A number of disturbing incidences of island dogs being poisoned by rat
poison have occurred just recently.
Savages have done a great deal of research following their ordeal and
have written a very useful document that all pet owners should read.
Looking Back Thinking Forward Fair Day on Sunday 12th Sept. is
speeding towards us in a hurry, and Emmie and all the others involved
are working non stop to make this something really special and
memorable. A call for photos and postcards is out as the deadlines are
closing soon - contact details are available at the bottom of
article below.
Next Sunday at 8 am SIRA are having a CHURCH POINT PARKING FEES Q
& A / INFORMATION SESSION. If you have concerns regarding this
issue then this is your opportunity to get a clear understanding of
just what is being proposed. Make sure you mark your
Speaking of calendars check out Gwyn's contribution this month.
Gwyn's Calendar
Dogs Poisoned
FireShed Dinner
200 Years Festival
Local Council
Post Office Services
The Future Makers
at SI Hall
Author Talks
Beaches Youth Orchestra
Your Say
For Sale
Local Guide
subscription Information
April 2010 Calendar
To download
a full version (A4 size) of this months calendar, ready for
printing, just click on the
calendar image.
You can contact
Gwyn Perkins by email at g.perkins@gwyn.com.au
file is quite large and in PDF format. To view PDF
documents you
will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer.
download Acrobat Reader please click here |
Poisoned with Rat Poison on
Scotland Island
Rat Bait Kills
My Wife Lyn and I have recently experienced an anxious week during
which we almost lost our two little dogs to rat poisoning. I won’t
detail the events of our experience, just that we have no idea where
they might have found the poison and both dogs ended up
spending time in hospital, Silas had to have a blood transfusion or he
would have died and the vet bills amounted to almost $4 000 dollars.
Believe you me, the money is nothing compared with the heartbreak that
Lyn and I would have suffered if we had lost our precious Silas.
During this ordeal I did a lot of research on rat poisons (as is my
wont) and I would like to relate what I discovered for two reasons:-
1) To implore the community not to use
rat bait.
2) To warn pet owners of the dangers and
There are many rodenticides on the market, all work in the same
insidious and environmentally hostile way. They all take a while (a few
days to as long as over a week) to take effect, presumably the idea is
that a healthy rat doesn’t “smell a rat” when he sees other dead rats
at the poison site. The poisons act by destroying the enzymes that
create vitamin K1, which is essential for blood clotting. The victim
dies by bleeding to death, usually internally, possibly by additional
complications such as drowning with lungs filled with blood.
The latest poisons last longer in the system and can remain effective
for as long as 4 weeks. Worst of all, there is a secondary effect,
where any wildlife or pet that eats a dead or dying rat or mouse will
in turn get sufficient poison in their system to kill them. So owls,
eagles, hawks etc. will be effected as well as dogs and cats. And it’s
no surprise that the rat bait is formulated to be tasty to all animals.
Our little dogs love a bit of cheese so no doubt also love the taste of
rat bait.
Of course we can’t stop people with rat problems from using rat bait,
though I hope that reading this makes these people change their minds
about it and investigate other more humane and environmentally friendly
methods (traps etc.). What we can hope for is that households who
continue using rat bait in the community let your neighbours know about
it and perhaps put up a sign so that pet owners can be sure that their
animals don’t stray onto your property.
Immediately after Eating Rat Poison
There are very few obvious signs that your pet has eaten rat poison
