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Hello Friends! 
Happy February to you!
What a month we've had here on the East Coast! There always seems to be so much swirling and whirling in the atmosphere! I have so much to share in this post...including an explanation on why there's a David Bowie lightning bolt painted on my face! Read on...
The thought has circled my mind for so many years! So many! Well, I am absolutely honored to share that this season I will be joining my dear friend Libby John on the 6th season of her podcast Art & Faith Conversations! I have had such a deep love and respect for Libby, have been a guest in the past, and have listened to her interviews for years so it already feels like home.
I'll be be interviewing guest artists as well as sharing reflections that tie together my 3 favorite things to talk on - art, faith, and culture. Honestly, those subject matters are so intimately woven together in my life, that doing a podcast on anything else wouldn't make sense. 
You can check out my first installment that came out today - a reflection on David Bowie's song "Sound & Vision", and some timely considerations for music makers and listeners alike.  LISTEN HERE
By the way, Happy Valentine's Week!!!! ❤️
To celebrate this looovely occasion I employed the two most handsome men i know (my kid brothers) to model my new hoodies! I know...they're growing so fast...i almost cried the other day when i realized they'd be teenagers soon. In any case, these two studs are not yet on the market, but the hoodies are! And they're currently 14% off at the store through the month of February with code 'JUST LOVE'
FULL CIRCLE - revisited 
If you're following me on social media, you know I'm currently turning 2020 into a painting. The themes that keep coming up are ripple effects and generational cycles - circles within circles within systems that also happen to be closed circles. While working on it, my mind went to a post I wrote last year called "Full Circle". If you recall, I shared it with you all in early June after the murder of George Floyd. It was and still is the most widely read and shared piece I've ever written. If you'd like to revisit it, you can check it out on my blog. My hope is that is will be a piece that holds relevance every day of the year, not just during Black History Month. [READ HERE].
Last year (and this year), I've challenged myself to freely explore making art in different capacities: more writing, dancing, visual art...etc. This year, my goal is to paint more. BUT the problem with that is I actually forget to visit with my piano and I haven't been doing any songwriting. I'm ok with that for the time being. But I thought I'd share this video of a song I don't often play live. When I started 2021 I knew "I Don't Know Anything" off my 2018 album, Bigger Than Your Box, would be my anthem b/c it perfectly descibes how i feel after such a long and tiresome year. I think as the days unfold and as we recover from all the battle scars of 2020, we'll realize more and more that we don't actually know anything. That's the true gift of hindsight. [WATCH HERE].
Ok friends, stay warm, stay healthy, and stay hopeful!
Love to you all!