Thus 28th Nov 2018
10.30 am
Lawns of Parliament House Parliament House
Contact: Nic Holas, Campaigns Director (0421306739)
For immediate release
What: 80,000+ signature petition delivery at Lawns of Parliament House Parliament House, Canberra
Dr Kerryn Phelps
Senator Derryn Hinch

Shayne Neumann
petition starter Nyadol Nyuon, lawyer and advocate

Prof Marcia Langton AM
Damian Griffiths and Cheryl Axleby, Change the Record
Melanie Poole, National Community Legal Centres
Nic Holas, Campaigns Director,
Ivan Hinton-Teoh, just.equal.
“We will kill you, that is the Proud Boys in a nutshell. We will kill you.” -  Gavin McInnes
It is this violent extremism that Nyadol Nyuon  - former refugee, lawyer, and mum - believes has no place being brought into this country on a speaking tour. In less than a week, Nyuon’s petition has already been signed by more than 80,000 concerned people.
Gavin McInnes is due to visit Australia on a “comedy tour” alongside UK alt-right figure Tommy Robinson, but outspoken advocate and lawyer, Nyadol Nyuon isn’t laughing. Neither are the 80,000+ people who have supported her petition.
Now, Nyuon is bringing her petition to Parliament House in a last-ditch attempt to prevent McInnes from entering Australia to conduct his tour of extremism, and recruit more local Proud Boys.
The independent Member for Wentworth, Dr Kerryn Phelps, will meet Nyadol Nyuon and Prof Marcia Langton AM on Parliament House and hear why these influential advocates are so concerned by McInnes’ visit to Australia, and offer her support.
Immigration Minister David Coleman has so far refused to comment about this issue, despite receiving formal requests to cancel McInnes’ visa from opposition immigration spokesman Shayne Neumann and Greens leader Richard Di Natale.
Nyadol Nyuon believes this issue is beyond urgent, and the minister must act now:
“Gavin McInnes upcoming speaking tour is an opportunity for a dangerous man with a very specific history of encouraging violence to come to Australia to recruit people for his cause. The fact that his hate speech is often accompanied by violence which is extremely concerning.  

“A man who encourages violence, who formed a gang labelled a hate group and that serially engages in violence should not be allowed into Australia. We should not allow this country to become the last hope of such a group.
“I believe any Australians who care about a fair and just society should not accept this as the norm. We should make it clear: Australia is not the last hope for a violent extremist.”

Ivan Hinton-Teoh, national campaigner for just.equal, said,
"The Australian government is allowing a man into the country who has said "fighting solves everything. I want violence." He is not an entertainer but a figure that has inspired violent clashes in the US. The group he leads is considered an extremist group on the FBI watch list and is considered a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Centre. If the government is serious about addressing radicalisation and reducing violence they should revoke Gavin McInnes visa immediately."

"This goes beyond protecting the LGBTI community, it is about protecting women & supporting an inclusive and diverse society. What will the PM tell his daughters when they ask him 'Why would you let a man into the country that actively advocates prejudice and violence against women?'"

"We shouldn't need to be rallying against the government to uphold such a basic standard as this." Executive Director, Sally Rugg:
“ as a platform gives a snapshot into what people across Australia care about and are fighting for at any given moment. users have stood by Nyadol Nyuon’s call to stop Gavin McInnes dangerous hate speech from being promoted in Australia in their tens of thousands. In a world where division, polarisation and violent extremism is at an all-time high, it’s heartening to see so many people stand with Nyadol to say we don’t want Australia taken down that path.
NIC HOLAS (CHANGE.ORG Campaigns Director) 0421 306 739

IVAN HINTON-TEOH (National Campaigner, just.equal) 0419124826