until a few days or even a week later. Do NOT make the mistake of
seeing signs they may have eaten it and not doing anything because they
seem fine, this will cost your pet and will end up costing you much
higher vet bills.
One symptom appears to be bright grass-green coloured poo, so if you
see this then the alarm bells should ring. Vomiting may occur, but
often not.
When you start seeing any of these symptoms your pet is close to death,
maybe a couple days, maybe a few hours. Get it to a vet immediately.
1) General depression, lethargy, dead
eyes, not the same animal as usual.
2) Blood in poo or urine.
3) Blood in eyes, ears or nostrils.
4) Painful reaction to picking up or
touch, stiff stance due to pain.
5) Out of breath, puffing.
to do
If you see your pet eating poison then the first thing to do is try to
induce vomiting for example by forcing it to drink salty water. In any
case phone the vet and they will tell you what to do and get the animal
to the vet. If it’s possible to identify the source and brand of the
poison it will help.
the vet should do
The first thing the vet should do is give the dog Vitamin K1. The only
good thing about rat poisoning is that the treatment is well-known and
always works (thank God). The vitamin takes about 24 hours to kick in
and heal the clotting deficiencies so the sooner it is administered the
better. It has no negative effects so the worst case is the dog didn’t
have rat poisoning and you spent a little on vitamins. Mind you, they
need to stay on the K1 for at least 3 to 4 weeks.
The primary confirmation of rat poisoning is a blood test to measure
the clotting factors. This will obviously only show when the poison has
started taking effect. Also this test is not cheap, costs around $150
and takes a while to get the results. It is also the definitive test
that the dog is better (a few days after stopping the vitamin K1).
A much quicker and cheaper blood test is a Packed Cell Volume (PCV)
test which the vet should be able to do while you wait. This test is
basically a red blood cell percentage which for normal dogs should be
somewhere in the vicinity of 35 to 40%. Periodic PCV tests may show a
declining red blood cell count which is a sure sign of internal
bleeding (or some other horrible auto-immune system disease, but that
is another story). Silas had his PCV reduce to a critical level of 14%
which was when the vet decided on a blood transfusion.
Fortunately when the vitamin K1 kicks in the prognosis for the animal
is very good provided they stay on the vitamin until all the rat poison
is out of the system (might be 3 to 4 weeks). 2 Days after his
near-death experience our Silas was just about back to his normal
lovable and annoying self and April’s eye swelling had reduced right
down. They now seem 100% and our only problem has been restraining them
from too much physical activity. The final test of their full recovery
will be when they go for a final blood coagulation test a few days
after coming off the vitamin K.
... ...
Hi Islanders, I’m sure that by now many of you have heard that my dog
Rubin, a golden-haired kelpie cross and at least two other dogs on the
island nearly died after eating rat poison. These three dogs were
bleeding from their orifices, had to be rushed to the vet and have
emergency blood transfusions or they would have died.
While I am not sure where my dog ate the poison, I just
wanted to bring it to the attention of all islanders that this is not a
pleasant or humane way to rid your property of rats, neither is it very
environmentally-friendly. What about all the cats, native marsupials
and goannas who could also be poisoned too as well as dogs? You can get
traps that catch rats alive so you can release them elsewhere.
Please think again before you use rat poison and its affect on our
domestic and native animals!!!
Melinda Ham

