2016 has arrived!
Please take a minute to review and update, if necessary, your UBM e-list registration information to make sure it's accurate with your current city, state and country.
To do so, just click the unsubscribe or update profile link at the bottom of this email to review your information on file.
You don't have to but we ask that you please include the state you live in, if you're in the U.S., or the country you live in, if outside the U.S.  Please DO NOT spell out your full state and country.  Instead, use the standard two-letter abbreviations for state (TN, OH, etc.) and country (US, CA, etc.).  If you live in the U.S., please either leave the country field blank or enter US (not USA).
The reason we ask for this information is periodically we are asked by brethren who have no local fellowship to help locate like-minded believers who may live nearby and this is the information we use to do so.
If you are notified by us that someone has requested local fellowship and you happen to be nearby, you will see the requester's email address and it is up to you to decide if you would like to contact that person.  We will never share your information.
Thank you and God bless from everyone at UBM.