Clean Up Australia - Scotland Island
Sunday, March 7
SIRA has
registered Scotland Island to participate once again.
If you would like to help out, either by grabbing a bag and filling it,
or helping to supervise activities, please email and
put your name on the list.
Come down to your nearest Wharf to collect a bag between the hours of
9am and 12.00pm. Bring gloves, sunscreen, hat, sensible
clothes and footwear – and don’t forget to bring some water too!
Toby will be out on the Laurel Mae to collect material.
Here is a link to the Clean Up Australia website:
Business Clean Up Day –Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Schools Clean Up Day – Friday, March 5, 2010
Offshore Community Breakfast
to Celebrate International Woman's Day
Date |
Monday 8th March |
Venue |
1714 Pittwater Rd |
Bayview |
Guest |
Roze Noble |
Who will speak
about her experiences
working with disadvantaged children in Vietnam |
Time |
- 9.00 am |
Cost |
adults |
children |
Profits to the |
- Vietnam |
Bookings ESSENTIAL |
Enquiries and
Bookings |
Tel: 99994861 |
email |
Numbers limited so
please book early and don’t miss this special event
Pittwater Offshore Artists Register
Attention ALL
creative people of all ages
are gearing up for another fantastic year as it is our bicentenary and
we have begun to think about how our arts community can celebrate this
We are also in the beginnings of final planning for
our exhibition at Manly Regional Gallery in 2011, which will also
involve writers, filmmakers, actors, architects, musicians etc. not
just the visual artists.
We would like to invite every one to participate, the new, the young
and also former offshore residents.
To this end we would like to organise a register of Pittwater offshore
artists, writers, musicians and filmmakers, actors etc.
you would like to receive information in regards to all our activities
please email Tracy Smith (
and we
will place you on the register so you can receive information regarding
future events.
Please provide your name, home address, postal
address, email address , phone number and area of your art practice
(artist, photographer, writer, singer, dancer, comedian etc.)
you are on the existing art group or Players group email lists confirm
with Kerry (qwl_kborthwick@hotmail)
or Tracy (refer email address
above) if you want to continue to be informed of future events.
note that all correspondence will be sent with privacy in mind and
recipients' email addresses will not be disclosed to others.
Island Thinking presents Living An
Activist Life
Ariel Salleh
Learn more
about Ariel's road to activism in Island Thinking's first talk of 2010.
Date and
time: Saturday 13 March 2010, 7.30 pm for a prompt 8 pm start
Venue: Roy Baker's house, 10 Thompson St (Lot 332), Scotland Island
(former owner: Jim Hinckley).
accessed from the fire trail that goes up to the top of the island from
behind the fire shed. It is the 2nd house on the left after the first
hairpin bend (between Jon and Sandy formerly Trudi Engler's
and the house that used to belong to Luke and Claire Atkins..
Please bring: whatever you want to drink and eat (finger food only,
please), and a glass.
More about Ariel:
who lives in Elvina Bay, is a researcher in Political Economy at the
University of Sydney. She was formerly Associate Professor in Social
Inquiry at UWS. She is co-editor of several international journals, and
the author of numerous publications: <>
year, with activist friends from around the world, Ariel brought out a
book called 'Eco-Sufficiency & Global Justice', a collection of
writings by various women, covering such issues as the impact of Kyoto
policies on peasants in Costa Rica, Marshallese families dying of
cancer from US bomb tests, the environmental wisdom of Aboriginal
women, self-banking schemes involving South African slum dwellers,
Kerala fisherfolk and the effect of mechanised boats, and much more.
For details, see
Dear Wine lover.
This is a reminder that the Wine Tasting for our group, is to be held
on Sunday 21 March from
The tasting will be held at Alan and Ruth Gaines lovely boatshed (red
boatshed at Eastern channel marker; 71 Florence Terrace). The tasting
notes and price list are not yet available, so this note is just to ask
you to pop an entry in your diaries.
And here is some more great news. You can now invite your friends and
neighbours who live offshore to attend our tastings!
They can sign up for an infrequent newsletter at
can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the link at the bottom of every
newsletter. And you can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the link at
the base of any newsletter - of course we hope you don't!