Fire Shed Dinner - Italian Indulgence…
Live Music by
Joes Garage!
Your indulgence will include:
Spaghetti Bolognaise
Spaghetti Carbonara
Spaghetti Primavera
Home made garlic bread
Saturday, 14
August at 7.00pm
Cost: $15
Buy your tickets at the door
No BYO, licensed bar operating
Bring along your favourite dessert and test your culinary skills
against the rest of the island. We will select the judge from
the attendees of the night. The judge will sample each of the
desserts and select the most scrumptious as the WINNER! The winner gets
a bottle of bubbles!
So come along, relax with your friends and enjoy the fine food, a glass
of wine or two and a little boogie – to the sounds of Joes
Spread the word, we look forward to seeing you all there.
Don’t forget to bring your dancing shoes!
Bring the Kids - $7 dinners

Back / Thinking Forward Festival
During the holidays our energetic volunteer Emmie Collins ran Lantern
workshops for lots of our kids.
with a few volunteers worked tirelessly to build some very exciting and
creative lanterns that will be one of the features of the finale for
our Looking Back Thinking Forward Fair Day on Sunday 12th Sept. It will
be a very full and fun day so keep you eye open for details of more
... ...
Calling all
Offshore Veterans …
Bring out those
Photo Albums!
Tell those Tales!
the Looking Back, Thinking Forward celebration of the Island
Sunday, 12th September, we are preparing an exhibition of historical
photos and memorabilia. We can get photos of the Island and bays in1899
from the public archives, but the history that we have made ourselves
over the last half century is sitting in your shelves.
if you were here in the last century, have you got photos of people,
places, events to share with the rest of us? Here are a few ideas -
Gone but not
forgotten – photos of those who have departed in one way
or another
Those were
the days – parties, plays, events, fun in the park
Progress (?)
– wharves, roads, buildings, Church Point, boats, ferries
groups - at work and play
Generation – Island childhoods, how about a baby/toddler
competition for older second generation living here?
would be great if you could scan them or get us a copy as we’d prefer
not to handle originals. Or if you’ve got lots and aren’t sure which
will be needed, contact me by email or phone and one of our eager team
will come and peruse your past. Professional photographer Chuck Bradley
will even restore them to looking better than ever!
– A couple of people will be presenting longer talks about different
phases of the offshore history, but we’d also like to have an informal
session for anyone to tell a tale of the past. So let your memory drift
back … is there a story you’d like to tell? It would be great to have
some starters booked, as well as the chance for people to pipe up on
the day. No need to be a polished performance – just a time to remember
days gone by or a particular episode that stands out for you. If you
would be willing to tell a tale, great – again, contact me.
Jenny Cullen : 9997
8536 amjmcullen@spin.net.au
... ...
‘Postcards from
Pittwater’ Exhibition
Opening: 6pm SAT. SEPT 11th
Scotland Is. Community Hall
(after acapella choir “Isingonthecake” in the Fire
Shed @ 4pm)
(children, artists and non-artists) can submit photos or artworks that
explore the nature of our place and community, past and present, to be
exhibited in the Scotland Island Community Hall on Festival weekend,
Sat 11th & Sun. 12th September, 2010.
Blank postcards with
sticky backing can be purchased from the Post Office, Waterfront Café
or PMC Hill Real Estate for just $1.00 from Monday 2nd Aug
some to Ex-residents and have them send them back for inclusion. It can
be a photograph or artwork of any aspect of living off shore. It could
be historical or contemporary. It’s up to you to interpret!
the image for presentation on card write a little something on the back
and return them to a designated box at the post office. I would like to
have them a week before the exhibition so we can prepare them for
hanging.The completed postcards will be for sale at the exhibition for
$5 each .We will put a stamp on them and post them back to
All proceeds to be divided into local NFP organizations.
0400 3113157/tracysmith@estudioeditions.com.au

Ferry Service Survey
Just a reminder that if you would like to have your say on any
improvements we can make to the Ferry Service, please complete
the quick online survey.
The last question is open ended so that you can cover any issues or
requests you have.
Please respond by the 3rd of August. Go to http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/J5MZ6QC
Penny Gleen
Church Point Ferry Service

Notices |
Pittwater Council is celebrating the creative arts this winter at Mona
Vale Library with its new Winterval art competition.
inaugural competition theme is ‘Faces in the Street’ and entries are
invited from a range of categories, including creative writing,
photography, painting and recycled artworks.
The competition is
open to all residents of the northern beaches, with entries to be
submitted at the customer service desk at Mona Vale Library with an
attached entry form. Entry forms can be downloaded at www.pittwater.nsw.gov.au/library
to the writing competition can be poetry or prose, fiction or
non-fiction with a word limit of 500, with painting entries to be no
larger than 1 metre square and delivered ready to hang.
competition will culminate with a ‘viewer’s choice’ event at the
library on Saturday 11 September, with the winners presented with their
prizes by local Member for Pittwater Rob Stokes.
Mayor Harvey Rose said Winterval was a new opportunity for Pittwater
residents to show their artistic talents.
are encouraging as many participants as possible by opening the
competition up to the three age groups of primary aged children,
secondary aged children and adults,” he said.
“The winning entries will be chosen by members of the public, “ Mayor
Rose added.
For more information about the competition visit www.pittwater.nsw.gov.au/library
or call 9970 1600.
Media contact: Cathy Howie, Library
Manager Ph: 9970 1601
Pittwater Stitchers
of you will be aware that the library hosts a group called Pittwater
Stitchers. The ladies meet each Friday morning and knit,
up and crochet blankets for Wrap With Love.
group have asked me to put out a plea for donations of wool.
Supplies are running very low and they are hoping for a helping
hand. If anyone has a stash of unwanted wool, any ply but 8
preferred, or would like to make a donation of a ball or two, the
ladies would be very grateful, preferably bringing in any donations on
Friday mornings, or alternatively leaving at the Service desk any other
time, marked "attention, Jane Smith".
Catherine Buddin
Events & Promotions Librarian
Mona Vale Library
Park St
Mona Vale NSW 2103
tel 9970 1600 or 9970 1605 fax 9979 1465

