Hello musical freaks!
Here's your new BodyBeats newsletter, updated with some new exciting events to come!
We have also some good and some bad news ...
First the bad news!
The management of the double bill tour ‘Laibach & Juno Reactor’ informed us that both bands won’t be able to make it to our BIMFEST due to ‘logistic’ reasons. Of course it’s needless to say we are not happy with this (one-sided) decision that decapitated our BIMFEST line-up in one blow, just two months before D-day. In an attempt to cut our losses and to enlighten the disappointment of those amongst you, who just like us, where looking forward to this, we are negotiating for alternative date for this package. We are sorry about the inconvenience this might causes but it is way beyond our own will. As soon we have more news we will post it here!
Now some good news!
Of course we couldn’t and wouldn’t leave our BIMFEST beheaded, so we at BodyBeats & Dark Entries worked day and night to find last minute replacements for this sad cancellation… And we are please to tell you that the Danish cult and electro band LEATHERSTRIP confirmed to headline BIMFEST 2009 while, in the real BIM tradition, the English ‘80’s New-Wave band C CAT TRANCE, responsible for New Wave Club Classic tracks like ‘Shake The Mind’ & ‘Hypnotized’, will enforce the further line-up. C CAT TRANCE last concert on Belgian soil dates already back to 1989, when the played at the renowned Brussels concert club Ancienne Belgique!
30/10 DJ BORG @ Pilgrimage Party - Westside - BXL
For this 40th edition of THE Dark & Underground parties in Brussels (West Side), Pilgrimage Party is giving the floor to DJ Borg (BodyBeats, Vomito Negro) and our resident DJ X-Pulsif. For sure, you will sweat with the very best of ebm, electro, industrial but also batcave, cold wave and post-punk ! As opening, the "promising" Hatecraft…
DJ’s : DJBorg DJ X-Pulsiv Hatecraft(opening)
Doors: 21:00 Fee: 5€ / 7€ (>22:00) @ Westside, Kartuizersstraat 52, 1000, Brussel,
13/11 STIN SCATZOR + IMPLANT @ BB Night @ Bar Mondial
BodyBeats Productions presents IMPLANT (electro/EBM)
STIN SCATZOR (Industrial Body Music)
Another night filled with high tension, electronic beats, bleeps, distorted noises! IMPLANT, the solo project of 32CRASH Len Lemeire, needs no introduction after being active in this scene for over two decades and having released several albums. Their latest CD 'Implantology' and was released earlier this year. STIN SCATZOR will do what they do best ... Blowing you of your feet with 'Industrogression' from the top shelf! Afterwards DJ BORG will spin some of the best danceable Wave/Electro/Goth/Industrial & Alternative
music that is out there. Doors: 21h00 Damage: € 8
21/11 Limelight Nights with DJ's BORG & Boytronik
BodyBeats Productions & Hivemind Productions present
NIGHTS (Every 3rd Saturday of the
On these nights, obviously inspired by the legendary parties at Antwerp’s Wave/Goth/Electro temple of the '90's ‘Limelight/Follies’, we try to revive the atmosphere and ambiance of those club nights without being, just like back then, too narrow-minded! Resident DJ BORG & DJ Boytronic will spin some of the best danceable Wave/Electro/Goth/Industrial & Alternative
music that is out there. YOU are ALL invited to come and
party! So join in the chant!
27/11 MESH - A Perfect Solution - Tour 2009 @ Hof ter Lo / Trix
BodyBeats Productions presents MESH (Electro-Synth-Pop, UK)
+ INFORMATIK + JANOSCH MOLDAU (Electro-Pop, US) (Electro-Pop, D)
Bristol's e-pop-icons MESH are back! It's been three years since MESH released their last studio album, the highly acclaimed "We Collide". Now, the band is back with a new single, a new tour, and a new album: "A Perfect Solution".The perfect occasion to have this Electro-poppers rocking Hof Ter Lo for the first time ever!
Doors: 20h00 Concerts: 21h00 Damage : € 20 / € 23 Tickets & info: www.bodybeats.be
19/12 Belgian Independent Music Festival @ Hof ter Lo / Trix
BodyBeats Productions & Dark Entries proudly present
After the successful and sold-out edition in 2008, we believe we 've managed once again to gather an extraordinary line-up. This year we have new and fresh talent like SOL 19 & QEK JUNIOR, more established bands like AMGOD & 32CRASH (feat. JL Demeyer of Front 242), Belgian Cold & New-Wave icons RED ZEBRA & AROMA DI AMORE, more New-wave club classics with C CAT TRANCE, vintage electronics with CLICK CLICK, New-Wave club classix with CRASH COURSE IN SCIENCE, and last but not least Danisch electro mayhem on stage with LEAETHERSTRIP! After this all, TERENCE FIXMER will keep you dancing 'till the early hours! Doors: 13h00 Concerts: 13h30 Damage : € 28 / € 33 Tickets & more info: www.bimfest.be
And a grasp of some more things to come ...
11/12 VOMITO NEGRO + Das Ich @ Downhill Festival - Sittard - NL 12/12 THE KLINIK @ Downhill Festival - Sittard - NL 19/12 LIMELIGHT NIGHTS @ Den Aalmoezenier - Antwerp - B (Official BIMFEST afterparty) NEW!!! 12/02 A SPLIT-SECOND & FRONT 242 @ Vooruit - Ghent - B 26/02 EMILIE AUTUMN @ Trix Club - Antwerp - B (tickets available on www.bodybeats.be)
So, musical & party friends, that's all for now ... But rest assure ... there's is still more to come! Check our website www.bodybeats.be for more info and even more upcoming concerts!
Feel free to forward this newsletter to all who it might concern!
Thanks for your time and support!
BodyBeats |