Best Wishes - your committee
you want further information, you could ring Greg Roberts
5228, George Gaal 9979 9141, Julian Muir 9999 4449, Paul
Purvis 9979 9667, or Alan Gaines 9979 2070

Council is calling on residents and business owners to mark the 20th
national anniversary of Clean Up Australia Day by helping to clean up
Sunday 7 March 2010 will mark 20 years since Ian
Kiernan AO, founder of Clean Up Australia Day, launched the event
around Australia urging people to make a difference by cleaning up
their local areas for a couple of hours. Since then, his simple idea
has evolved to be Australia’s largest community-based environmental
event. In 2009 alone, almost 630,000 volunteers participated and 7000
sites were registered for Clean Up Australia Day.
Mayor Harvey Rose said that this year the Council had registered 10
sites in Pittwater where residents could volunteer their
The sites are:
* Barrenjoey High School, Avalon
* Eastview Road, Church Point
* Maybank Reserve, Bayview
* Winnererremy Bay Reserve, Mona Vale
* Bungan Beach
* Mona Vale Beach
* Refuge Cove
* Coasters Retreat
* Scotland Island and its public wharves
* The Warriewood Wetlands and
everyone in Pittwater picked up just one piece of rubbish, we could all
make a huge difference to the local environment, “Mayor Rose said.
official Business Clean-Up Day is on Tuesday 2 March and the Schools
Clean-Up Day is on Friday 5 March, with students at Barrenjoey High
School being the first to register their school as a clean-up site.
Bilgola Plateau Public School has also registered.
can register their own site if they wish or simply turn up at a
registered site on the day with gloves, a hat, sturdy shoes, sunglasses
and sunscreen to be a volunteer.
To register a Clean Up site simply visit
or call 1800 CUA DAY
(1800 282 329).
Media contact: Rennae Projceski, Pittwater Council Ph: 9970
eco tour and history walk including a host of free activities ranging
from yoga to painting are just part of Pittwater’s 2010 Seniors Week
program taking place in March.
Mayor Harvey Rose said that as
a commitment to older residents, Pittwater Council would be supporting
Seniors Week from 21 to 28 March and indeed, throughout March.
theme for this year is ‘Live Life’ and the Council’s Community
Development Officer Angela Boyle said that the range of events on offer
will give participants a chance to do exactly that!
“We have a
mix of groups such as seniors clubs and community organisations working
with us to provide free activities that will offer something for
Ms Boyle said that one of the highlights of this
year’s Seniors Week in Pittwater would be the chance to explore the
Warriewood Wetlands by boardwalk. “The Coastal Environment Centre will
be joining forces with Northern Beaches Creative Learning to offer a
walk that will take place in an area famous for its diversity of
wildlife and abundance of birds.”
Other activities include:
- The
Wanderers walking group on Wednesday 3 March at 9.30am with a walk
starting in Frenchs Forest with bush and city views. Enquiries: Clive
on 9452 4065
- Getting started with computers on Wednesday 3
March. Learn how to use email, the internet and simple photo editing.
Enquiries: Gerd on 9918 6386
- Free healthy lifestyle courses including yoga,
strength training and tai chi. Contact 8877 5322
- Northern
Beaches Woodturners Inc will open their fully equipped workshop for
potential newcomers any Tuesday morning in March between 10.30am and 12
noon. Enquiries: 9974 5042
- Nelson Heather Centre Open Day on
Wednesday 17 March from 11am to 1pm will showcase the extensive range
of activities on offer at the centre, from healthy lifestyle courses to
dance groups, from gardening to bridge. Enjoy music from Narrabeen
Seniors Music. Enquiries: 9913 2522
- Avalon Beach Historical
Society Walk will explore Angophora Reserve and Pittwater’s indigenous
heritage on this guided walk on Tuesday 23 March at 2.30pm
- A
free screening of Ninotchka with Greta Garbo and Melvyn Douglas for the
U3A Golden Age of Cinema on Wednesday 31 March at 1.30pm. Bookings
essential: 9144 6088
- A Seniors Drivers Workshop will offer tips
on safe driving practices on Wednesday 31 March from 10.30am. Bookings
essential: 9970 1194.
