
We are in the midst of class meetings. We hosted the juniors today. We try to draw attention to the potential pitfalls of each class, new rules and the positive things than can occur. Each class is filled with so many points of growth.

With 9th graders we focus on how school operates. We then split the boys and girls. On the boys' side, we talk about the idea of being a high schooler now. The responsibilities that come along with the opportunities are huge. We also talk about the ideas of respect for the opposite sex and the issues that occur when we overstep. The consequences can be significant and we want to make sure that students understand that. We also talk about respect for each other even when we don't agree with each other. The girls are lead by Mrs. Wenk and she talks about respect for themselves and others.

For 10th graders, we talk about the idea of looking at our futures. We stress that it is time to start growing up and letting childish things go. We want the kids to start thinking about life after high school and what those possibilities are.

For 11th graders, the big pitfall we want to address is the idea of "Age of Consent." We see this issue come up when juniors date freshmen. I urge the kids to avoid that at all costs not because of FHS rules but because of the laws. I would never tell them they can't date freshmen, as that isn't my place, but I do tell them to make sure they understand the added issues that come along dating younger people. The vast majority have no idea that those laws exist so it is a little eye opening for the students. We then talk about the importance of the junior year for their futures. The SAT, college decisions, trade school exploration, etc. The year is filled with exciting events and we want to make sure they are focused on their futures as the move through 11th grade.

12th grade (which meets tomorrow) is all about the high points of the year. Making sure each student is ready for the emotional peaks and valleys that come with this year. We urge them to talk to their parents about everything they are concerned about. We also tell them to be patient with their parents as it is something we as parents look forward to too.

Be Well,
Scott Sherman
It's A Great Day To Be A Packer!

Support Information
Arbor Circle in Newaygo County: http://www.arborcircle.org/programs-services
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-8255 24/7 trained support
Crisis Text Line for Teens Text "Listen" to 741-741 24/7 trained support
Please remember to remind your child to report any neglect or bullying they see.