Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Titus 1:2-3 ... in hope of eternal life which God, who cannot lie, promised before time began, but has in due time manifested His word through preaching, which was committed to me according to the commandment of God our Savior.


As we look forward as believers in Christ, as a church, our confidence, our certainty for the future (in the midst of a chaotic world) springs from the promises of God our Savior. It was the same with the Apostle Paul.

Our futures are not dependent upon what we have done or will do, but upon the promises of our God. Our best laid plans may well not work out like we want or expect. Hey, no problem!

While we don't know the future, we do know the one who holds the future in His Hands. We can look forward to the future knowing that God is our loving Father through faith in Christ and that our sins are forgiven in Jesus' shed blood. God has promised us as much and He cannot lie. He is faithful, He keeps His Word.

No, don't be afraid of the future. As I read recently on a church sign: "What God saves ... He keeps." It's true. He who bought and paid for us with the blood of His Son will not tomorrow cast us off as refuse! When we cling to Him and His Word, we have nothing to fear. I know that word "hope" is often used in uncertain situations, but when it is used of God's promises there is nothing uncertain about it -- it's our expectation that God will keep His Promise.

We fully expect that we will have eternal life because God Himself, who cannot lie, promised and promises it still. Those promises of God that were once hidden have now been given to be shouted in public, by Paul, by you and me!