The Pittwater Seniors Week program is
available free-of-charge from Council’s customer service centres,
libraries and community centres. The program can also be downloaded at For details of events across NSW visit For more information about Seniors Week in
Pittwater call 9970 1168.
Media contact: Angela Boyle, Pittwater Council Ph: 9970 1199
International Women's Day 8 March

To celebrate the United Nations’ International Women’s Day in 2010,
Mona Vale Library is hosting a free women’s money seminar on Monday 8
March in the Pelican room from 6.30pm.
International Women’s
Day was set up to promote women’s human rights, political participation
and economic security for women worldwide.
The Library’s
Wealth Creation for Women seminar will be presented by a local female
financial planner with over 25 years experience.
Manager Cathy Howie said the seminar would provide women of all ages
with free advice on how to start reaching their financial and lifestyle
goals faster.
“According to the Australian Bureau of
Statistics, 39 percent of women aged 60 to 65 are still at work, as are
15 percent of those aged 65 to 69 and 2 percent of the over-70s,” Ms
Howie said.
“An ABS survey in 2007 reported that
the average superannuation balance for Australian workers was just
$23,698 and that generally the superannuation balance for men was twice
as much as women.”
Ms Howie said the seminar would help
women of all ages to glean information about investing, superannuation
and preparing for future retirement.
“With statistics showing
that only 11 percent of women surveyed in 2007 had $100,000 or more in
their superannuation account, this workshop should prove a useful tool
in educating women on how to prepare for retirement,” she said.
The seminar is free, however bookings are essential and can be made by
phoning Mona Vale Library on 9970 1600.
information on other events being held to celebrate International
Women’s Day, Monday 8 March 2010, visit
Media contact: Cathy Howie Mona Vale Library Ph: 9970 1600
Waiting for school ferry at Tennis
wharf in the mornings.
Friday, 19th February, 2010
morning I accompanied my neighbour’s child down to Tennis wharf to
catch the Newport school ferry. What I was met with was
mortifying. There were 7 young children jumping on the
bin, 3 young children on the commuter wharf, playing with the boats,
(i.e. Jumping over them), one young boy walking side-saddle along the
guard fence which shelters the fire boat out to the end of the pylons
and bless his soul, one young boy, old enough to know better, swinging
on the stainless steel gate that gives access to the fire
boat. Several young boys were running up and down the wharf
steps. The rest of the children were watching and no doubt learning how
to do all these tricks. (?)
There was not one adult in sight.
have a sense of responsibility, don't they?? Don't for one
think that your child was not doing anything wrong. You as
are the mistake and should accompany your child to the wharf.
It is only 15mins. of your time each day.
This is just one big accident waiting to happen.
Can your child swim, if not, why????
Will your child make headlines in next week's media, with you cringing
in the background?
P.S. The fire boat gate does not have a lock on it, for obvious
Signed............................. Phillippa Thomas, 30 year resident
of Scotland Island.
House Sitter
Female Writer
on extended employment leave who lives on the South Coast
would love an opportunity to stay on the island and is seeking part-time or fulltime house-sit
– can leave the island on weekends / school holidays if
necessary.Willing to help out with light housekeeping duties
pet and plant minding or some professional writing.
Excellent references from island residents and a webpage on career
profile is available.
Phone Susan 0421 459 747
What's the best
the never-ending search for ways of keeping my gutters and water clean,
I've been toying with fitting Gumleaf steel gutter guard -- see
I'm a bit hesitant because it's a much more permanent solution than the
plastic guard I use right now, and I'm worried about the resulting
difficulty of cleaning silt out of the gutters.
So: has anyone
tried this product and have a view on it? More generally, if
people have views on what works and what doesn't in terms of the
various gutter guard solutions out there, I'd be happy to collate views
and comments for those interested, or perhaps for a piece in a future
Robert Dale (
For Sale
If you have something for sale that
you think locals would like - let us know and we will put an
entry in the PON at the beginning of each month...
Business for Sale
Swimming Pool Franchise - Manly, Allambie
Don and Bev Dwyer
92 regular customers Est. 10 yrs
Pool care and maintenance.
Suit early retiree.
Please contact don 0412 614 515e
Local Guide - Community Information
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