OPUS_Upload and OPUS_Accumulator are free tools specifically for CORS administrators who are trying to track their private CORS stations against the NGS CORS array.
If you don't use OPUS regularly or you don't run CORS networks, then you are probably on this email distribution list by accident. There is a unsubscribe link at the very bottom that will really remove you.
:: OPUS Upload ::
OU has had a few changes in the past few months. After an NGS server side change in early November it was not possible to submit OPUS-RS jobs. This was fixed in Build 2040 in November 2021.
Based on numerous comments from non-production users, the OPUS_Upload interface has been changed to more closely mimic the NGS submission website.
A new entry allows you to override the RINEX file HI (manually enter Instrument Height).
Another addition allows single button download of the latest Antenna Type listing file from NGS, which is then parsed and populated into a drop-down pick box. This will allow users to select the correct antenna model with no spelling or spacing errors.
The distribution area has been cleaned up considerably also:
Finally, I updated the User Manual with extensive additions:
There is a less than exciting description of the Match Exclusion process starting on page 12 that explains the interconnection of OU with OA with an example.
:: OPUS Accumulator ::
The latest build of OA is 121 from September 12, 2021. This build fixed some minor graphing issues with data sets that spanned multiple years.
A complete list of changes can be found at the end of this User Manual:
The latest distribution can be found here:
:: DIPCap ::
DIPCap is a replacement for RCAPTURE. It supports both DIP Server and Client operation in addition to being more robust with internet drop outs. I have been testing it extensively with Starlink and LTE backhauls. If you would like a copy, let me know and I will push a new public build out.
Have a great year!
Mark Silver,, 801-412-0011 x16