, the earthshaking singer whose rasping vocals, sexual magnetism and explosive energy made her an unforgettable live performer and one of the most successful recording artists of all time, died on Wednesday at her home in Küsnacht, Switzerland, near Zurich. She was 83.
I 'll always admire Tina for the bravery it took to totally re-invent herself against all odds and we're looking forward to seeing the musical about her life next year! And here's a quick glimpse at my favorite Tina Turner song and you can Click HERE to read more
Here's this month's Discount Offer-  the DittyRoo
Our discount offer for this month's issue of  "Bag Making is Fun" is our DittyRoo pattern
The DittyRoo is a fairly large bag with a very roomy pass-thru front pouch area (hence the name) It's soft and moldable and sits so easily in the curve of your hip! and here's the best part... it works perfectly with 2 contrasting fabrics AND its FUN to carry!

And check this out--- from now thru midnight on Sunday,  June 18th you can use this code - 97EHDITTY - and get $3.99 off the DittyRoo pattern!
This coupon code cannot be used for previous purchases, or in combination w/other discount offers & will expire at 11:59pm on Saturday night, 6/18/23. 
Are you following us on Social Media? 

  Our FaceBook Group Site-

Here's Our Upcoming Show Schedule
International Fall Quilt Market 2023- Oct 28-30, 2023 - Houston, TX
International Fall Quilt Festival 2023- Nov 2-5, 2023 - Houston, TX
Mid-Atlantic Quilt Festival 2024 - Feb 29-Mar 3, 2024 - Hampton, VA
AQS Quiltweek Paducah 2023 - April 24-27, 2023 - Paducah KY 
In closing- 
Thanks for reading this month's edition of Bag Making is FUN. I hope you enjoyed it and that brightened your day if only for a short while! So that's it until later this month when we'll write to you again!
StudioKat Designs, Inc
137 S. Hemingway Ct
Advance, NC  27006
866-409-8634 (tollfree)