In This Issue:




A warm welcome to new group member:

  Peter Gilkes (C)

Articles needed

If you have interesting snippets or would like to write a short article for this newsletter then please let us know. 

All contributions welcome.

Wanted: Group Ride Leaders 

We need more volunteer Ride Leaders - No experience required, full training given.


Call Stephen Wilkinson-Carr on 07976 644485 for more details.



May 2022
Chair's Introduction
Although some plants were fooled into blooming too early by our somewhat mild weather this year, Spring has well and truly arrived and there seem to be Bluebells everywhere I look (so I sneaked a link into the photo above for the nine best Bluebell walks in Gloucestershire). 
Not as busy on the roads as I expected and it makes me wonder if ever-rising fuel costs are beginning to bite into everyone’s budget just a bit too much? There are, for example, fewer motorcyclists out and about than might be expected at this time of year.

We've been really busy and now have a team of new Car Advanced Tutors, new and recently-refreshed Approved Car and Motorcycle Tutors as well as a cohort of Motorcycle Advanced Tutors whose training ends this month.
We could not have achieved all this, and be ready to start some serious recruiting, without the committment and support from many people including (but not limited to): Simon 'Rossy' Ross (Examiner), Tony Dix (Chief Instructor), Adam Slaughter, Mark Sealey, Geoff Brown, Nigel Warwick and Dave Venman (Car Training Officer) and his team from Wilts RoADAR. Thank you all.
We’re continuing to plan for group events and recruiting activities such as the drone day out (for all members), the Prescott Bike Festival (volunteers, especially car members, needed to staff our stand), monthly group motorcycle rides, low-speed motorcycle skills event, motorcycle SkillShare, BikeSafe, CourierSafe and more.
We are still taking the very high levels of Covid infection into account though and will ensure that any proposed indoor events are properly ventilated. If you would like to help us to run a particular type of event then please let us know. All ideas welcome.
Just let anyone on the Committee know your suggestion.

Stay safe all.

New Car Approved Tutor - Mark Coleman

It is with the greatest pleasure that I can announce that Mark Coleman successfully completed training, as a Car Approved Tutor, with Dave Venman and his team from Wilts RoADAR.

Mark said: “As well as being a DVSA Approved Driving Instructor (Grade A) and Fleet Trainer, I’m also a qualified Mindfulness Coach. I’ve been training drivers for 12 years and integrating mindfulness techniques more recently, helping drivers move past their fears of, and even come to enjoy, driving. I’ve always loved driving but I know it can trigger a lot of stress for some, so it’s very rewarding when I can help others find a way to love it too.”

Many congratulations Mark. Very well done.


New Motorcycle Approved Tutor - Cam Mowbray

It is with the greatest pleasure that I can announce that Cam Mowbray, after passsing his Advanced Motorcycle Test with a Gold grade, has successfully completed training as a Motorcycle Approved Tutor.

Cam said: I have been riding for just under 22 years now and have been an advanced rider since 2011 (car since 2006). Last year I wanted to do some Continuing Professional Development so I thought I would try RoSPA to see what the difference (if any) is to my previous training. 
On completion of my training, I was asked if I would be interested in becoming a Tutor with the group, which has always interested me, so I said: 'Yes'. I feel that as a Tutor you can really hone the skills and knowledge you require when trying to impart this to another rider. 
I am very grateful to the group for taking the time and effort to train me to be an Approved Tutor, and I am looking forward to putting it into practice with an Associate soon.

Many congratulations Cam. Very well done.

Highway Code 2022

 This is a great opportunity to remind all members that the 2022
 Highway Code has now been published and is available to purchase.
 We all know how important it is to remain familiar with any changes that
 occur and, as such, would encourage all members to buy this latest
 version (click on photo for link).
Active Cruise Control (ACC) on motorcycles

This is an interesting video (click on picture) which highlights the potential introduction of technology which is already being used in cars. It will prompt some thought, no doubt, on how the technology described will benefit the rider but will also raise the question as to how much its presence will lead to the rider relying more on technology to maintain safety rather than fully considering their own actions and responsibilities in this regard.
Ultimately however, any technology that is working toward optimising the safety of both drivers and riders cannot be a bad thing.

With the weather improving, and as more opportunities present themselves to come into contact with both drivers and riders, now is the time to consider whether some informal recruitment for new Associates could occur.

Often a relaxed conversation can create great results and we would ask that, should the opportunity exist, could you please have a chat and expand on the benefits of undergoing advanced training?

Hopefully, we will all enjoy the presence of new Associates and members in the future and the broad range of experiences and additional skills they will bring.
SkillShare - Try it before you buy it

 Tell your friends. All are welcome.
Day Out Drone Flying Sunday 15 May 2022 (all photos clickable)

Only a few places left - book quickly!
Anthony Howlett has kindly arranged our first group event in a long while, thanks to Covid, which will be a day out to experience what it's like to fly a drone. The videos below, click on the photos, will whet your appetite.

Drones come in many shapes and sizes such as the DJI Mavic 3 on the right. Journalists and broadcasters have taken to the technology with alacrity and are using drones to enhance many outdoor broadcasts.

