Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Luke 24:11 (NKJV) And their words seemed to them like idle tales, and they did not believe them.


There are a lot of detective shows on TV these days. If you are looking for drama, you'll certainly find it. After all, it's a detective's job to find out the truth about what happened. (I play detective when I try to find out which child hit the other one while I was out of the room.) The world itself acts a lot like Pontius Pilate. Pilate asked Jesus, "What is truth?" Little did Pilate know he was looking at it.

When it comes to the resurrection of Christ, whom do you think should have been most likely to believe it? The women who had gone to anoint Jesus' body in the early morning hours expected to find it still lying in the grave, but what they found was an empty tomb and angels with a message to go and tell this joyous news to Jesus' disciples. When the grieving disciples heard their report, to them it was as nonsense, hysteria, an empty tale.

Sometimes we too can have our doubts about the resurrection. But if Christ has not risen from the dead then what hope do I have in my own resurrection? What life could there possibly be after death if the dead do not rise? What difference does it make if I have been forgiven if I'm going to remain rotting in the grave?

I thank the Lord He has taught me through His Word that His resurrection reveals an empty tomb rather than just an empty tale. I thank the Lord that His death on the cross for my sins counted for something. I thank the Lord that He continues to give hope in His promise that He has gone to prepare a place in heaven there with Him--for me.