bringing nature, nurseries and gardeners together  July 1 2022
GARDEN NOTES:  Kudos to the Natural Gardener for offering an impressive nine free classes this month. There's gardening for bats (tomorrow), organic lawn care (July 9) and care of houseplants (July 12). Most timely of all will be Tim Miller's "Water Conservation for Gardeners" talk on July 16. At Millberg Farm, Tim hasn't used a drop of water from the aquifer for 30+ years. Register here: TNG 🌿 At the Austin Organic Gardeners meeting on July 11, soil expert Kara Kroeger will show how to visually assess soil health, and will share tips on micro-biological diversity.  6 - 9 p.m. Live at Zilker, and streaming too. A.O.G. 
TURN FRUITS & HERBS INTO LIQUEURS: mix 2 pints of strawberries with simple syrup and 3 cups of vodka, leave for a week, and you will have created your own strawberry liqueur. From Andrew Schloss - The Splendid Table 
JAPANESE FENCING: learn how to create a simple bamboo fence ('Yotsume gaki') from Ben Schrepf of the Japanese Friendship Garden of Phoenix. You Tube 
THOMAS WOLTZ, WILD BY DESIGN: a profile of this unique landscape architect for whom beauty springs from the ecological health of the land. “This idea of decorating the outdoors is not what we do,” he explains. Garden & Gun 
THE AUSTIN GARDEN relies entirely on support from its  readers. Please consider making a donation today. ; - ) 
Many thanks! PayPal link 
CENTRAL TEXAS GARDENER:  Karen Guz (San Antonio Water System) gives tips to gardeners about saving water. On tour in San Antonio, Shirley and Neal Fox designed water thrifty dimensions for wildlife and outdoor living. PBS 
     The World of Tea Herbs
                                  by Donna Ellis
My garden is my happy place. Sound familiar?  Never met a plant I didn’t find beautiful. Use is a matter of imagination.

My dooryard potager (kitchen garden) has 37 plants, and some are part of my tea habit. Tea-making uses fresh or dried plants, individually or in mixtures. Clip them fresh, wash, and then use immediately.

If nothing else, I can flavor my drinking water with a single leaf of sage, rolled to release the oils.  I’ve used rosemary, mint, lemon verbena and lemon balm this way.  

Hot sage tea is my restorative. When pollen or mold are high, I use 2-3 fresh leaves torn or rolled, steeped 5 minutes to chase the irritation.

Oregano and thyme have also worked.  I don’t mind pungent, and have tried rosemary and winter savory on their own as a steeped cup.  

Dried leaves can replace half or all the black tea in a brew.  Successful mixtures in my kitchen have included leaf of Mexican lime, rose petals, fern leaf lavender, hyssop, German chamomile, anise hyssop, and tarragon. My advice is go easy with the mint. Less is more.

To boil water, I prefer an electric kettle but any pot will do. Boil, let the bubbles subside, and pour over the experimental concoction.

For a tisane (herbal tea),  I use 1/2 cup fresh plants to 16 ounces of boiled water. Steep for three minutes. Dried plants also steep for three, but use 1/4 cup plant to 16 oz. water.
The writer in her kitchen this spring.

Garden tea making is a gateway to things like bolted cilantro in scrambled eggs, and Sambuc jasmine blossoms in orange juice.  

If you become a free-range picker, there are cautions: even in your own garden, ID plants with certainty; avoid plants whose compounds are unknown to you; avoid things like blossoms of the Solanaceae (nightshade) family.

This is how I keep my nose-mind connection to the garden. I take my happy place to-go, as a companion in mundane duties. Happy gardening everyone.❦
Donna Ellis is a local non-fiction writer and community facilitator. She frequently speaks on astrology, and her 45 year acquaintance with herbs.
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