Point Post Office - New services available
After an
upgrade at Church Point PO, we are now able to offer all the available
services offered by Australia Post
You can now pay your bills quickly and easily using EFTPOS or credit
(where allowed)
- Deposits and withdrawals for more than 70 banks
are available
- Prepaid phone recharges are possible for most
service providers
- Stamps and postage can be paid for using EFTPOS
or credit
- Money transfer facilities are now available
- Passport Processing will commence at a later
All services offered at Mona Vale PO are now here at Church Point

The Future Makers
Be inspired by
these great innovators!
is an Australian film which tells the story
of eminent
Australian scientists who are leading the way on the world stage in
renewable energy.
Sunday 8
August 2010
Environment Centre Pelican Path
Lakepark Road
North Narrabeen
From 3pm
for 3.30 start.
click image to load flyer

Yoga at Scotland Island Community Hall
Katya is back!
Gentle yoga for all ages and all abilities.
De-stress and feel rejuvinated, focused, peaceful, calm while toning
and strengthening your body.
Tuesday 9-10.30am at Scotland Island Community Hall
$17 drop in class
$60 for 4 week booking
Katya Marden 0414 187916

Author Talks at
Mona Vale Library
The Drovers:
Stories behind the heroes of our stock routes
By Evan McHugh
McHugh, through meticulous research and an eye for detail, brings alive
these extraordinary stories of the men and women who have travelled
across Australia behind mobs of cattle, sheep and horses. These quiet
achievers, of every race and creed, forged an Australian legend.
12 August 2010
Time: 6.30pm
Venue: Mona
Vale Library 1 Park Street, Mona Vale
Cost: $7.50
Adults $5.50 Concession / Pensioner or Friends of Mona Vale Library
(passes must be shown)
Phone: 9970 1600
Bookings essential!
Payment within 3 days of booking
click image to load flyer

Beaches Youth Orchestra
trumpeter James Morrison and
Blues singer
Emma Pask
This is a wonderful opportunity to see the amazing Jazz
trumpeter James Morrison with the wonderful Blues singer Emma Pask live
in concert with The Northern Beaches Youth Orchestra (NBYO) on
Wednesday 4th August at St Augustine’s College , Brookvale.
The NBYO is our own community orchestra and plays to a very high
standard, it depends on community support for its existence.
The off-shore community is well represented with six off-shore
musicians in the orchestra.
This is definitely a night not to
be missed, so come along and listen to great music while supporting a
local community group.
click image to load flyer
Fiona Deegan

Dingy Found
I found a small white dingy, painted blue inside, snap clip on the end
of a bowline, no oars & no engine, adrift in the main traffic
way south west of Carols last Wednesday night. It’s now on a mooring
just off the shore outside our house. Would the owner like to contact
me & collect it.
Marie Minslow
“Ironbark Cottage”
5 jetties north of Bells Wharf
0411 253438
... ...
House Exchange
I was wondering if one of the residents on Scotland Island might be
interested in exchanging their house for my house here in East Ballina
during the month of January 2011.
My house is very
comfortable with plenty of sleeping accommodation, large living area,
decks and an in ground pool. It is five minutes walk to the
Serpentine Beach and Shaws Bay Hotel. Two minute drive into Ballina CBD.
Ten minutes drive to Lennox Head and twenty minute drive to Byron Bay.
Lesley Van Biljon
(H) 66866802
(M) 0421277992

If you have something for sale that
you think locals would like - let us know and we will put an
entry in the PON at the beginning of each month..

