
T H E   B E S T   N E W   W O M E N   P O E T S

Support Perugia Press this Poetry Month
and on Valley Gives Day, May 1

This April we are asking the Perugia Press community to support small press publishing and launching women's voices into the world through poetry.

Perugia poets publish their first or second books with us, and we have been steadily building an excellent library one book at a time for twenty-two years. Please consider joining with us in this important mission by contributing to the next Perugia Press collection and sustaining our current library with a gift during Poetry Month. A donation to Perugia Press enables us to award our annual contest winner an honorarium, to publish her book, and to support her work, and the work of all our poets, as it gains a greater audience. Donations of any size are deeply appreciated. For gifts of $100 or more, we will send you a copy of our forthcoming collection, Girldom, when it is released in September!

Our Poetry Month appeal culminates on Tuesday May 1 with Valley Gives Day, a 24-hour online giving drive in the Western MA community in which Perugia Press is based. Perugia is a national press, but we are rooted in the Pioneer Valley and take pride in the local literary tradition of which we are a part. Valley Gives is a one-day giving event that includes prizes and matching gifts, making it an excellent time to give online, whether or not you reside in Western MA. Advanced giving is possible now, and you can give through the end of the day on May 1 on the Perugia Press VG page

Perugia Press relies on collaboration with our community to continue our good work. I extend hearty thanks to our donors for contributing, which also happens when you read our books, use them in your classrooms, volunteer for the press, submit your manuscripts, and participate in Perugia Press events. Thank you for your generosity!

With gratitude,

Rebecca Olander, Editor/Director

Perugia is a non-profit, Section 501(c)(3) organization;
donations are tax-deductible; EIN #861159639

Come visit the Perugia Press table at the
in Salem on Saturday May 5, 11:00-4:00

read in honor of Poetry Month on April 7

 Thanks to the Eileen Fisher Store 
in Northampton, MA for hosting this beautiful event!

Cindy Veach, Sarah Sousa, Ida Stewart & Rebecca Olander
@ Eileen Fisher, Northampton
PO Box 60364, Florence, MA  01062