As we return to “routine” Jewish life after the holidays, I’d like to request a bit of reflection from your quiet place. We achieved many great moments during the holidays, but I know that there were also some annoyances. Our leadership team is working to address those issues and develop a more consistently satisfying environment at the Library Minyan.
But we need your help. Remember that we are lay led by volunteers, which brings us wonderful self-sufficiency and diversity, but occasionally also some things you might not like.
Let’s remind ourselves how fortunate we are to be part of such a community, and how easily it can be damaged by undue criticism and animosity. Let us instead cultivate respect, empathy, and appreciation for our volunteers and all members of our kahal.
Mark you calendars for our next General Minyan Meeting on the Shabbat of December 12, which will follow an extended kiddush. At this meeting, we can review our past year, and do some brainstorming for each of our committee areas.
— Carl Sunshine |
Gabbai-ing the High Holy Days |
I have been the High Holy Day gabbai for the past 11 years. I came to the job when Marizon Nimoy called and asked me to take it away from her. The first few years were the hardest, but with the capable help of Rachel Green we were successful. It has been helpful to get names of newer persons in the minyan from the Minyan Rosh each year.
I have continued to do the job because I get pleasure from getting as many people from the minyan to take on a job that is an honor. I must admit that it was harder this year because so many minyan people went to other services. I hope that those people who did not join us got pleasure wherever they went, but they did miss very nice services with the Library Minyan this year.
I also love seeing and hearing how much people enjoy having the honors each year. I have tried to get women involved in what have been considered male jobs because of the weight and I have had men doing g’lilah so that no honor is just a male one or a female one. I look forward to having a woman lift the Torah as hagbah!
For me it has been very meaningful being the gabbai for the High Holy Days. I fully understand why our weekly gabbaim enjoy the job. If I am still allowed to do the job next year and you want a particular honor, feel free to call me or email me to let me know.
— Barbara Breger |
Shabbat Dinners in Geographically Dispersed Homes are Back! |
The Diaspora Potluck Committee is excited to announce that the next “Shabbat Dinners in Geographically Dispersed Homes” (SDIGDH) will take place on Friday, December 4, 2015. You are invited to take this opportunity to get to know fellow Minyan members in a more intimate setting, and share a great meal together. Both Minyan regulars and newcomers are welcome!
Please sign up to be a guest by filling out the form found here. Do this as soon as possible, and definitely by November 18.
Individuals, couples or families are welcome to attend (or host) this fun social event. Each home will welcome 6-10 guests, pre-assigned in a more or less random manner while taking the guests' (and hosts') needs into consideration. The DPL Committee will contact those who have signed up as guests approximately two weeks prior to the dinner, and then they will be contacted by the participating hosts to arrange what they can contribute to the meal.
One of the benefits of the Shabbat Dinners in Geographiclly Dispersed Homes is getting acquainted with people we see across the room, or even sit near to, but don’t really know. So, by participating, both hosts and guests will be embarking on a mini-adventure. We can’t wait to get your sign ups!
— Rachel Sisk, DPL Chair
Joining Hands for Refugees |
Syrian refugees flooded Europe, the news, and our hearts in August and September. As the High Holy Days approached, it seemed wrong to sit idly when we Jews know so keenly what it’s like to be persecuted, adrift, and in search of a new home. The idea arose to support the refugee resettlement work being done by our sister Masorti institution in Germany: Berlin’s Synagogue Oranieburger Strasse. Rabbi Gesa Ederberg confirmed that funding was needed for German language leaning and basic welcoming.
Between Rosh Hashanah and Simchat Torah, the Library Minyan raised $2244 — the sum of 29 contributions by individuals and couples. A check in that amount was sent to Masorti Olami in New York, earmarked for the Berlin synagogue’s work. Rabbi Tzvi Graetz, Executive Director, has acknowledged the contribution thus: “Thank you so much for this generous donation which we will forward to Rabbi Gesa and the important Joining Hands project. Please share our gratitude with all the donors.”
Rabbi Ederberg conveys thanks from her congregation to the entire Library Minyan and especially to those who contributed: Rabbi Rachel Adler, Anonymous, John Antignas & Susan Laemmle, Gary & Marlisse Bachrach, Dina & Gordon Bernat-Kunin, Annette & Abe Berman, Mayer & Sandy Brenner, Donna & Mathis Chazanov, Elliot & Marlynn Dorff, Herschel & Miriam Elkins, Howard Fredman, Fran & Joel Grossman, Miriyam Glazer, Miriam Prum Hess, Samuel Jason, Jules Kamin & Cathie-Ann Lippman, Chaim Kline, Allan & Laraine Kokin, Baruch & Teri Cohan Link, Bob & Fran Malina, Henry & Suzanne Morgan, Debbie Rich, Barry & Kathy Rosenblatt, Mara Roshal, Dianne Shershow, Rabbi Harry & Kay Silverstein, Carl & Tove Sunshine, David & Janet Weissman, and Aron & Michelle Wolf.
Rabbi Kligfeld has convened a task force to consider possible shul-wide responses to the refugee crisis. That group has already met and will be formulating a program soon. Library Minyan members who sit on the task force include Kathy Rosenblatt, Brad Grob, John Antignas & myself. The Library Minyan can be proud of having led the way, with faith and generosity. The accompanying photo pictures two recent arrivals to Berlin, a father and his child. They could be us.
— Susan Laemmle
High Holy Day Retrospective |
Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur were very meaningful this year, and for some just the timeliness of all services was worthy of comment! We received several positive remarks, including good ideas for next year. There were many y’shar koachs for the davening, layning and d’rashot, and warm appreciation for the participation of Rabbi Kligfeld and Cantorial Intern Michelle Stone.
We heard it was "cool” to have the Torah Club kids read Torah and the hope that their participation would continue in the future. We are grateful to Rabbi Miriyam Glazer for preparing the beautiful Supplement, which was described by one congregant as an “unexpected gift” and another as “very moving and responsible for deepening their prayer experience.”
The committee appreciates all who helped organize and manage our T’filah and kept things running smoothly. A tremendous todah rabba to all who davened or shared insightful sermons, personal thoughts and poetry; chanted Torah and Haftarah; ensured our hearing the shofar deeply; and made the Yamim Noraim a beautiful and meaningful experience.
Our hope is to continue outreach to newer congregants and even broaden participation next year.
— Jennifer Low |
Oct 30-Nov 22:Temple Beth Am's Thanksgiving Food Drive for Big Sunday's Stuffing Event. Put cans and boxes of yams, gravy, green beans, cranberry sauce, cornbread and stuffing mix into bins around the shul.
Sunday, Nov 22: Sort collected food and deliver to the Big Sunday office.
Nov 14: Bar Mitzvah of adina Singer-Franks
Dec 5: Torah Club;
Rabbi Elliot Dorff lecture on Biotechnology & Ethics after
Dec 12: Extended Kiddush & General Minyan Meeting
Dec 19: Bat Mitzvah of Regina Weber
Mishna study 9:20
Tefillot begin 9:45
Temple Beth Am
Dorff-Nelson Chapel
1039 S. La Cienega Blvd, 90035
Father & Child  |