Some people are using drones to advertise their premises and services. Below is a classic example of a 1:28 minute, one-shot drone tour of abowling alley in the USA, the Bryant-Lake Bowl, which went viral went first released. Fabulous film although I wonder how many takes it took?

Many are being tested as delivery vehicles and last December the Royal Mail decided to conduct their own test in the Isles of Scilly. 

Apart from military applications, there are now huge drone swarm displays that often rival the best firework displays. The world record for the number of drones in a single swarm is currently 5,200! See them in action below.

For our day out we'll be visiting the Phoenix UAV Centre in Norton St Philip, south of Bath and 55 miles from Gloucester, for an outdoor only event hosted and presented by Peter Milner, founder and owner of the most established drone training provider in Europe (operating since 2010 - click on the picture below for a taster). 

Here's a video tour of the Phoenix UAV Centre.

There are some stringent rules and regulations that govern the use of drones in the UK. Here's a link to Civil Aviation Authority's guidance.

The programme:

The day will be spent entirely outdoors:

  • 10:00 am for 10:30 am Start - First 30 mins, Meet and Greet (Tea/Coffee available)
  • 10:30-11:30 Presentation on Drone technology – including swarm technology, rescue and military (Thoughts of Ukraine conflict)
  • 11:30-12:30 Flying demos and hands on
  • 12:30-1:15 Lunch
  • 1:15 - 5:00pm Hands on Flying under guidance of 2 instructors

  • Option for those interested, to stay on for night flying (need to check sunset time)

The cost will be up to £7 each for lunch and hot drinks (payable to the Phoenix UAV Centre).

There are 20 places available and Glos RoADAR members will be given priority.

Please note that if the weather prevents flying then the reserve date is Sunday 22 May 2022. Fingers are crossed the weather holds.

If you would like to join us then please e-mail Anthony Howlett at  
Prescott Bike Festival

Glos RoADAR will have an exhibitor's stand at the Bike Festival that should bring in some new members, both car and motorcycle.

Gates open 8:30 a.m., track action from 9:30 a.m., closes 5 p.m.

In the past the Prescott Bike Festival, which attracts about 5,000 visitors, has generated 5-10 new car members and 15-20 new motorcycle members. It is the primary marketing and recruiting event in our catchment area.

Please help to spread the word and encourage people to join.

Five volunteers, especially car members, are needed to help run the Glos RoADAR stand during the day.

The timings for volunteers' shifts will be one of:

8:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m. - 12:30 a.m.
11:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
2:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Should give you plenty of time to take in all the delights this event offers.


If you could spare just 2½ hours that day to share what we do with interested visitors  then please e-mail Stephen Wilkinson-Carr at
Did You Know?

The average person spends over £206,000 on cars in their lifetime

We know that, more than ever, cars are expensive to run. Insurance, tax, servicing, parking, all adds up over the years. So much so that with all the money you spend on car-related issues during your lifetime you could buy a Ferrari 488 Gtb. But maybe not surprisingly, it still wouldn't be enough to bring up a child....especially when it gets to Bank of Mum and Dad time!!

UK motorists drive the equivalent of Nottingham to Sydney every year
 On average, we each drive (and sometimes ride) about 7000
 miles a year. School runs, weekend food shops and commutes to 
 and from work etc add up to approximately the same distance as
 jetting (or driving) off to Sydney for a holiday in the sun.
 That's a lot of petrol.
It's illegal to pay with your phone at a drive-thru

You may be used to paying for stuff nowadays with Apple Pay, Samsung Pay and Android Auto in a variety of situations that we now take for granted, but a drive-thru is one place you, strictly speaking, cannot.

The law around using mobile phones whilst driving applies to everything, not just calls or texts, so next time you go to pay for your McDonald's order (other fast food chains are available) with your phone, you might want to think again.
Low Speed Motorcycle Event 21 May 2022

We will be holding a FREE and open-to-all Low-Speed training day on Sat 21st May 2022 to be held at the  Lower Car Park, Berkeley Power Station, Berkeley, GL13 9FB / N51 41.406 W2 29.727 / 

You do not have to be an advanced rider or even a member of an advanced riding group to attend. All are welcome.
The day will run from 1330 to 1700 and will include a range of low-speed riding skills and exercises designed to improve rider confidence and skill. The low-speed circuit favourites such as the snowman, figure of 8 and intersection will feature alongside braking drills and a slow race to make for an enjoyable learning experience.



It does not matter if this is all new to you as we will be running a session to revise the basics and if you have been before there will be an advanced low speed circuit to test your skills – there really is something for everyone!
           Example of an advanced circuit
Please reply directly to Tony Dix ( to register an interest and further details will be sent out nearer the time.
Recommended Books (Clickable)

The Committee

Chair - Stephen Wilkinson-Carr

Secretary - Rebekah Yarranton

Treasurer - Geoff Brown

Membership Secretary - Mike Ibbitson

Acting Car Coordinator - Stephen Wilkinson-Carr

Motorcycle Coordinator - Paul Smith

WebMaster - Phil Wesley

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Membership Secretary: Mike Ibbitson
Secretary: Rebekah Yarranton