Hello International Peer Respite/Soteria Summit Participant,
We want to let you know that we are still working to support you in starting Peer Respites or Soteria Houses or using the principles in your life or work. Circles have begun to meet planning specific ways to do this. You are still welcome to join them and the information is later in this email.
We will also send you information about opportunities to learn more about Peer Respites and Soteria Houses. Following is information about a free webinar offered by the Cafe Peer-Supporter Technical Assistance Center.
CAFÉ TAC invites you to attend its next webinar, Peer-Run Crisis Alternatives: Warm Lines, Respites, Wellness Centers, Community Response Teams, and PAD’s at Noon ET on Thursday, May 5th. Register here! https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_gE1Z0OEqRu22DUT6uRkMqw
Mental health systems of care are rapidly evolving to include expanded roles for peer- and consumer-run services, and this trend is especially prevalent in crisis response. In this webinar, CEO of North Carolina’s Promise Resource Network and Bazelon Center Innovator of the Year Cherene Caraco will present an overview of five peer- and recovery-centered crisis alternatives: peer-operated warm lines, peer respites, peer-run wellness centers, community response teams, and the use of psychiatric advance directives (PAD’s). 
This webinar is scheduled for Noon ET on Thursday, May 5th. There is no cost to attend, and certificates of attendance are available. Follow this link for Time Zone Converter: www.thetimezoneconverter.com
This webinar will be followed by a series of five interactive Learning Community meetings, with each one offering an opportunity to discuss one of the five peer-run crisis alternatives discussed in the webinar in greater detail. 
To make it easier to participate, registering for the initial webinar will also automatically register you for all five Learning Community sessions.
Attend to learn answers to questions including:
Engagement in crisis services offers peer specialists and peer-run organizations a way to bring peer support and person-centered, recovery-based approaches to an essential front-line space where they can improve outcomes and demonstrate the power of their values. Join for this conversation about specific ways to make that happen in your community!
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Although you haven't heard from us lately, we want you to know that Summit follow-up work is going on led by MindFreedom International. We continue to be focused on the creation and successful operation of more Peer Respites and Soteria Houses around the world.  This includes providing information to the general public about their benefits. We are providing networking and mentoring opportunities for people wanting to open and operate Peer Respites and Soteria Houses, and are working on making resource materials through a website and shorter videos from the Summit. 
We have groups/Circles that have started to meet and we could still use additional volunteers to help shape the follow-up work. We are using Google Groups for e-mails among Circle members and welcome you to join any Circle(s) you are interested in.
Steering Circle.  This will be the continuation of the planning group that organized last October's Summit presentations. They are working to put on future informational presentations. 
Administration Circle.  This group is working on administrative tasks that need to get done, such as the budget, including fundraising, meeting management, and back office functions. 
Networking Circle.  This Circle is working on different ways for people to connect and work together.  This Circle could be combined with the Global Circle.
Mentoring Circle.  This Circle includes mentors and those who want to start and operate Peer Respites and Soteria Houses. They are meeting regular as a large group and also in smaller mentoring groups on specific topics.
Advocacy Circle.  This Circle is concentrating on advocacy to the wider community to promote Peer Respites and Soteria-Houses, such as the general public, governments, and other potential funders.
Website Circle.  We still have the web page that was used for the Summit that can remain indefinitely and be forwarded to the new website once it is ready. This Circle is deciding on the content and structure and building a website.
Videos Circle.  This group is meeting with plans (1) a documentary style video about Peer Respites and Soteria Houses and the Summit for advocacy purposes, and (2) shorter "how-to" and informational videos about specific topics. A first topic being working on is how to "be with" someone in distress.
Global Circle.  This Circle is facilitating the formation of groups who want to organize in particular states, countries or regions.  Separate Google Groups could be created to facilitate this.
To sign up for one or more Circles, click here.
Finally, donations will be greatly appreciated to support this important work.  To donate, click here and select Peer Respite/Soteria Summit in the "Preferred campaign or program you'd like your donation to support" dropdown menu.
To provide general feedback to the Summit Organizers click here. Thank you again for participating in the Summit.