Wednesday, January 29, 2014

John 1:38-39 They said, "Rabbi" (which means Teacher), "where are you staying?" "Come," he replied, "and you will see." So they went and saw where he was staying, and spent that day with him.


When John the Baptist was preaching at the River Jordan and saw the Lord walking nearby, he told two of his disciples: "Look, the Lamb of God!" When they started following Jesus, He turned to them and asked what they wanted. "Teacher, we want to know where You're staying," they replied. (They wanted to spend time with Jesus, learn more about Him and receive from Him what He had to give.) We note that Jesus was then very quick to invite them to walk with Him to where He was staying and spent the whole day teaching them His Word.

What a comforting thought for us in the year just begun. Our Savior assures us that as we meet with Him in the place He promises to be -- His Word -- He will provide instruction for our lives as His disciples. When we study and meditate on His Word in private devotions, when we gather around His Word as a family at home, when we assemble as a congregation around His Word at church, He will be there according to His promise and will instruct us in the truths of our salvation. He'll use His Word to reassure us of the forgiveness of our sins. He'll use His Word to help us cope with burdens of the day brought on by health, family, work problems. He'll use His Word to bless us with that joy of His which runs deep below the surface that He enables us to experience when storms of adversity blow hard around us. He'll use His Word to give us the ability to ward off temptations of the evil one and to walk in His righteous paths, to His Savior-glory.

Father of mercies, in Thy Word What endless glory shines!
Forever be Thy name adored For these celestial lines.

Oh, may these heavenly pages be My ever dear delight;
And still new beauties may I see And still increasing light!

Divine Instructor, gracious Lord, Be Thou forever near;
Teach me to love Thy sacred Word And view my Savior here.

(The Lutheran Hymnal, 284:1, 5-6)