The Local Guide
in Pittwater - Self Editing
Event Calendar |
click to
go to the Calendar |
Island Community Vehicle - 0404 103 700 |
Number, Usage & Charges |
Island Rural Fire Brigade - 9999 4404 |
http://www.sirfb.org.au |
Pittwater Rural Fire Brigade - 9997-3795 |
www.westpittwater.rfsa.org.au |
Gallery |
http://picasaweb.google.com/offshoregallery/ |
Island Residents Association
(SIRA) Membership Application - click
here to download |
West Pittwater Community
Association (WPCA) - http://www.wpca.org.au |
Island Water
SI Emergency Water Contacts and Guidelines for water: click
here for information and contacts
Scotland Island 'Water Agreement' - click
here to download |
Island Children's Centre - (SIOCS - Scotland Island
& Offshore Childrens Services)
Catherine Park (Long Day Care Service) 8.30am - 4.30pm (Tues,
Weds & Thurs)
Playgroup @ Children's Centre every Monday, 10.00am - 12 midday
Other services include: School Holiday Programme / Facility &
Equipment Hire
For information call 02 9979 7856 or email: siocs@comcen.com.au |
Island Community Hall
Bookings: Kez on 9999 4092 or kezborthwickbolton@gmail.com |
Real Estate
Services, Clubs &
Island Classes
Dance, Art etc)
Meditation and Group Fitness with Patrice - 0408 707 679 patrice.corrie@gmail.com |
Training with Samantha Moore at Inspire PT
- 0415 543 131 InspirePittwater@gmail.com |
& Modern Dance Classes for children with Sophia
Holland - 0412 851 890 |
Anusara Yoga
- Thursdays - 0421762236 dominiquemarill@gmail.com
or floydcbg@ozemail.com.au |
with Max - Watercolour classes. Phone Max on 9997 4527 |
/ The Forth Way - Call John on 9979 5584, Marion on 9979
3993 or Anne on 9999 3478 |
Group For Catherine Park - Run by SIOCS - Emmie Collins
on 0405 330 781 |
WOW - Women on Water
- second Wednesday of the month - contact Kerry on 9999 4092
& Kids Groups Playgroup - Run by SIOCS
- email Emma trysemz@tpg.com.au |
Scotland Island Players
- contact Bob or Kez on 9999 4092 |
Catherine Park Bush Care Group,
2nd Sunday @ 9.30am, Sharon Kinnison @ 9997 6017 |
Elizabeth Park Bush Care Group,
1st Saturday @ 9 am, Bob Bolton @ 9999 4092 |
Buses and Railways
Island Tides,
Moon phases, Sun rise & set
weather for Sydney (128k circle)
Contact Numbers
ALL EMERGENCIES (Police - Fire - Ambulance) |
000 |
Assistance Line & Information |
1444 or 9281 0000 |
Bay Water Police |
7899 or 0412 162 093 |
Island Rural Fire Brigade |
9999 4404 |
Fire Service General Information 9265 2999 |
2999 |
Fire Service General information |
3000 |
Emergency Service, Warringah/Pittwater SES |
3399 |
Parks & Wildlife Service: 000, general information |
9322 |
of Community Services: general information |
6011 |
Water |
132 090 |
Australia |
388, (ah) 131 909 |
can now join the
Scotland Island Residents Association by clicking
here. Please print the
page and return the completed form to
SIRA at this address:
The Treasurer, SIRA, PO Box 70, Church Point
Please NO CASH.
Contact SIRA at sirapittwater@gmail.com
To join the
Western Pittwater
Association, contact Michael Wiener at m2wiener@bigpond.net.au |
A complete set of past electronic newsletters since May 2000 can be
found and read at https://www.ymlp.com/pubarchive.php?sira
or by clicking
here or
by visiting the Mona Vale Library.
The Island website is at www.scotlandisland.org.au

If you would
like to contribute to this newsletter it's easy!. Send an
e-mail to the editor (editor@scotlandisland.org.au) or by clicking here.
Type your
contribution (100 words or so would be fine) and assuming it is of
interest to the community, does not include matter of a political
nature and is not offensive, it will
appear next month.
To get on and off
this newsletter, click
here or got to: http://www.scotlandisland.org.au/signup
To change your
address, click the 'modify' link at the bottom of this
newsletter or send an email to the editor@scotlandisland.org.au

Local Guide - Community Information
HERE to load
views expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily the views of the
Scotland Island Residents Association (SIRA), or
the Western
Pittwater Community Association (WPCA)